Pokémon Colosseum beta
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It has been suggested that this article be moved to Development leftovers of Pokémon Colosseum. Please discuss whether or not to move it on its talk page. |
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This article is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it. Reason: Missing various images throughout the article, needs unused text from TCRF |
This article lists the unused content of the Generation III side series game Pokémon Colosseum that has been discovered by data-mining the ROMs.
Early title screen cover art logo

The bonus disc cover art for the US version of Pokémon Colosseum shows an earlier version of the English title screen logo that retains the Japanese release's brick background.
Early screenshots
Various screenshots found on different gaming websites and some gaming magazines show different designs for various parts of the game. The most notable change showing a very different version of the HUD display.
Unused Shadow Pokémon
The game contains some e-mails that are never sent to the player character showing an encounter with a Shadow Kecleon at various locations and more Shadow Pokémon were meant to occur at some point in development before being scrapped.[1]
Minun, Spoink, Baltoy, Castform, Psyduck, Porygon2, Whiscash, Xatu, Wobbuffet, Wailmer, Electrode, Snorunt, and Kecleon are never obtainable in the final game. In addition, while Plusle is given as a gift to Wes; Minun cannot be obtained anywhere.
Magcargo's pre-Evolution, Slugma, and Teddiursa's evolution, Ursaring, are available in the final game. Baltoy, Psyduck's evolution Golduck, Xatu's pre-Evolution Natu, Electrode's pre-Evolution Voltorb, and Snorunt would later become available as Shadow Pokémon in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.
I obtained the hard-to-find SHADOW KECLEON! It's a trivial thing. Only the person who knows the password of this mail's title will battle. They're waiting just before Pyrite Colosseum!
I obtained the hard-to-find SHADOW KECLEON! It's a trivial thing. Only the person who knows the password of this mail's title will battle. They're waiting at the entrance to the Shadow Pokemon Research Lab!
I obtained the hard-to-find SHADOW KECLEON! It's a trivial thing. Only the person who knows the password of this mail's title will battle. They're waiting at the entrance to Team Snagem's hideout!
Hi, it's NETT. I analyzed the SHADOW POKéMON LIST again and discovered six more. The additions are SKIPLOOM, QUAGSIRE, SUNFLORA, FURRET, MAGCARGO, AND MINUN. I'll send another update if I can find any more.
Hi, it's NETT. I analyzed the SHADOW POKéMON LIST again and discovered six more. The additions are ARIADOS, LEDIAN, SHUCKLE, MISDREAVUS, SPOINK, and ABSOL. I'll send another update if I can find any more.
Hi, it's NETT. I analyzed the SHADOW POKéMON LIST again and discovered six more. The additions are HITMONTOP, REMORAID, MANTINE, MEDITITE, BALTOY, and KECLEON. I'll send another update if I can find any more.
Hi, it's NETT. I analyzed the SHADOW POKéMON LIST again and discovered six more. The additions are SWABLU, CASTFORM, SMEARGLE, GLIGAR, STANTLER, and MURKROW. I'll send another update if I can find any more.
Hi, it's NETT. I analyzed the SHADOW POKéMON LIST again and discovered six more. The additions are PILOSWINE, FORRETRESS, GLIGAR, SNEASEL, PSYDUCK, and TEDDIURSA. I'll send another update if I can find any more.
Hi, it's NETT. I analyzed the SHADOW POKéMON LIST again and discovered six more. The additions are HERACROSS, PORYGON2, WHISCASH, XATU, WOBBUFFET, and WAILMER. I'll send another update if I can find any more.
This is BITT from THE UNDER. Here's the latest on the TEAM SNAGEM holdouts! You know the SNAGEM HIDEOUT? I've heard rumors about a suspicious ELECTRODE and SNORUNT there. I think it's worth checking out.
There are also unused Shadow Pokémon in leftover debug strings. These include Mightyena, Breloom, Lunatone, Solrock, Roselia, Chimecho, Corphish, Spheal, and Sandslash.
Corphish is never obtainable in the final game. Mightyena's pre-Evolution Poochyena, Breloom's pre-Evolution Shroomish, Lunatone, Solrock, Roselia, Spheal, and Sandslash's pre-Evolution Sandshrew would later become available in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.
Cut dialog
There are many lines of dialog cut from the game that remain in the internal data.
Rui: Eh!? Chimecho isn't a Grass Pokémon... It's a Psychic Pokémon.
Unused e-mail Senders
The following is a list of unused e-mail senders. Some of the characters featured here do not appear in the final game. Retay, Malpes, Loget, and Longo have unused text to be used when fought as trainers, though no party data remains.
Unused Trainers
There are some trainers that are never used. Aside from a select few, none have any other data associated with them. It is likely they were scrapped very early in development. Hunter Retay (a trainer seen in unused e-mails) mentions his Houndoom and its move Ember in pre-battle dialog, while a trainer named Forten mentions his Vibrava. Roller Boy Longo mentions Shadow Pokémon in overworld dialog, so it is possible he may have had one in his party. Interestingly, six of them are named after numbers, aligning with scrapped story dialog that refers to Six Shadow Aipom Siblings.
There are several unused Level 100 Pokémon teams with blank movesets that would have been used by the Snagem Head class that also go completely unused.
Rui also interestingly has a Trainer headshot and model for standing behind Pokémon in battles, complete with an animation for losing.[2]
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Unused Chaser B, Lady B, and Rich Boy B Vs. sprites |
An Ability known as Cacophony is found within the internal data. It also appears in the core series Generation III games. No Pokémon has it legitimately; a Pokémon can only have this Ability by modifying its data. It is identical to Soundproof, another sound-related Ability, allowing the Pokémon to avoid all sound-based moves. Since it is identical to Soundproof, it was likely scrapped due to redundancy, and some Pokémon that have Soundproof may have originally been intended to have Cacophony instead, such as Loudred and Exploud, which are well known for their loudness.
Unobtainable Shiny Celebi
For the sake of consistency, and to prevent game crashes if they are hacked into the game, every Pokémon has a Shiny variant. However, as the Celebi distributed by the Japanese Pokémon Colosseum bonus disc and other events prior to Generation VIII were coded never to appear as Shiny, it was impossible to legitimately obtain a Shiny Celebi in Generation III onwards until Generation VII with the release of Virtual Console Pokémon Crystal.
Dummied-out song
While the e-Reader content was removed in the international localizations of Pokémon Colosseum, the theme used for the e-Reader menu screens is still in the game's internal files.
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This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here. |
e-Reader room
The e-Reader room is present within international versions of the game but has been made impossible to enter without cheating. Translations had made significant progress before being scrapped, likely due to the poor sales of the e-Reader device outside of Japan. The letter 'E' in e-Reader uses a different font style not used anywhere else in the game or game data. In the European release of the game, all dialog present in the room is blank and interacting with anything will bring up empty text boxes.[3]
US bonus disc game compatibility
The internal data for the US bonus disc shows that compatibility for Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen has been disabled by default. Compatibility with those games is impossible without modifying the ID values on the US bonus disc. There is no compatibility for Pokémon Emerald as the game came out much later.
Japanese bonus disc translations
The content from the Japanese bonus disc was mostly left in the game, but the translation for it was never completed and some items are mistranslated. The Light Ball that Pikachu holds is mistranslated as LIGHTBULB. Additionally, data for the Ageto Celebi is present on the main game disc despite only being available from the Japanese bonus disc.
Relic Stone map file
The Relic Stone map within Agate Village is listed as shrine_1F internally even though there is no floors leading to the Relic Stone. There may have been more maps planned at some point between Agate Village and the Relic Stone.
Unused e-Reader content
The e-Reader content is in the English localization of Pokémon Colosseum, but is entirely inaccessible through legitimate means.
Regional differences
Rui's clothing
In the international localizations, Rui's skirt and shirt were made longer.
Unobtainable Shadow Pokémon encounters
Due to the e-Reader room being dummied out in the international releases, three more Shadow Pokémon are not normally obtainable. Encounters with the Trainers that would have had Mareep, Togepi, and Scizor are not possible in the international releases without hacking the game.
External links
See also
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This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games. |