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Someone else named Jack Sparrow. You've brought me the wrong wastrel. Find the proper one and dispose of this impostor.
―King George[src]

George Augustus, also known as King George II or simply King George, is The overarching antagonist in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. He was the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Archtreasurer and Prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire, King of Great Britain and Ireland. King George sent Lord Cutler Beckett to the Caribbean as his duly appointed representative until the Brethren Court won the war against Beckett. Years later, King George tried to get Jack Sparrow to guide an expedition to the Fountain of Youth before the Spanish led by King Ferdinand, but ultimately gave the quest to Hector Barbossa, who served as a privateer.


King George II was shown to be a greedy, arrogant and power-hungry tyrant, as he plans to expand the British Empire through all means necessary, such as ridding the Seven Seas of the piracy and the Brethren Court, which would leave the East India Trading Company in charge of international trade for the Empire. He is also shown to be prejudiced towards the Spanish and Catholics, as he sternly states that he won't let the Fountain of Youth fall into their hands and have them achieve eternal life.


The Curse of the Black Pearl[]

King George is first mentioned in the first film, where he orders the extermination of all pirates on the island of Isla de Muerta following the death of Hector Barbossa and the arrest of Barbossa's crew.

Dead Man's Chest[]

The King is mentioned again in the second film, where he provides signed Letters of Marque for Lord Cutler Beckett after the latter takes possession of the heart of the notorious pirate Davy Jones. As it turns out, the King plans to use Jones and his crew to rid the world of the Brethren Court (a notorious pirate council), and control the Seven Seas for the true purposes of international trade.

At World's End[]

He is mentioned again in the third film, where he happily appoints Beckett as commander of a Royal Navy armada to attack and eliminate the Brethren Court at all costs. However, this all fails when Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew (along with a revived Barbossa) manage to kill Davy Jones to free his crew from Beckett's control, and they team up together to kill Beckett for good by sinking his ship. With both Beckett and Jones killed, the armada is forced to retreat from the seas, leaving the King's plans for conquest completely in vain.

On Stranger Tides[]

George II finally makes his debut appearance in the fourth film, On Stranger Tides, when Joshamee Gibbs and Sparrow are caught by his Redcoats. The guards take the pirates to St. James' Palace, where they place Jack in a chair, and moments later the king meets him in person. King George tells Sparrow of his plan to find the Fountain of Youth before the Spanish do. It is also revealed that Blackbeard was a former privateer of the King before he became a pirate, as he too intends to seek out the Fountain for eternal life. As such, King George intends of having Sparrow lead an expedition to find the Fountain, but Sparrow escapes, leaving an annoyed King George to appoint Barbossa (who became a privateer following Beckett and Jones' deaths) to lead the expedition. Little did George know that the Spanish were actually attempting to destroy the Fountain rather than using it to gain eternal life and that Barbossa only became a privateer to exact his revenge on Blackbeard for taking away the Black Pearl. Eventually, the Spanish succeeded in destroying the Fountain while the British troops were killed, except for Barbossa, who reverted back to piracy following Blackbeard's death. It is unknown what happened to the King afterwards.


  • King George II is only mentioned in the first three films and makes a cameo in the fourth film, but he affects the plot of the films as Davy Jones and Cutler Beckett were answering to him, and Barbossa and Blackbeard used to serve him as privateers before their turn to piracy. It was originally intended that the references to the king be King George I, George II's predecessor who was actually king during the golden age of piracy, but this was changed by the post-Gore Verbinski movies which introduced George II and retconned the first three to taking place later in time.
  • According to the audio commentary, Griffiths' casting as George II was partly because of Johnny Depp's admiration for Withnail and I, another film starring Griffiths. Coincidentally, both Richard Griffiths and Johnny Depp previously participated in Sleepy Hollow.
  • George II and Ferdinand VI of Spain are the first historical monarchs who appear in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series.
  • According to Terry Rossio's original script for Dead Men Tell No Tales, the deleted villain Sea Widow (disguised as Cora June) mentions that "Jack Sparrow vanished into thin air before the eyes of King George II".
    • Jerf Nathanson's 2013 script for the same film included Carina Smyth planning to present the Trident of Poseidon to the King in order to avoid being declared a witch and instead have her name spoken in high regard.


External links[]

v - e - d
Films: The Curse of the Black Pearl (video/soundtrack) • Dead Man's Chest (video/soundtrack) • At World's End (video/soundtrack) • On Stranger Tides (video/soundtrack) • Dead Men Tell No Tales (video/soundtrack)

Short Films: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked
Books: Jack Sparrow prequel novelsPirates of the Caribbean: Legends of the Brethren CourtPirates of the Caribbean: The Price of FreedomPirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual GuidePirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Ultimate Sticker Book)
Video Games: Pirates of the CaribbeanThe Legend of Jack SparrowPirates of the Caribbean OnlineDisney UniverseKingdom Hearts IIPirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer MobileLEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video GamePirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndPirates of the Caribbean (pinball)Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black PearlPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Master of the SeasDisney InfinityPirates of the Caribbean: Tides of WarDisney Heroes: Battle ModeKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Sorcerer's ArenaSea of Thieves: A Pirate's LifeDisney Speedstorm

Disney Parks
New Orleans SquareTreasure CovePiratelandPirate TakeoverA Pirate's Adventure: Treasures of the Seven SeasEl Teatro FandangoJungle River Cruise: Pirate Takeover!Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer IslandPirates of the CaribbeanPirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken TreasureShipwreck ShoreSiren's RevengeThe Legend of Captain Jack SparrowPirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Buccaneer GoldBilge Rat Bill's Explorer Canoes

Entertainment: Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate TutorialEye of the Storm: Captain Jack's Stunt SpectacularFantasmic!Pirates Summer Battle "Get Wet!"
Restaurants: Blue Bayou RestaurantPintel & Ragetti's Grub to GrabThe Snackin’ KrakenTortuga TavernTortuga Treats
Shops: Doubloon MarketJolly GypsyPirates LeaguePirate Treasure
Fireworks: Celebrate the MagicDisney EnchantmentDisney Movie MagicFantasy in the SkyHappily Ever AfterIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightMagic, Music and MayhemThe Magic, the Memories and YouRemember... Dreams Come TrueWorld of Color
Halloween: Mickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadePirates of the Caribbean Ghost TrailThe Nightmare Experiment

The Curse of the Black Pearl: Jack SparrowHector BarbossaJoshamee GibbsWill TurnerElizabeth SwannJames NorringtonGovernor Weatherby SwannPintel and RagettiJack the MonkeyCottonMartyMurtogg and MullroyTheodore GrovesAnamariaCotton's ParrotGilletteGiselleScarlettBo'sunJacobyKoehlerTwiggMallotGrappleWeatherbyExecutioner of Port Royal

Dead Man's Chest: Davy JonesCutler BeckettIan MercerTia DalmaKrakenBootstrap BillMaccusClankerPenrodAnglerRatlinKolenikoHadrasPalificoOgilveyCrashWyvernGreenbeardJimmy LegsLeechBellamyPrison RavensPelegostos Tribe
At World's End: Sao FengTai HuangLian and ParkStengEduardo VillanuevaSri SumbhajeeCapitaine ChevalleAmmand the CorsairJocardMistress ChingCaptain TeagueMoreyGreitzerDavy Jones' Locker Crabs
On Stranger Tides: AngelicaBlackbeardPhilip SwiftSyrenaGarhengSalamanScrumDerrickEzekielGunnerQuartermasterCookMarinaMermaidsTamaraSpaniardKing FerdinandKing George IIJohn CarteretHenry PelhamRedcoats
Dead Men Tell No Tales: Captain SalazarLesaroHenry TurnerCarina SmythUncle JackScarfieldShansaMayor DixGhost SharksGhost Seagulls
Tales of the Code: MungardMarquis d'Avis
Attraction: ReddAuctioneerPirate CaptainCaptain XPrison Dog • Tiny • Seedy PrisonersHook Hand PirateSkeleton HelmsmanBarker BirdBeacon JoeThe Pooped PirateOld BillShy AlbertCarlosFortune RedCaptain GoreJean LafitteTom SawyerCarlos' WifeSkeleton PillagerSkeleton Pirate CaptainTreasure SkeletonPirate RobberTreasure OctopusHungry PirateScalawagCooteThurlBillie HowTaliban PiratePirate AssistantCaptive GuardsSword Skeleton PirateHook Hand Skeleton PirateAlligators
Video Games: Black BartyJolly Roger
Books: MontezumaJames the MysteriousArabella SmithSilver

Crew of the Black PearlCursed CrewCrew of the Flying DutchmanEast India Trading CompanyBrethren CourtSpaniard's crewBlackbeard's Zombie OfficersCrew of the Silent MaryCrew of the Wicked Wench
Isla TesoroDead Man's CoveBlue Bayou LagoonPort Royal, JamaicaFort CharlesTortugaRumrunner's IsleIsla de MuertaPelegostosIsla CrucesPantano RiverSingaporeSao Feng's BathhouseDavy Jones' LockerShipwreck CoveLondon, EnglandSpainWhitecap BayFountain of YouthSaint MartinPoseidon's Tomb
Wicked WenchBlack PearlFlying DutchmanQueen Anne's RevengeHMS InterceptorHMS DauntlessHMS EndeavorJolly MonSilent MaryThe Sailing Ship Columbia
Jack Sparrow's hatJack Sparrow's swordJack Sparrow's compassCursed TreasureTreasure of CortésElizabeth Swann's gold medallionRagetti's wooden eyeJar of DirtDavy Jones' pipe organKey to the Dead Man's ChestDead Man's ChestMao Kun MapPirata CodexJack Sparrow's Pirate BeadsSword of TritonJack Sparrow Voodoo DollChalices of CartagenaDark MagicVoodooDavy Jones and Calypso's LocketsTrident of Poseidon
"Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)" • Theme park soundtrackSoundtrack Treasures CollectionPirates of the Caribbean and Other VillainsSwashbuckling Sea Songs1966 soundtrackThe Medallion CallsHe's a PiratePirates RemixedHoist the ColoursMy Jolly Sailor Bold
See Also
Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card GameLiar's DicePirates of the ScareibbeanSwashbucklersCalypso's Maelstrom