This is a transcript for dialogue with Wilks. |
GNRGalaxyNewsRadio | What's this building for? | Neutral 50 | This is the last free radio station in the entire D.C. area. The rest of the airwaves are clouded up with Enclave propaganda. | 1 |
Neutral 50 | I wouldn't believe a word they say anywhere else. | 2 | ||
GNRWilksCT01 | "Free voice of the people"? What does that mean? | Neutral 50 | Well, the only other station that comes through nice and clear on the radio is the Enclave's station. | 3 |
Neutral 50 | All they spew is a bunch of nonsense and propaganda. Galaxy News Radio reports on what's really happening. | 4 | ||
GNRWilksCT02 | What's the Brotherhood doing here? | Neutral 50 | We have a relationship with the station here. We stay in this reinforced structure, and protect it from the Super Mutants. | 5 |
Disgust 70 | This is the only real safe spot in the ruins of D.C. The rest of the place is crawling with those walking abominations. | 6 | ||
Happy 50 | It's nice to have a port in the storm, you know? | 7 | ||
GNRWilksCT03 | I've got to go now. | Neutral 50 | Sure. Good luck to you. | 8 |
GREETING | GREETING | Neutral 50 | Welcome to the Galaxy News Radio Outpost. I'm Sergeant Wilks, and I'm in charge here. What brings you into the D.C. area? | 9 |
GREETING | Neutral 50 | What else can I help you with? | 10 |
GNRGoodbyes | GNRGoodbyes | Neutral 50 | Besides the Super Mutants, just anything out of the ordinary. Citadel's orders. | 11 |
GNRGoodbyes | Neutral 50 | Good, carry on, soldier. | 12 | |
GNRGoodbyes | Neutral 50 | I'm always expecting something. I just don't want to be caught unawares when it springs on us. | 13 | |
GNRResponses01 | GNRResponses | Anger 50 | You'll do what our orders say, soldier. I'm getting a bit tired of your complaints. | 14 |
GNRResponses02 | GNRResponses02 | Anger 50 | If it's action you want, how about cleaning up this pigsty of a barracks! | 15 |
GNRResponses03 | GNRResponses03 | Neutral 50 | No new orders yet, brother. We're to remain here until further notice and assist any reinforcements that may arrive. | 16 |
GNRResponses04 | GNRResponses04 | Happy 50 | It was a good thing you did, brother. He was about to have you for lunch. You shouldn't be so reckless. | 17 |
GOODBYE | I have to go now. | Neutral 50 | Be careful out there. | 18 |
I have to go now. | Neutral 50 | Suit yourself. | 19 | |
HELLO | HELLO | Neutral 50 | Keep your eyes open, Brother. | 20 |
HELLO | Neutral 50 | Make sure you keep that weapon clean, Brother. | 21 |