In Call of Duty 2, the Spitfire is never seen up close but can be spotted dogfighting with German Ju 87s during the British North African campaign levels such as The End of the Beginning and Assault on Matmata. The player can get a better view of the Spitfires at the conclusion of "The End of the Beginning": when rejoining Captain Price at the captured German FlaK 88, Spitfires can be seen flying by in pairs, returning to base after having established air superiority.
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One[]
In Call of Duty 2: Big Red One, Spitfire Vc's appear in the level Baptism By Fire, combating Stukas and Bf 109s during Operation Torch, the British-American invasion of French North Africa. These Spitfires are noteworthy for sporting USAAF insignia rather than RAF insignia. This is accurate, as many U.S. Spitfires fought in North Africa, particularly during Operation Torch. The USAAF was the largest foreign user of Spitfires, with two fighter groups equipped through reverse Lend Lease operating in North Africa and the Mediterranean.
The subject matter of this article was cut from the final version of a Call of Duty game. Since some information can lack context, the content on this page may not be accurate and is subject to change.
The Supermarine Spitfire was intended to appear in the cut British campaign, in particular, the second mission.[1] It would've likely fulfilled a similar "eye candy" dogfighting role as Call of Duty 2, as the Junkers Ju 87 is also precached within the same set of strings. It would've also dropped bombs in certain set pieces.
Call of Duty: WWII[]
The Supermarine Spitfire appear very rarely in solo and multiplayer, it is very often seen from afar. In the level Marigny one can be seen sometimes in the courtyard after the church.