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This article is about the weapon used by Blackbeard. For other uses, see Sword (disambiguation).

You dare face this sword?"
"This far away from your ship? Aye.
Blackbeard and Hector Barbossa[src]

The Sword of Triton was a weapon that holds far more power than meets the eye. Most notably used by Blackbeard and Hector Barbossa, it was featured in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

Rumored to have been forged in the lost city of Atlantis, this infamous blade had the power to control ships and bring dead matter, such as the ship's rigging, to life. Brandishing the Sword of Triton, Blackbeard commands unearthly power aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge. As long as its captain wields the Sword, then the vessel will do his will.


In Blackbeard's character description, released in March 2011, the sword was embedded with one of the three sapphires of Triton.[1]

According to pages from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide, published April 5, 2011:

Brandishing the Sword of Triton, Blackbeard commands unearthly power. This weapon, which some say was forged in lost Atlantis, channels mythical power that brings dead matter to life.
Like a monstrous creature, the Queen Anne's Revenge comes to life - as long as its captain wields the Sword of Triton. Then the vessel will do his will, and spread terror in its bloody wake.

The first mention of the "Sword of Triton" is in several Grog Blogs found in the Pirates of the Caribbean Online official website. In "The Sword of Triton Has Been Unearthed" post on April 18, 2011:

After several days of intense battle to find the rumored item first, the Marceline Guild has unearthed the mighty Sword of Triton![2]

In the "Sword of Triton Compels Pirates Toward Flagships" post on May 02, 2011:

Mysteries still surround this infamous blade ... How did it come to the Caribbean? Is its appearance an omen of something deadlier yet to come?
A riddle scrawled on parchment and found buried alongside the sword remains our only clue:
"This sword holds far more power than meets the eye, for when a royal bow breaks water, ye shall know her name and that of her enslaved crew."[3]

In the "Did You Know? …On Stranger Tides edition" post on May 25, 2011:

Did You Know? Blackbeard's sword is called the Sword of Triton because...
It's rumored to have been forged by the legendary sea deity Triton himself in the lost city of Atlantis. The Sword of Triton has passed from one ancient mariner to another, until most recently falling into Blackbeard’s possession.
Did You Know? The Sword of Triton’s special ability is...
"Triton's Vengeance!" Three sapphires of Triton are embedded in the blade, granting it "more power than meets the eye" as hinted at in the mysterious poem the Marceline GMs found with the sword. Pirates battling with the Sword of Triton do extra damage against the vile crew aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge.[4]

In Terry Rossio's 2012 screenplay draft for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, it would be revealed that the supernatural powers of the Blackbeard's sword came from Rhysis, one of the three Pearls of Neptune contained in the Trident of Neptune, which commanded the winds of the sea and was hidden inside the sapphire that was embedded into the hilt of the Sword.[5] However, in the final version of the film as written by Jeff Nathanson as well as directed by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg, the Sword of Triton's only role and usage was through the release of the Black Pearl from her "ship in a bottle" imprisonment, with no mention of any backstory for the sword.


Pirates of the Caribbean[]

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides[]

When Blackbeard first appears in the film, it was at the end of Jack Sparrow's mutiny aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge. The revolt was quickly stopped in its tracks when Blackbeard himself appeared on deck and used the Sword of Triton to spring the sinister ship to life, in which Jack and his crew of mutineers got caught in its rigging.

During the battle at Whitecap Bay, in which mermaids were attacking his pirate crew, Blackbeard used the sword against the mermaids. The Queen Anne's Revenge sailed and fired its fire cannons to draw the mermaids to the nets held by his crewmen. Through the rest of the quest for the Fountain of Youth, Blackbeard kept the sword in his belt.

In the film's climax, Blackbeard and Hector Barbossa engage in a battle at the Fountain of Youth. Barbossa, now a privateer, wanted revenge for Blackbeard's attack which cost him his right leg. During the duel, Blackbeard was initially able to bring Barbossa down, he was then distracted by the arrival of the Spanish, with Barbossa ultimately stabbing Blackbeard with a poison-laced sword and Angelica accidentally cutting herself on the sword when trying to remove it from her father. Meanwhile, Barbossa claims Blackbeard's sword, and leaves with Blackbeard's crew.

Barbossa had the sword sheathed as he arrived aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, as its new captain. His new crew look on in wonder as Barbossa drew his new sword and pointed it straight ahead, causing the Revenge to sail forward at full speed, and ordered to set sail to Tortuga.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales[]

About one year after On Stranger Tides, Barbossa continued to wield the Sword of Triton. He kept it sheathed when he made a deal with Captain Salazar, promising to lead him to Jack Sparrow. When Barbossa's crew landed on Hangman's Bay, Barbossa drew Blackbeard's sword and stabbed the Black Pearl in a bottle, piercing the glass, after which the Pearl was gradually restored to her original size. After discovering Carina Smyth was Hector's daughter, Barbossa threatened Sparrow with the sword, promising to cut out Sparrow's tongue if he revealed the truth to Carina. Barbossa used the sword in fighting against Salazar's crew when they boarded the Black Pearl. The Sword of Triton remained in Barbossa's sheath as the crew discovered Poseidon's Tomb, but was not seen prior to Barbossa's death after sacrificing himself to save Carina from Salazar.

Video Game Appearances[]

Pirates of the Caribbean Online[]

On April 2011, the Sword of Triton was added to the Pirates of the Caribbean Online game. It was an available weapon for all players to wield until the game closed.

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game[]

The Sword appears as Blackbeard's weapon in the game.

Disney Parks[]

Pirates of the Caribbean[]

On February 11, 2011, actor Ian McShane (Blackbeard) appeared on a soundstage in Los Angeles for a special "head shot" that would be featured in the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction on May 20, to coincide with the release of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Walt Disney Imagineering writer Michael Sprout, (who wrote the script for Bill Nighy as Davy Jones several years prior) was on hand to direct the special shoot with Ian McShane. Sprout said, "He came in wearing his complete Blackbeard costume, including the sword, saying it helped him stay in character!"[6] However, as this was a "head shot", the sword would not be seen in the ride itself.

World of Color[]

During the Pirates of the Caribbean segment, Blackbeard appears, saying "And what fate befalls mutineers? Now we know the answer to that, do we not?" Blackbeard raises the sword while saying "Mutineers...Hang!" before the next part of the segment.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The name "Sword of Triton", despite not appearing in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, would be used in several promotional material, such as the film's visual guide and art book.
  • In Terry Rossio's 2012 screenplay draft for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, a dialogue exchange between Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa served as one of the few 'connective tissue' references to On Stranger Tides, during which Barbossa wanted Blackbeard's sword, which Jack didn't know about. It would also be revealed that the supernatural powers of the Blackbeard's sword came from Rhysis, one of the three Pearls of Neptune contained in the Trident of Neptune, which commanded the winds of the sea and was hidden inside the sapphire that was embedded into the hilt of the Sword. Barbossa would eventually deliberately break the hilt of the Sword, taking out the pearl so he could make a wedding ring for his fiancée Nadirah, who was actually the evil Sea Widow in disguise.[5]


Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides[]

Promotional images[]


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales[]

Promotional images[]


External links[]

Notes and references[]

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Films: The Curse of the Black Pearl (video/soundtrack) • Dead Man's Chest (video/soundtrack) • At World's End (video/soundtrack) • On Stranger Tides (video/soundtrack) • Dead Men Tell No Tales (video/soundtrack)

Short Films: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked
Books: Jack Sparrow prequel novelsPirates of the Caribbean: Legends of the Brethren CourtPirates of the Caribbean: The Price of FreedomPirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual GuidePirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Ultimate Sticker Book)
Video Games: Pirates of the CaribbeanThe Legend of Jack SparrowPirates of the Caribbean OnlineDisney UniverseKingdom Hearts IIPirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer MobileLEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video GamePirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndPirates of the Caribbean (pinball)Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black PearlPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Master of the SeasDisney InfinityPirates of the Caribbean: Tides of WarDisney Heroes: Battle ModeKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Sorcerer's ArenaSea of Thieves: A Pirate's LifeDisney Speedstorm

Disney Parks
New Orleans SquareTreasure CovePiratelandPirate TakeoverA Pirate's Adventure: Treasures of the Seven SeasEl Teatro FandangoJungle River Cruise: Pirate Takeover!Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer IslandPirates of the CaribbeanPirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken TreasureShipwreck ShoreSiren's RevengeThe Legend of Captain Jack SparrowPirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Buccaneer GoldBilge Rat Bill's Explorer Canoes

Entertainment: Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate TutorialEye of the Storm: Captain Jack's Stunt SpectacularFantasmic!Pirates Summer Battle "Get Wet!"
Restaurants: Blue Bayou RestaurantPintel & Ragetti's Grub to GrabThe Snackin’ KrakenTortuga TavernTortuga Treats
Shops: Doubloon MarketJolly GypsyPirates LeaguePirate Treasure
Fireworks: Celebrate the MagicDisney EnchantmentDisney Movie MagicFantasy in the SkyHappily Ever AfterIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightMagic, Music and MayhemThe Magic, the Memories and YouRemember... Dreams Come TrueWorld of Color
Halloween: Mickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadePirates of the Caribbean Ghost TrailThe Nightmare Experiment

The Curse of the Black Pearl: Jack SparrowHector BarbossaJoshamee GibbsWill TurnerElizabeth SwannJames NorringtonGovernor Weatherby SwannPintel and RagettiJack the MonkeyCottonMartyMurtogg and MullroyTheodore GrovesAnamariaCotton's ParrotGilletteGiselleScarlettBo'sunJacobyKoehlerTwiggMallotGrappleWeatherbyExecutioner of Port Royal

Dead Man's Chest: Davy JonesCutler BeckettIan MercerTia DalmaKrakenBootstrap BillMaccusClankerPenrodAnglerRatlinKolenikoHadrasPalificoOgilveyCrashWyvernGreenbeardJimmy LegsLeechBellamyPrison RavensPelegostos Tribe
At World's End: Sao FengTai HuangLian and ParkStengEduardo VillanuevaSri SumbhajeeCapitaine ChevalleAmmand the CorsairJocardMistress ChingCaptain TeagueMoreyGreitzerDavy Jones' Locker Crabs
On Stranger Tides: AngelicaBlackbeardPhilip SwiftSyrenaGarhengSalamanScrumDerrickEzekielGunnerQuartermasterCookMarinaMermaidsTamaraSpaniardKing FerdinandKing George IIJohn CarteretHenry PelhamRedcoats
Dead Men Tell No Tales: Captain SalazarLesaroHenry TurnerCarina SmythUncle JackScarfieldShansaMayor DixGhost SharksGhost Seagulls
Tales of the Code: MungardMarquis d'Avis
Attraction: ReddAuctioneerPirate CaptainCaptain XPrison Dog • Tiny • Seedy PrisonersHook Hand PirateSkeleton HelmsmanBarker BirdBeacon JoeThe Pooped PirateOld BillShy AlbertCarlosFortune RedCaptain GoreJean LafitteTom SawyerCarlos' WifeSkeleton PillagerSkeleton Pirate CaptainTreasure SkeletonPirate RobberTreasure OctopusHungry PirateScalawagCooteThurlBillie HowTaliban PiratePirate AssistantCaptive GuardsSword Skeleton PirateHook Hand Skeleton PirateAlligators
Video Games: Black BartyJolly Roger
Books: MontezumaJames the MysteriousArabella SmithSilver

Crew of the Black PearlCursed CrewCrew of the Flying DutchmanEast India Trading CompanyBrethren CourtSpaniard's crewBlackbeard's Zombie OfficersCrew of the Silent MaryCrew of the Wicked Wench
Isla TesoroDead Man's CoveBlue Bayou LagoonPort Royal, JamaicaFort CharlesTortugaRumrunner's IsleIsla de MuertaPelegostosIsla CrucesPantano RiverSingaporeSao Feng's BathhouseDavy Jones' LockerShipwreck CoveLondon, EnglandSpainWhitecap BayFountain of YouthSaint MartinPoseidon's Tomb
Wicked WenchBlack PearlFlying DutchmanQueen Anne's RevengeHMS InterceptorHMS DauntlessHMS EndeavorJolly MonSilent MaryThe Sailing Ship Columbia
Jack Sparrow's hatJack Sparrow's swordJack Sparrow's compassCursed TreasureTreasure of CortésElizabeth Swann's gold medallionRagetti's wooden eyeJar of DirtDavy Jones' pipe organKey to the Dead Man's ChestDead Man's ChestMao Kun MapPirata CodexJack Sparrow's Pirate BeadsSword of TritonJack Sparrow Voodoo DollChalices of CartagenaDark MagicVoodooDavy Jones and Calypso's LocketsTrident of Poseidon
"Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)" • Theme park soundtrackSoundtrack Treasures CollectionPirates of the Caribbean and Other VillainsSwashbuckling Sea Songs1966 soundtrackThe Medallion CallsHe's a PiratePirates RemixedHoist the ColoursMy Jolly Sailor Bold
See Also
Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card GameLiar's DicePirates of the ScareibbeanSwashbucklersCalypso's Maelstrom