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This is a transcript for dialogue with the quartermaster in the Anchorage Reclamation simulation.


DLC02STTLAmmo I need some more ammo. Neutral 50 Help yourself. Anything you need should be in the ammo crates. 1
DLC02STTLNewLoadout Can I change my gear? Neutral 50 Sorry, that's all we're allowed to distribute. 2
Neutral 50 If you have a complaint, make sure you lodge it in writing using the standard 10-78BGHCF Form. 3
Can I change my gear? Neutral 50 Yeah sure. Just get me a new Requisition Form. 4
Neutral 60 You can only change your gear once, though. We've got limited weapons out here in the sticks. Anything else you'll have to scavenge from the field. 5
DLC02STTLQuarterHaveCARH I'm ready to change to Close Assault gear. Neutral 50 I'll just take care of all your old gear for you and here are the new ones. 6
I'm ready for my Close Assault gear. Here's my Requisition Holotape. Neutral 50 Everything appears to be in order. Here you go. 7
DLC02STTLQuarterHaveFTRH I'm ready to change to Fire Team gear. Neutral 50 I'll just take care of all your old gear for you and here are the new ones. 8
I'm ready for my Fire Team gear. Here's my Requisition Holotape. Neutral 50 Everything appears to be in order. Here you go. 9
DLC02STTLQuarterHaveHWRH I'm ready to change to Heavy Weapons gear. Neutral 50 I'll just take care of all your old gear for you and here are the new ones. 10
I'm ready for my Heavy Weapons gear. Here's my Requisition Holotape. Neutral 50 Everything appears to be in order. Here you go. 11
DLC02STTLQuarterHaveSNRH I'm ready to change to Sniper gear. Neutral 50 I'll just take care of all your old gear for you and here are the new ones. 12
I'm ready for my Sniper gear. Here's my Requisition Holotape. Neutral 50 Everything appears to be in order. Here you go. 13
DLC02STTLQuarterWantGauss The stuff you have is okay, but I need something with more... punch. Happy 100 Hell, you earned a lot of respect with the soldiers for what you did to those Chinese artillery guns. 14
Happy 100 Tell you what... take this extra gear with you, requisitions be damned. If anyone asks, it fell off a truck. 15
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I'm on my way out, sir. {a relieved soldier on his way back to HQ} 16
GREETING Neutral 50 Sir. {order signaling he is ready to receive his assignment} 17
GREETING Neutral 50 What did you need, soldier? 18
GREETING Neutral 50 Come back for a loadout change? 19
GREETING Disgust 60 Remember, that gear's property of Uncle Sam. Hope you didn't get it dinged up too badly... 20
GREETING Neutral 50 Back for some new gear? 21
GREETING Disgust 90 I'm not turning over anything to you until I have that Requisition Holo. 22
GREETING Disgust 90 You need to get a Requisition Holo before I can hand out gear -- you should know that! 23
GREETING Disgust 90 Sorry, no Requisition Holo, no gear. This ain't a library. 24
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 100 Sorry, this is the best I've got. You don't like it, go borrow from the Reds. 25


GOODBYE As you were. Neutral 50 Yes sir. 26
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Good luck out there. 27