Plasma Storm (TCG)

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(Redirected from Plasma Gale (TCG))
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BW8 redirects here, due to a series identifier mismatch between Japanese and English set releases, if you were looking for the Japanese set with this series identifier see Plasma Freeze (TCG).
← Boundaries Crossed
TCG expansions
Plasma Freeze →
Plasma Storm
Cards in set English: 138
Japanese: 79
Set number English: 55
Japanese: 50
Release date English: February 6, 2013
Japanese: September 14, 2012
Theme Decks

Plasma Claw (FireWaterDragon)
Plasma Shadow (PsychicGrass)

Freeze Bolt • Cold Flare
Plasma Gale
Spiral Force • Thunder Knuckle

Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Plasma Storm (Japanese: プラズマゲイル Plasma Gale) is the name given to the eighth main expansion of cards from the Black & White Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is the seventh main expansion from the BW Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan. The set continues to feature Generation V Pokémon, Pokémon-EX, and ACE SPEC in the card game.


There Can Be No Calm Before This Storm!

Clouds gather, Energy crackles, and when you play the Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Plasma Storm expansion, a new force will be felt as the tempestuous Team Plasma makes its debut! All must make ready for a new battlefield, featuring electrifying Team Plasma Pokémon, game-changing Trainer cards, and Team Plasma Pokémon-EX such as Articuno-EX, Zapdos-EX, and Lugia-EX. And, as all-new, powerful ACE SPEC cards blast the balance of power and even more amazing Pokémon-EX race into battle, a question must be asked: Trainers, are you ready? Prepare for the Plasma Storm!


Plasma Gale logo

Plasma Storm is the name given to the eighth main expansion of the Black & White Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Plasma Gale, the seventh expansion in the Pokémon Card Game BW Era. It is based on Pokémon Black and White, featuring Generation V Pokémon and Team Plasma. The English expansion was released on February 6, 2013, while the Japanese expansion was released on September 14, 2012.

The card design was visually enhanced for Team Plasma cards. The card border and artwork window were blue and the Stage strip, Evolution circle, the curvy strips, the border of the Pokémon's data, and the Pokédex entry border were blue and silver. A Team Plasma bar was located below the HP and type symbol. The Team Plasma logo was featured in the attack box and description box of Trainer cards. Full Art prints of Team Plasma Pokémon-EX have the Team Plasma logo in the artwork. Team Plasma Pokémon have a blue aura surrounding the Pokémon.

Whismur, Loudred and Exploud, and Lugia-EX were misplaced in the card order. Whismur (#293), Loudred (#294), and Exploud (#295) were placed before Lugia (#249).

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
14/135 MoltresEX Fire Sheen Holo Moltres Legendary Battle Deck exclusive
17/135 Infernape Fire Non Holo Plasma Claw Theme Deck exclusive
25/135 ArticunoEX Water Sheen Holo Articuno Legendary Battle Deck exclusive
46/135 Magnezone Lightning Non Holo Zapdos Legendary Battle Deck exclusive
48/135 ZapdosEX Lightning Sheen Holo Zapdos Legendary Battle Deck exclusive
58/135 Weezing Psychic Non Holo Plasma Shadow Theme Deck exclusive
61/135 Gallade Psychic Cosmos Holo XY Three Pack Blisters exclusive
62/135 Giratina Psychic Cracked Ice Holo Plasma Shadow Theme Deck exclusive
94/135 Druddigon Dragon Cracked Ice Holo Plasma Claw Theme Deck exclusive
95/135 Black KyuremEX Dragon Sheen Holo Battle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem exclusive
96/135 White KyuremEX Dragon Sheen Holo Battle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem exclusive
118/135 Colress Su Crosshatch Holo 2012-2013 Player Rewards (Tier 2)
120/135 Escape Rope I Mirror Holo Pokémon League Yveltal Season (April 2014)
123/135 Hypnotoxic Laser I Crosshatch Holo 2012-2013 Player Rewards (Tier 3)

Corrected error cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
135/135 Colress Su Some prints were printed without the special etching treatment

Set lists

Plasma Storm
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/135 Turtwig Grass Common Promotion
2/135 Grotle Grass Uncommon Promotion
3/135 Torterra Grass Rare Promotion
4/135 Combee Grass Common Promotion
5/135 Vespiquen Grass Rare Promotion
6/135 Cherubi Grass Common Promotion
7/135 Cherrim Grass Rare Promotion
8/135 Sewaddle Grass Common Promotion
9/135 Swadloon Grass Uncommon Promotion
10/135 Leavanny Grass Rare Promotion
11/135 Maractus Grass Uncommon Promotion
12/135 Foongus Grass Common Promotion
13/135 Amoonguss Grass Uncommon Promotion
14/135 MoltresEX Fire Rare Holo ex Promotion
15/135 Chimchar Fire Common Promotion
16/135 Monferno Fire Uncommon Promotion
17/135 Infernape Fire Rare Holo Promotion
18/135 VictiniEX Fire Rare Holo ex Promotion
19/135 Pansear Fire Common Promotion
20/135 Simisear Fire Uncommon Promotion
21/135 Litwick Fire Common Promotion
22/135 Lampent Fire Uncommon Promotion
23/135 Heatmor Fire Uncommon Promotion
24/135 Squirtle Water Common Promotion
25/135 ArticunoEX Water Rare Holo ex Promotion
26/135 Swinub Water Common Promotion
27/135 Piloswine Water Uncommon Promotion
28/135 Mamoswine Water Rare Promotion
29/135 Lotad Water Common Promotion
30/135 Lombre Water Uncommon Promotion
31/135 Ludicolo Water Rare Promotion
32/135 Carvanha Water Common Promotion
33/135 Sharpedo Water Rare Promotion
34/135 Manaphy Water Rare Holo Promotion
35/135 Vanillite Water Common Promotion
36/135 Vanillish Water Uncommon Promotion
37/135 Vanilluxe Water Rare Promotion
38/135 Frillish Water Common Promotion
39/135 Jellicent Water Rare Promotion
40/135 Cubchoo Water Common Promotion
41/135 Beartic Water Rare Promotion
42/135 Magnemite Lightning Common Promotion
43/135 Magnemite Lightning Common Promotion
44/135 Magneton Lightning Uncommon Promotion
45/135 Magneton Lightning Uncommon Promotion
46/135 Magnezone Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
47/135 Magnezone Lightning Rare Promotion
48/135 ZapdosEX Lightning Rare Holo ex Promotion
49/135 Rotom Lightning Uncommon Promotion
50/135 Joltik Lightning Common Promotion
51/135 Galvantula Lightning Uncommon Promotion
52/135 Zubat Psychic Common Promotion
53/135 Zubat Psychic Common Promotion
54/135 Golbat Psychic Uncommon Promotion
55/135 Crobat Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
56/135 Koffing Psychic Common Promotion
57/135 Koffing Psychic Uncommon Promotion
58/135 Weezing Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
59/135 Ralts Psychic Common Promotion
60/135 Kirlia Psychic Uncommon Promotion
61/135 Gallade Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
62/135 Giratina Psychic Rare Promotion
63/135 Trubbish Psychic Uncommon Promotion
64/135 Trubbish Psychic Common Promotion
65/135 Trubbish Psychic Common Promotion
66/135 Garbodor Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
67/135 Garbodor Psychic Rare Promotion
68/135 Elgyem Psychic Common Promotion
69/135 Elgyem Psychic Uncommon Promotion
70/135 Beheeyem Psychic Rare Promotion
71/135 Phanpy Fighting Common Promotion
72/135 Donphan Fighting Uncommon Promotion
73/135 Lunatone Fighting Uncommon Promotion
74/135 Solrock Fighting Uncommon Promotion
75/135 Riolu Fighting Common Promotion
76/135 Riolu Fighting Common Promotion
77/135 Lucario Fighting Uncommon Promotion
78/135 Lucario Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
79/135 Timburr Fighting Common Promotion
80/135 Gurdurr Fighting Uncommon Promotion
81/135 Conkeldurr Fighting Rare Promotion
82/135 Purrloin Darkness Common Promotion
83/135 Purrloin Darkness Common Promotion
84/135 Liepard Darkness Rare Promotion
85/135 Scraggy Darkness Common Promotion
86/135 Scrafty Darkness Rare Promotion
87/135 Skarmory Metal Rare Promotion
88/135 Klink Metal Common Promotion
89/135 Klang Metal Uncommon Promotion
90/135 Klinklang Metal Rare Holo Promotion
91/135 Durant Metal Uncommon Promotion
92/135 Durant Metal Uncommon Promotion
93/135 CobalionEX Metal Rare Holo ex Promotion
94/135 Druddigon Dragon Rare Promotion
95/135 Black KyuremEX Dragon Rare Holo ex Promotion
96/135 White KyuremEX Dragon Rare Holo ex Promotion
97/135 Clefairy Colorless Common Promotion
98/135 Clefable Colorless Rare Promotion
99/135 Doduo Colorless Common Promotion
100/135 Dodrio Colorless Rare Promotion
101/135 Snorlax Colorless Rare Promotion
102/135 Togepi Colorless Common Promotion
103/135 Togetic Colorless Uncommon Promotion
104/135 Togekiss Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
105/135 Whismur Colorless Common Promotion
106/135 Loudred Colorless Uncommon Promotion
107/135 Exploud Colorless Rare Promotion
108/135 LugiaEX Colorless Rare Holo ex Promotion
109/135 Skitty Colorless Common Promotion
110/135 Patrat Colorless Common Promotion
111/135 Patrat Colorless Common Promotion
112/135 Watchog Colorless Uncommon Promotion
113/135 Watchog Colorless Rare Promotion
114/135 Bouffalant Colorless Rare Promotion
115/135 Rufflet Colorless Common Promotion
116/135 Braviary Colorless Rare Promotion
117/135 Bicycle I Uncommon Promotion
118/135 Colress Su Uncommon Promotion
119/135 Colress Machine I Uncommon Promotion
120/135 Escape Rope I Uncommon Promotion
121/135 Ether I Uncommon Promotion
122/135 Eviolite I Uncommon Promotion
123/135 Hypnotoxic Laser I Uncommon Promotion
124/135 Plasma Frigate St Uncommon Promotion
125/135 Team Plasma Grunt Su Uncommon Promotion
126/135 Virbank City Gym St Uncommon Promotion
127/135 Plasma Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
128/135 Dowsing Machine I Rare Ace Promotion
129/135 Scramble Switch I Rare Ace Promotion
130/135 Victory Piece I Rare Ace Promotion
131/135 VictiniEX Fire Rare Ultra Promotion
132/135 ArticunoEX Water Rare Ultra Promotion
133/135 CobalionEX Metal Rare Ultra Promotion
134/135 LugiaEX Colorless Rare Ultra Promotion
135/135 Colress Su Rare Ultra Promotion
136/135 Charizard Fire Rare Secret Promotion
137/135 Blastoise Water Rare Secret Promotion
138/135 Random Receiver I Rare Secret Promotion

Plasma Gale
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/070 Turtwig Grass C Promotion
002/070 Grotle Grass U Promotion
003/070 Torterra Grass U Promotion
004/070 Cherubi Grass C Promotion
005/070 Cherrim Grass U Promotion
006/070 Maractus Grass C Promotion
007/070 Foongus Grass C Promotion
008/070 Amoonguss Grass C Promotion
009/070 Chimchar Fire C Promotion
010/070 Monferno Fire U Promotion
011/070 Infernape Fire R Promotion
012/070 VictiniEX Fire R Promotion
013/070 Pansear Fire C Promotion
014/070 Simisear Fire U Promotion
015/070 Heatmor Fire U Promotion
016/070 ArticunoEX Water R Promotion
017/070 Lotad Water C Promotion
018/070 Lombre Water C Promotion
019/070 Ludicolo Water U Promotion
020/070 Manaphy Water R Promotion
021/070 Cubchoo Water C Promotion
022/070 Beartic Water U Promotion
023/070 Magnemite Lightning C Promotion
024/070 Magneton Lightning U Promotion
025/070 Magnezone Lightning R Promotion
026/070 Rotom Lightning C Promotion
027/070 Zubat Psychic C Promotion
028/070 Golbat Psychic U Promotion
029/070 Crobat Psychic R Promotion
030/070 Koffing Psychic C Promotion
031/070 Weezing Psychic R Promotion
032/070 Ralts Psychic C Promotion
033/070 Kirlia Psychic U Promotion
034/070 Gallade Psychic R Promotion
035/070 Giratina Psychic R Promotion
036/070 Trubbish Psychic C Promotion
037/070 Garbodor Psychic C Promotion
038/070 Elgyem Psychic C Promotion
039/070 Beheeyem Psychic C Promotion
040/070 Phanpy Fighting C Promotion
041/070 Donphan Fighting U Promotion
042/070 Riolu Fighting C Promotion
043/070 Lucario Fighting R Promotion
044/070 Purrloin Darkness C Promotion
045/070 Liepard Darkness C Promotion
046/070 Scraggy Darkness C Promotion
047/070 Scrafty Darkness C Promotion
048/070 Durant Metal C Promotion
049/070 CobalionEX Metal R Promotion
050/070 Druddigon Dragon C Promotion
051/070 Clefairy Colorless C Promotion
052/070 Clefable Colorless U Promotion
053/070 Doduo Colorless C Promotion
054/070 Dodrio Colorless C Promotion
055/070 Snorlax Colorless U Promotion
056/070 Togepi Colorless C Promotion
057/070 Togetic Colorless C Promotion
058/070 Togekiss Colorless R Promotion
059/070 LugiaEX Colorless R Promotion
060/070 Patrat Colorless C Promotion
061/070 Watchog Colorless C Promotion
062/070 Colress Machine I U Promotion
063/070 Hypnotoxic Laser I U Promotion
064/070 Colress Su U Promotion
065/070 Team Plasma Grunt Su U Promotion
066/070 Plasma Frigate St U Promotion
067/070 Plasma Energy Colorless E U Promotion
068/070 Scramble Switch I R Promotion
069/070 Dowsing Machine I R Promotion
070/070 Victory Piece I R Promotion
071/070 VictiniEX Fire SR Promotion
072/070 ArticunoEX Water SR Promotion
073/070 CobalionEX Metal SR Promotion
074/070 LugiaEX Colorless SR Promotion
075/070 Colress Su SR Promotion
076/070 Skyla Su SR Promotion
077/070 Charizard Fire UR Promotion
078/070 Blastoise Water UR Promotion
079/070 Random Receiver I UR Promotion


English Articuno pack
English Lugia pack
English Infernape pack
English Liepard pack
Japanese Plasma Gale pack
Japanese Plasma Gale
booster box
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Plasma Gale set is released in Japanese and Korean. The Japanese set is available in both 1st and unlimited edition, and the Korean set is only available in unlimited edition. The Plasma Storm set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. The Portuguese set lacked any Reverse Holos, which were available in the other mentioned languages.

In other languages

Language Title
French Tempête Plasma
German Plasma-Sturm
Italian Uragano Plasma
Korean 플라스마게일 Plasma Gale
Brazilian Portuguese Tempestade de Plasma
Russian Шторм Плазмы Shtorm Plazmy
Spanish Tormenta Plasma

External links

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Black & White Series
BW Black Star Promos
Black & White: Green TornadoRed FrenzyBlue Assault
McDonald's CollectionBlack & White Trainer Kit
Emerging Powers: Power PlayToxic Tricks
Noble Victories: Fast DazeFurious Knights
Next Destinies: Explosive EdgeVoltage Vortex
Dark Explorers: ShadowsRaiders
McDonald's Collection 2012
Dragons Exalted: DragonSpeedDragonSnarl
Dragon Vault
Boundaries Crossed: Ice ShockCold Fire
Plasma Storm: Plasma ClawPlasma Shadow
Plasma Freeze: Frost RayPsy Crusher
Plasma Blast: Mind WipeSolar Strike
Red Genesect CollectionMcDonald's Collection 2013
Legendary Treasures
BW Era
BW-P Promotional cards
Journey PartnersBeginning Set
Black CollectionWhite Collection
Battle Strength DecksBattle Theme Deck: Victini
Red Collection
Psycho DriveHail Blizzard
Reshiram-EX Battle Strength DeckZekrom-EX Battle Strength DeckBattle Gift Set: Thundurus vs Tornadus
Dark Rush
Dragon Selection
Dragon BlastDragon Blade: Hydreigon Half DeckGarchomp Half Deck
Keldeo Battle Strength DeckNational Beginning Set
Freeze BoltCold Flare
Plasma Gale: Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck
Master Deck Build Box EXBlack Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckWhite Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckTeam Plasma Battle Gift SetEveryone's Exciting Battle
Spiral ForceThunder Knuckle
Shiny Collection
Megalo Cannon: Blastoise + Kyurem-EX Combo Deck
EX Battle BoostMewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit