The Princess and the Frog is a video game based on the eponymous Disney film that was released on November 17, 2009, for the Nintendo Wii, the Nintendo DS, and PC.
"The Princess and the Frog video game takes players on an exciting journey through New Orleans with characters from the film, including Tiana, Prince Naveen, Dr. Facilier, Ray, Mama Odie, and many others. The Princess and the Frog for Wii includes more than 25 mini-games designed for 1-4 players so that the whole family can join the fun and interact with all the main characters of the movie as they help Tiana pursue her dreams. Players can make The Princess and the Frog their own with customization activities that include performing and dancing to music, cooking New Orleans style and dressing up Tiana in multiple outfits."[1]
- Oprah Winfrey didn't reprise her role as Eudora for the game due to her decision to focus on her talk show and instead was replaced by Debra Wilson.