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This is a transcript for dialogue with Nadine.


DLC04AboutLeader Who leads this tribe? Neutral 50 I guess you mean Jackson. He speaks the word of enlightenment at us, but he ain't fit to lead a song, much less this bunch of morons. 1
Neutral 50 I been meaning to talk to him about this place, but he's off doing his meditation thing. 2
DLC04AboutMansion Why did you attack the mansion? Surprise 50 Woah, woah, woah! That was all Jackson's crazy idea. I knew better than to volunteer for that suicide mission! 3
Anger 50 Last time I wandered too close to that mansion, some old ghoul sicced his dogs on me. Screw that! 4
DLC04AboutNadine Tell me about yourself. Surprise 50 What is this, a date? You start making a move, and it's stabbing time. 5
No really, tell me about yourself. Surprise 50 What? There's not much to say. I ran off from home to see the world and find a fortune. And I'm doing it now, okay? 6
Tell me about yourself. Surprise 50 There's not much to say. I ran off from home to see the world and find a fortune. And I'm doing it now, okay? 7
DLC04JacksonLocation Where can I find Jackson? Anger 50 Off at his magical thinking-cave, I guess. We're not allowed to know where it is. He says we're not enlightened enough to understand. 8
Anger 75 I swear, that sort of stuff pisses me off so much. I thought joining would be all drugs and magic, but it's just the same crap as everywhere else. 9
Happy 50 Guess that's why I trailed Jackson to his stupid mystery cave! 10
DLC04JacksonLocation1A I need to know where he's at. Anger 25 Sure, fine. Why not? I'm planning on ditching this place, anyway. If you're about to cause trouble with Jackson, all the more reason. 11
Neutral 50 His cave's under the Cathedral, but it's hard to find. Use this key to get in through a wrecked ship down at sea cliffs to the east. 12
Happy 50 When you find that old idiot, tell him thanks for all the Punga I could steal! 13
DLC04JacksonLocation1B It doesn't sound like you're having much fun here. Anger 25 I only been here a week or so, but I'm about ready to ditch this bunch of dummies. I already stole all the Punga I could ever need. 14
Happy 50 Hey, if you still wanna know where Jackson's hiding, I can help you out. No reason for me to give a damn about this place, y'know? 15
Neutral 50 His cave's under the Cathedral, but it's hard to find. Use this key to get in through a wrecked ship down at sea cliffs to the east. 16
DLC04NadineBrain Can you get rid of my scar? Neutral 50 You're a lucky one, and it probably didn't do any permanent damage. Scar'll heal up on its own, and you'll be good as new. 17
Neutral 50 Of course, you'll still be missing a chunk of brain, but it looks like you didn't need that bit anyway. 18
Neutral 50 Now, hold still and I'll see if I can't help you look like your old self again. 19
Who cut open my head? Anger 50 It's all a little fuzzy for me, but I've got a hunch. I'm gonna go do some snooping, see what I can figure out. 20
Neutral 50 Meet me by the riverboat in a day or so, and maybe I'll have something for you. 21
DLC04NadineFound Nadine, your mother asked me to find you. Neutral 50 Look, it's not that I don't want to go home, or anything. I mean, I love my ma, even if she does make me want to claw my eyes out sometimes. 22
Neutral 50 It's just, I came out here to find a fortune. To make my mark. To be able to bring something with me when I do come back. 23
Sad 50 If you see my mom again, let her know I'll be coming back, eventually. Just... not quite yet. 24
Any chance you're going home now? Happy 50 Now that I've got this sweet boat? I guess I could head back home... for a while, anyway. 25
Happy 75 Just wait 'till mom sees the haul I'm bringing home! 26
DLC04NadineGreet1A What do you mean, "lucky"? Happy 50 You still remember your name? Math? How's your memory? 27
Neutral 50 When I came back, there were bits in my memory where all I could recall was a white light and a jumble of voices. Crazy, huh? 28
Neutral 50 But you're not drooling, so you're doing okay. The rest weren't so lucky when they got their heads cut open. 29
DLC04NadineGreet1B Nice to meet someone else who isn't crazy. Happy 50 Hey, now! I might still be ten kinds of crazy! You don't even know me, and you can't tell just from looking! {A little offended by the assumption that the player automatically knows who she is.} 30
Happy 50 I could be the "friendly 'til she stabs you in the neck" kinda crazy. Then where'd you be, smart-aleck? All surprised and stabbed, that's where! 31
Neutral 50 But I'm not a vegetable, so I'm sane enough. The rest weren't so lucky when they got their heads cut open. 32
DLC04NadineGreet2A Heads cut open? What are you talking about? Neutral 50 You sure you're feeling okay in there? You might want to check your head for a scar. We all get 'em after going to that bog. 33
Neutral 50 Y'know, the last part of the ritual. After you pass out, they get a guy to bring you back, cut open your skull, and "free your mind." 34
Neutral 50 As in, he rips out a bit of your brain. It's supposed to be the part that "holds you back," but that doesn't always work out so good... 35
Neutral 50 Anyway, you look like a lively one, so welcome to the tribe! My name's Nadine! 36
DLC04NadineGreet2B I'll go crazy soon enough if you keep talking like that. Neutral 50 That's gotta be the sanest thing I've heard all day! Of course, 'round here that's not saying a whole lot. Ritual hit most of them pretty hard. 37
Neutral 50 Oh, guess you don't know. For the last part of the ritual, after you pass out, this guy brings you back, cuts open your skull, and "frees your mind." 38
Neutral 50 As in, he rips out a bit of your brain. It's supposed to be the part that "holds you back," but that doesn't always work out so good... 39
Neutral 50 Anyway, you look like a lively one, so welcome to the tribe! My name's Nadine! 40
DLC04NadineGreet2C So, are you going to stab me in the neck? Happy 50 Me? Nah, not unless you try any funny business. Besides, you already got stabbed enough today. 41
Neutral 50 Oh, guess you don't know. For the last part of the ritual, after you pass out, this guy brings you back, cuts open your skull, and "frees your mind." 42
Neutral 50 As in, he rips out a bit of your brain. It's supposed to be the part that "holds you back," but that doesn't always work out so good... 43
Neutral 50 Anyway, you look like a lively one, so welcome to the tribe! My name's Nadine! 44
DLC04NadineTobarGreet1A What did you do?! Anger 50 I consider it payment for what he did to my poor, sliced-up brain. I was going to do the same to him, but I figured you'd want the honor. 45
Anger 75 Seems that when the Tribals would send someone to the swamp, he'd be waiting around to nab them when the Punga seeds gassed them. 46
Anger 25 He'd do his amateur surgery for the Tribals and let us wander back, all in exchange for Punga Fruit to trade. Sweet little deal he had going on. 47
DLC04NadineTobarGreet1B Wait, Tobar did it? Anger 25 Yeah, looks like it. When the Tribals would send someone to the swamp, he'd be waiting around to nab them when the Punga seeds gassed them. 48
Anger 50 He'd do his amateur surgery for the Tribals and let us wander back, all in exchange for Punga Fruit to trade. Sweet little deal he had going on. 49
Happy 50 Anyway, I figured you'd want a shot at some revenge, so I put him under citizen's arrest, sorta. 50
DLC04NadineTobarGreet2A What a bastard! Happy 50 Yeah, he seemed nice enough, didn't he? I wouldn't have figured it out if I hadn't snuck into his engine room while waiting for you. 51
Neutral 50 From the look of it, he kept every bit of gray matter he cut out, and he had quite a collection! You can take a look, if your stomach's up to it. 52
Anger 50 And while you're in there, feel free to give Tobar my love. Preferably with the sharp end of a hot knife. 53
DLC04NadineTobarGreet2B How do I know you're telling the truth? Neutral 50 Sounds pretty wacko, right? Well, I wouldn't have believed me either, until I snuck a peek in Tobar's engine room. 54
Neutral 50 From the look of it, he kept every bit of gray matter he cut out, and he had quite a collection! You can take a look, if your stomach's up to it. 55
Anger 50 And while you're in there, feel free to give Tobar my love. Preferably with the sharp end of a hot knife. 56
DLC04NadineTobarGreet3A So, now what are you going to do? Neutral 50 First off, I'm claiming this boat. I put Tobar down, so it's mine, them's the rules of the ocean. 57
Neutral 50 So that leaves me with a boat, a load of Punga, and a wicked scar. Damn if I haven't earned that adventure I came out looking for. 58
Neutral 50 Think I'll take over running this ship. I can travel as I like, and always head back to the Wasteland to see mom. Not a bad way to live, huh? 59
Neutral 50 Of course, you can always ride for free! 60
DLC04NadineTobarGreet3B Remind me not to mess with you. Happy 50 Damn right! Now, why can't the rest of the world figure that one out? 61
Neutral 50 So that leaves me with a boat, a load of Punga, and a wicked scar. Damn if I haven't earned that adventure I came out looking for. 62
Neutral 50 Think I'll take over running this ship. I can travel as I like, and always head back to the Wasteland to see mom. Not a bad way to live, huh? 63
Neutral 50 Of course, you can always ride for free! 64
GREETING Happy 50 Hey, just in time! Found out who went rooting around in our skulls, and you'll never guess who it was! 65
Happy 75 As a totally unrelated hint, I'm in charge of his boat, now! 66
Happy 50 We having fun, yet? 67
Happy 50 Guess we never got a formal introduction, huh? Name's Nadine! 68
Happy 50 I know you're not from around here, so what brought you out here? You looking for your fortune or running from your troubles? 69
Happy 50 Looks like another newbie in the tribe! And still able to string together whole sentences - ain't you the lucky one! 70


DLC04TribalResponse DLC04TribalResponse Disgust 50 What are you, my mother? {Disdain} 71
DLC04TribalResponse Disgust 50 Leave me alone, okay? {Disdain} 72
DLC04TribalResponse Happy 50 As in, slack off? Thanks, but I've got stuff to do, big man. 73
DLC04TribalResponse Happy 50 I appreciate the advice, but I'm fine, okay? 74
DLC04TribalResponse Anger 50 I'm not your child, old man. 75
DLC04TribalResponse Anger 50 You're not the boss of me. 76
DLC04TribalResponse Anger 50 Whatever you say. 77
DLC04TribalResponse Anger 50 Sure, okay. 78
DLC04TribalResponse Disgust 50 Yeah, sure. {Disdain} 79
DLC04TribalResponse Disgust 50 I'll try, I suppose. {Disdain} 80
DLC04TribalResponse Disgust 50 Whatever. {Disdain} 81
GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Hey, before you go. If you ever want to get rid of that scar on your head, just come and see me, okay? 82
I have to go now. Happy 25 Yeah, enough gabbing. Let's move! 83