Mount Olympus is a major location in both the 1940Disney animated musical film Fantasia and their 1997 animated film Hercules. It is a kingdom amongst the clouds above Greece where the Olympian Gods discuss important matters of mortal affairs, or just lounge around, eating ambrosia and drinking wine all day.
Mount Olympus is ruled by the mighty Zeus, King of the Gods. The episode "Hercules and the Apollo Mission" shows that the ruler of Mount Olympus is decided through vote. Mount Olympus is made entirely of clouds, not counting the mountain itself, which is solid rock. The mountain connects the kingdom to Earth, and beings can access Olympus' gates by scaling the mountain. Professionally, the kingdom is primarily used by the gods as a place to congregate and discuss the well-being Earth. Only gods can live on Mount Olympus, though other immortal beings, such as the Titans or imps, can bypass its gates. Though Zeus and his queen, Hera, are shown to reside on Olympus, other gods such as Poseidon and Hades are shown to rule their own domains located in different parts of the world.
Places of interest[]
Golden Gates: The entrance to Olympus itself. It can be approached by beings of all kind, but can only be entered by immortals.
Meeting Room: Where the gods gather to discuss mortal affairs. It houses a large table meant to seat all of the Olympian Gods and is located atop a tall cloud surrounded by pillars and accessed via white staircase.
Zeus' Residence: The private home of Zeus and Hera. The baby room for a then-infant Hercules was situated nearby prior to Hercules' kidnapping.
Mount Olympus appears in this film, which is ruled by the Marvel version of Zeus. Thor, Jane Foster and Valkyrie travelled to Olympus, which was located in a city named Omnipotence.
Mount Olympus is seen during the second half of Season 5 of Once Upon a Time. It first appears in the episode "Souls of the Departed", when Regina's father moves onto Mount Olympus after completing his unfinished business which kept him in the underworld. Hercules and Megara are able to leave the underworld after defeating Cerberus, which allows them to go to Mount Olympus, where his Zeus is waiting for him.
In "The Brothers Jones", Hades tries to send Killian Jones and his brother Liam over the edge of the cliff to send them to hell. Liam protects his brother by standing up to Hades, who throws him over the edge. Killian holds onto Liam, who tells his brother to let him go, having learnt his lesson and believes he must pay the consequences of his actions, letting go of Killian and falls into the firery waters below. This transforms into a clear ocean with ships, which allows Liam to go to Mount Olympus for his sacrifice and his crew who he sacrificed the souls of so he and Killian could survive a storm, hundreds of years beforehand. Liam asks his brother if he wants to join him and his crew, but Killian declines, saying he still has unfinished business so can't go to a better place just yet. Liam understands and bids his brother farewell, just as he and the crew make their way to Mount Olympus.
Mount Olympus is seen again the episode "Sisters", when Regina and Zelena's mother Cora is able to pass onto Mount Olympus after she completes her unfinished business by reuniting her daughters as sisters. In "Last Rites", Killian is ready to move onto Mount Olympus after completing his unfinished business where he must help Emma defeat Hades while in Storybrooke. As Killian says goodbye to King Arthur, who stays in the underworld, he is greeted by Zeus, who is here to escort Killian onwards, eventually reviving him, returning him to the land of the living - where he is reunited with Emma - instead of sending him to Mount Olympus.