Next Destinies (TCG)

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TCG expansions
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BW4 redirects here, due to a series identifier mismatch between Japanese and English set releases, if you were looking for the Japanese set with this series identifier see Dark Explorers (TCG).
Next Destinies
サイコドライブ • ヘイルブリザード
Cards in set English: 103
Japanese: 114
Set number English: 51
Japanese: 46
Release date English: February 8, 2012
Japanese: September 16, 2011
Theme Decks

Explosive Edge (WaterFire)
Voltage Vortex (LightningDarkness)

Red Collection
Psycho Drive • Hail Blizzard
Dark Rush

Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Next Destinies (Japanese: サイコドライブ Psycho Drive and ヘイルブリザード Hail Blizzard) is the name given to the fourth main expansion of cards from the Black & White Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is the third main expansion from the BW Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan. The set continues to feature Generation V Pokémon in the card game.


Expect a Battle-Filled Destiny with Pokémon-EX!

The Pokémon Trading Card Game: Black & White—Next Destinies expansion is loaded with powerful Pokémon-EX to give you extraordinary excitement! Discover great Pokémon like Reshiram-EX and Zekrom-EX, and even Pokémon from beyond the Unova region, like Mewtwo-EX. Next Destinies delivers your destiny: Pokémon with exceptional HP, Special Energy and Trainer cards with expanded powers, and expert strategies to extend your victory streaks!


Psycho Drive •
Hail Blizzard logos

Next Destinies is the name given to the fourth main expansion of the Black & White Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as the Psycho Drive and Hail Blizzard dual expansions that make up the third expansion block in the Pokémon Card Game BW Era. It is based on Pokémon Black and White, featuring Generation V Pokémon. The English expansion was released on February 8, 2012, while the Japanese expansions were released on September 16, 2011. Next Destinies is composed of its Japanese equivalent as well as the Reshiram EX Battle Strength Deck and Zekrom EX Battle Strength Deck.

Next Destinies introduced Pokémon-EX, a type of Pokémon. Pokémon-EX are more powerful versions of Pokémon. When a Pokémon-EX is Knocked Out, the opponent takes two Prize cards instead of one. All Pokémon-EX are Basic Pokémon. Pokémon-EX came in two types of prints, Regular card and Full Art card. Regular prints featured part of the Pokémon out of the artwork window border. They lacked the Pokémon's Pokédex number, species, height, and weight. The Pokémon-EX rule box took the place of the Pokédex entry. Part of the artwork, Pokémon-EX rule box and the card border were Holofoil. The whole card had a glossy finish. Full Art prints featured the character art covering the entire card and a special etching treatment not seen in any Trading Card Game companies. Starting from this expansion, the Secret cards depicted Shiny Pokémon. They were reprints of cards released in previous Black & White Series expansions. The Pokémon is Holofoil and a Holofoil type symbol was located in the middle of the attack box.

Next Destinies included Pokémon from outside the Unova region. Next Destinies focused on Castelia City and the surrounding area. As such, much of the artwork featured places around the city, such as Vanillite depicted at the Casteliacone ice cream stand, Simisear in front of the Pokémon Center, and Lapras below the Skyarrow Bridge. Some, such as Grimer in Castelia Sewers, foreshadowed locations that would later become accessible in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
12/99 Arcanine Fire "Next Destinies" stamp Prerelease promo
12/99 Arcanine Fire Staff "Next Destinies" stamp Prerelease promo
14/99 Moltres Fire Pixel Cosmos Holo Plasma Freeze Single Pack Blisters exclusive
14/99 Moltres Fire Smooth Cosmos Holo Black & White Two Pack Blister and XY Kanto Two Pack Blisters exclusive
20/99 Chandelure Fire Cracked Ice Holo Dragons Exalted Three Pack Blisters exclusive
20/99 Chandelure Fire Non Holo Explosive Edge Theme Deck exclusive
21/99 Reshiram Fire Tinsel Holo Explosive Edge Theme Deck exclusive
27/99 Articuno Water Cosmos Holo Black & White Two Pack Blister and XY Kanto Two Pack Blisters exclusive
40/99 Raichu Lightning Cosmos Holo Boundaries Crossed Stage 1 Blisters exclusive
41/99 Zapdos Lightning Cosmos Holo Black & White Two Pack Blister and XY Kanto Two Pack Blisters exclusive
43/99 Shinx Lightning Cracked Ice Holo Dark Explorers Stage 2 Blisters exclusive
46/99 Luxray Lightning Cracked Ice Holo Dark Explorers Stage 2 Blisters exclusive
46/99 Luxray Lightning Cosmos Holo Lightning Gym Collector Pack exclusive
46/99 Luxray Lightning Non Holo Voltage Vortex Theme Deck exclusive
50/99 Zekrom Lightning Tinsel Holo Voltage Vortex Theme Deck exclusive
54/99 MewtwoEX Psychic Sheen Holo Battle Arena Decks: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai exclusive
62/99 Beheeyem Psychic Cosmos Holo Boundaries Crossed Stage 1 Blisters exclusive
64/99 Lucario Fighting Cosmos Holo Dark Explorers Stage 1 Blisters exclusive
74/99 Scrafty Darkness Non Holo Voltage Vortex Theme Deck exclusive
79/99 Wigglytuff Colorless Pixel Cosmos Holo Plasma Storm Stage 1 Blisters exclusive
79/99 Wigglytuff Colorless Smooth Cosmos Holo Plasma Storm Rerelease Blisters exclusive
80/99 Meowth Colorless Mirror Reverse Holo Black & White Variety Blisters exclusive
81/99 Persian Colorless Cosmos Holo Dark Explorers Stage 1 Blisters exclusive

Corrected error cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
102/99 Zoroark Darkness Stage 2 Pokémon graphic used between name and HP; erroneous version is more common than the corrected version

Set lists

Next Destinies
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/99 Pinsir Grass Rare Promotion
2/99 Seedot Grass Common Promotion
3/99 Kricketot Grass Common Promotion
4/99 Kricketune Grass Uncommon Promotion
5/99 ShayminEX Grass Rare Holo ex Promotion
6/99 Pansage Grass Common Promotion
7/99 Simisage Grass Rare Promotion
8/99 Foongus Grass Common Promotion
9/99 Amoonguss Grass Rare Promotion
10/99 Growlithe Fire Common Promotion
11/99 Growlithe Fire Common Promotion
12/99 Arcanine Fire Rare Promotion
13/99 Arcanine Fire Uncommon Promotion
14/99 Moltres Fire Rare Holo Promotion
15/99 Pansear Fire Common Promotion
16/99 Simisear Fire Rare Promotion
17/99 Darumaka Fire Common Promotion
18/99 Litwick Fire Common Promotion
19/99 Lampent Fire Uncommon Promotion
20/99 Chandelure Fire Rare Holo Promotion
21/99 Reshiram Fire Rare Promotion
22/99 ReshiramEX Fire Rare Holo ex Promotion
23/99 Staryu Water Common Promotion
24/99 Starmie Water Uncommon Promotion
25/99 Lapras Water Rare Promotion
26/99 Lapras Water Uncommon Promotion
27/99 Articuno Water Rare Holo Promotion
28/99 Panpour Water Common Promotion
29/99 Simipour Water Rare Promotion
30/99 Basculin Water Uncommon Promotion
31/99 Vanillite Water Common Promotion
32/99 Vanillish Water Uncommon Promotion
33/99 Vanilluxe Water Rare Holo Promotion
34/99 Frillish Water Uncommon Promotion
35/99 Jellicent Water Rare Promotion
36/99 Cubchoo Water Common Promotion
37/99 Beartic Water Rare Promotion
38/99 KyuremEX Water Rare Holo ex Promotion
39/99 Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
40/99 Raichu Lightning Uncommon Promotion
41/99 Zapdos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
42/99 Shinx Lightning Common Promotion
43/99 Shinx Lightning Common Promotion
44/99 Luxio Lightning Uncommon Promotion
45/99 Luxio Lightning Uncommon Promotion
46/99 Luxray Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
47/99 Blitzle Lightning Common Promotion
48/99 Zebstrika Lightning Rare Promotion
49/99 Emolga Lightning Uncommon Promotion
50/99 Zekrom Lightning Rare Promotion
51/99 ZekromEX Lightning Rare Holo ex Promotion
52/99 Grimer Psychic Common Promotion
53/99 Muk Psychic Rare Promotion
54/99 MewtwoEX Psychic Rare Holo ex Promotion
55/99 Ralts Psychic Common Promotion
56/99 Kirlia Psychic Uncommon Promotion
57/99 Gardevoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
58/99 Munna Psychic Common Promotion
59/99 Musharna Psychic Rare Promotion
60/99 Darmanitan Psychic Rare Promotion
61/99 Elgyem Psychic Common Promotion
62/99 Beheeyem Psychic Rare Promotion
63/99 Riolu Fighting Common Promotion
64/99 Lucario Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
65/99 Hippopotas Fighting Common Promotion
66/99 Hippowdon Fighting Uncommon Promotion
67/99 Mienfoo Fighting Common Promotion
68/99 Mienshao Fighting Uncommon Promotion
69/99 Sneasel Darkness Common Promotion
70/99 Weavile Darkness Rare Promotion
71/99 Nuzleaf Darkness Uncommon Promotion
72/99 Shiftry Darkness Rare Promotion
73/99 Scraggy Darkness Uncommon Promotion
74/99 Scrafty Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
75/99 Bronzor Metal Common Promotion
76/99 Bronzong Metal Rare Promotion
77/99 Ferroseed Metal Common Promotion
78/99 Jigglypuff Colorless Uncommon Promotion
79/99 Wigglytuff Colorless Rare Promotion
80/99 Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
81/99 Persian Colorless Rare Promotion
82/99 RegigigasEX Colorless Rare Holo ex Promotion
83/99 Pidove Colorless Common Promotion
84/99 Minccino Colorless Uncommon Promotion
85/99 Cinccino Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
86/99 Cilan Su Uncommon Promotion
87/99 Exp. Share I Uncommon Promotion
88/99 Heavy Ball I Uncommon Promotion
89/99 Level Ball I Uncommon Promotion
90/99 Pokémon Center St Uncommon Promotion
91/99 Skyarrow Bridge St Uncommon Promotion
92/99 Double Colorless Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
93/99 Prism Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
94/99 ShayminEX Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
95/99 ReshiramEX Fire Rare Ultra Promotion
96/99 KyuremEX Water Rare Ultra Promotion
97/99 ZekromEX Lightning Rare Ultra Promotion
98/99 MewtwoEX Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
99/99 RegigigasEX Colorless Rare Ultra Promotion
100/99 Emboar Fire Rare Secret Promotion
101/99 Chandelure Psychic Rare Secret Promotion
102/99 Zoroark Darkness Rare Secret Promotion
103/99 Hydreigon Darkness Rare Secret Promotion

Psycho Drive
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/052 Pinsir Grass U Promotion
002/052 Seedot Grass C Promotion
003/052 Kricketot Grass C Promotion
004/052 Kricketune Grass U Promotion
005/052 ShayminEX Grass R Promotion
006/052 Sewaddle Grass C Promotion
007/052 Swadloon Grass C Promotion
008/052 Leavanny Grass R Promotion
009/052 Moltres Fire R Promotion
010/052 Pansear Fire C Promotion
011/052 Simisear Fire U Promotion
012/052 Staryu Water C Promotion
013/052 Starmie Water U Promotion
014/052 Articuno Water R Promotion
015/052 KyogreEX Water R Promotion
016/052 Panpour Water C Promotion
017/052 Simipour Water U Promotion
018/052 Basculin Water C Promotion
019/052 Frillish Water C Promotion
020/052 Jellicent Water U Promotion
021/052 Shinx Lightning C Promotion
022/052 Luxio Lightning C Promotion
023/052 Luxray Lightning R Promotion
024/052 Blitzle Lightning C Promotion
025/052 Zebstrika Lightning U Promotion
026/052 Grimer Psychic C Promotion
027/052 Muk Psychic U Promotion
028/052 MewtwoEX Psychic R Promotion
029/052 Munna Psychic C Promotion
030/052 Musharna Psychic U Promotion
031/052 Solosis Psychic C Promotion
032/052 Duosion Psychic C Promotion
033/052 Reuniclus Psychic U Promotion
034/052 Timburr Fighting C Promotion
035/052 Gurdurr Fighting C Promotion
036/052 Conkeldurr Fighting R Promotion
037/052 Mienfoo Fighting C Promotion
038/052 Mienshao Fighting U Promotion
039/052 Nuzleaf Darkness C Promotion
040/052 Shiftry Darkness U Promotion
041/052 Scraggy Darkness C Promotion
042/052 Scrafty Darkness R Promotion
043/052 Ferroseed Metal C Promotion
044/052 Ferrothorn Metal U Promotion
045/052 Meowth Colorless C Promotion
046/052 Persian Colorless U Promotion
047/052 Minccino Colorless C Promotion
048/052 Cinccino Colorless R Promotion
049/052 Level Ball I U Promotion
050/052 Exp. Share I U Promotion
051/052 Skyarrow Bridge St U Promotion
052/052 Prism Energy Colorless E U Promotion
053/052 ShayminEX Grass SR Promotion
054/052 KyogreEX Water SR Promotion
055/052 MewtwoEX Psychic SR Promotion
056/052 Zoroark Darkness UR Promotion
057/052 Hydreigon Darkness UR Promotion

Hail Blizzard
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/052 Pansage Grass C Promotion
002/052 Simisage Grass U Promotion
003/052 Petilil Grass C Promotion
004/052 Lilligant Grass U Promotion
005/052 Deerling Grass C Promotion
006/052 Sawsbuck Grass U Promotion
007/052 Foongus Grass C Promotion
008/052 Amoonguss Grass U Promotion
009/052 Growlithe Fire C Promotion
010/052 Arcanine Fire R Promotion
011/052 Darumaka Fire C Promotion
012/052 Litwick Fire C Promotion
013/052 Lampent Fire C Promotion
014/052 Chandelure Fire R Promotion
015/052 Lapras Water U Promotion
016/052 Vanillite Water C Promotion
017/052 Vanillish Water C Promotion
018/052 Vanilluxe Water R Promotion
019/052 Cubchoo Water C Promotion
020/052 Beartic Water U Promotion
021/052 Cryogonal Water U Promotion
022/052 KyuremEX Water R Promotion
023/052 Pikachu Lightning C Promotion
024/052 Raichu Lightning U Promotion
025/052 Zapdos Lightning R Promotion
026/052 Ralts Psychic C Promotion
027/052 Kirlia Psychic C Promotion
028/052 Gardevoir Psychic R Promotion
029/052 Darmanitan Psychic U Promotion
030/052 Elgyem Psychic C Promotion
031/052 Beheeyem Psychic U Promotion
032/052 GroudonEX Fighting R Promotion
033/052 Riolu Fighting C Promotion
034/052 Lucario Fighting R Promotion
035/052 Hippopotas Fighting C Promotion
036/052 Hippowdon Fighting U Promotion
037/052 Sneasel Darkness C Promotion
038/052 Weavile Darkness U Promotion
039/052 Bronzor Metal C Promotion
040/052 Bronzong Metal U Promotion
041/052 Pawniard Metal C Promotion
042/052 Bisharp Metal R Promotion
043/052 Jigglypuff Colorless C Promotion
044/052 Wigglytuff Colorless C Promotion
045/052 RegigigasEX Colorless R Promotion
046/052 Pidove Colorless C Promotion
047/052 Tranquill Colorless C Promotion
048/052 Unfezant Colorless U Promotion
049/052 Heavy Ball I U Promotion
050/052 Cilan Su U Promotion
051/052 Pokémon Center St U Promotion
052/052 Double Colorless Energy Colorless E U Promotion
053/052 KyuremEX Water SR Promotion
054/052 GroudonEX Fighting SR Promotion
055/052 RegigigasEX Colorless SR Promotion
056/052 Emboar Fire UR Promotion
057/052 Chandelure Psychic UR Promotion


English Mewtwo pack
English Regigigas pack
English Reshiram pack
English Zekrom pack
Japanese Psycho Drive pack
Japanese Hail Blizzard pack
Japanese Psycho Drive
booster box
Japanese Hail Blizzard
booster box
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Psycho Drive and Hail Blizzard sets are released in Japanese and Korean. The Japanese set is available in both 1st and unlimited edition, and the Korean set is only available in unlimited edition. The Next Destinies set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Cards in the English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish sets were also available as Reverse Holos. The Portuguese version of this set lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French Destinées Futures
German Kommende Schicksale
Italian Destini Futuri
Korean 사이코 드라이브 Psycho Drive
헤일 블리자드 Hail Blizzard
Brazilian Portuguese Próximos Destinos
Russian Будущие Судьбы Budushchiye Sud'by
Spanish Próximos Destinos

External links

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Black & White Series
BW Black Star Promos
Black & White: Green TornadoRed FrenzyBlue Assault
McDonald's CollectionBlack & White Trainer Kit
Emerging Powers: Power PlayToxic Tricks
Noble Victories: Fast DazeFurious Knights
Next Destinies: Explosive EdgeVoltage Vortex
Dark Explorers: ShadowsRaiders
McDonald's Collection 2012
Dragons Exalted: DragonSpeedDragonSnarl
Dragon Vault
Boundaries Crossed: Ice ShockCold Fire
Plasma Storm: Plasma ClawPlasma Shadow
Plasma Freeze: Frost RayPsy Crusher
Plasma Blast: Mind WipeSolar Strike
Red Genesect CollectionMcDonald's Collection 2013
Legendary Treasures
BW Era
BW-P Promotional cards
Journey PartnersBeginning Set
Black CollectionWhite Collection
Battle Strength DecksBattle Theme Deck: Victini
Red Collection
Psycho DriveHail Blizzard
Reshiram-EX Battle Strength DeckZekrom-EX Battle Strength DeckBattle Gift Set: Thundurus vs Tornadus
Dark Rush
Dragon Selection
Dragon BlastDragon Blade: Hydreigon Half DeckGarchomp Half Deck
Keldeo Battle Strength DeckNational Beginning Set
Freeze BoltCold Flare
Plasma Gale: Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck
Master Deck Build Box EXBlack Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckWhite Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckTeam Plasma Battle Gift SetEveryone's Exciting Battle
Spiral ForceThunder Knuckle
Shiny Collection
Megalo Cannon: Blastoise + Kyurem-EX Combo Deck
EX Battle BoostMewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit