Johannes Niels is a character and recurring antagonist of The Legend of Tarzan. He first appeared in the "Tarzan and the Volcanic Diamond Mine" episode as the main antagonist.
Compared to his partner, Niels appears as a calm miner, using persuasion and temptation to deceive his foes.
Physical appearance[]
Niels is a tall, fair-skinned man with blond hair, thick blond eyebrows and blue eyes. He wears a tan safari outfit.
Powers and abilities[]
He, along with his partner Merkus, first came to the jungle to mine diamonds. Tarzan agreed to guide them to a volcano to dig for diamonds, on the condition that he get one to give to Jane. After a mishap, they lose their diamonds and leave in chains. They later return to retrieve the diamonds, which may not have survived the lava. They are attacked by Tublat, who they capture, and are about to take him around the world as a showpiece until Tarzan, along with a protesting Terk, rescue him. Once again, Niels and Merkus leave the jungle empty-handed.