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Push Back the Fog is an achievement/trophy in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


Unlock 3 Far Harbor workshop locations.

General information[]

There are a total of 4 workshop locations in Far Harbor. These locations are:

Unlocking the workshops[]

Longfellow's cabin[]

The following steps are required to unlock this workshop:

Dalton farm[]

The following steps are required to unlock this workshop:

  • Talk to Cassie Dalton located just in town, and she will assign the quest Blood Tide.
  • Upon completing the second stage of the quest by travelling to the Dalton farm and killing the fog crawler, turn in this stage of the quest to gain access to the Dalton farm workshop.

National Park visitor's center[]

The following steps are required to unlock this workshop:

Echo Lake Lumber[]

The following steps are required to unlock this workshop:


In order to complete the "Captain's Dance" during the quest Rite of Passage, at least 2 meat items of any type will be required in the Sole Survivor's inventory.
