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The Relic Stone (Japanese: 聖なるほこら Sacred Forest's Shrine), found in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, is a shrine located in the Relic Forest of Agate Village. The Relic Stone has the power to purify Shadow Pokémon once their Heart Gauge has gone down to zero.
It is said to be the place where Celebi once landed, and so had the power to let Shadow Pokémon remember their happy and carefree lives before the doors to their hearts had been closed. Visiting the Stone would let them relive their memories and revert to normal Pokémon once again.
In Pokémon Colosseum, if a Time Flute is used at the Relic Stone, Celebi will appear and purify one Pokémon even if its Heart Gauge is not empty.
Pokémon Colosseum
- Main article: List of game-based Pokémon distributions in Generation III → Ageto Celebi
In the Japanese Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc, Celebi can be obtained here by talking to Eagun after purifying all 48 Shadow Pokémon.
Pokémon Colosseum
Eagun is seen challenging Skrub before the player has a chance to battle the Cipher Peon.
Reward: $1,520
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
Reward: $1,200
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