Zootopia is an American media franchise created by Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush, and Phil Johnston and produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It takes place in the titular city where anthropomorphic mammals coexist, telling the story of an unlikely partnership between a rabbit police officer and a red fox con artist as they uncover a criminal conspiracy involving the disappearance of predators. The franchise consists of two feature films and one television series, as well as several video games.
Film series[]
Zootopia (2016)[]
- Main article: Zootopia
The first film, Zootopia, was released on March 4, 2016 to critical acclaim and commercial success. It features the voice talents of Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy Hopps and Jason Bateman as Nick Wilde, as well as Idris Elba, Jenny Slate, Nate Torrence, Bonnie Hunt, Don Lake, Tommy Chong, J. K. Simmons, Octavia Spencer, Alan Tudyk, and Shakira. The film was nominated for six Annie Awards, winning for Best Animated Feature, Best Directing, Best Writing, and Best Character Design. It also won the Academy Award, the Golden Globe Award, the BAFTA Award, and the Critics' Choice Award for Best Animated Feature. It became the fourth-highest-grossing animated film of all time, with a worldwide gross of over $1 billion.
Zootopia 2 (2025)[]
- Main article: Zootopia 2
The second film, Zootopia 2, is scheduled to be released on November 26, 2025. It will follow the further adventures of Judy and Nick, who face new challenges and mysteries in the city of Zootopia.
Television series[]
Zootopia+ (2022)[]
- Main article: Zootopia+
The television series, Zootopia+, premiered on Disney+ on November 9, 2022. It consists of ten episodes, each focusing on a different aspect of the Zootopia world, such as the lives of the citizens, the workings of the ZPD, and the secrets of the Night Howlers. The series features the return of some of the original voice cast, as well as new characters and guest stars.
Other media[]
The franchise includes several video games, such as Zootopia: Crime Files, a hidden object game released in 2016 for mobile devices; Zootopia Dash, a time management game released in 2016 for mobile devices; Zootopia: Hopps Pursuit, a platform game released in 2016 for mobile devices; Zootopia Puzzle Slider, a puzzle game released in 2016 for mobile devices; Zootopia: World of Zootopia, a simulation game released in 2017 for mobile devices; and Zootopia: Animal Adventures, an adventure game released in 2018 for mobile devices. It also has two theme park attractions, one located at Shanghai Disneyland in Shanghai, China, and the other planned for Disney's Animal Kingdom in Orlando, Florida.