Megumi Hayashibara

Megumi Hayashibara (Japanese: 林原めぐみ Hayashibara Megumi) is a Japanese voice actress for Pokémon the Series and Pokémon Horizons: The Series. Her most prominent role in Pokémon animation is that of Jessie.
Hayashibara was born on March 30, 1967, in Tokyo, Japan. When she was a young girl, Hayashibara loved to watch anime and was shocked to learn that adults provided the voices of the characters she believed were real. When she was a little older, she was one of eighteen girls out of over 600 chosen by a talent agency, Arts Vision, to undergo training to become a voice actress. Despite her two-year training with Arts Vision, Hayashibara's parents were opposed to her prospective career; bowing to their pressure, she enrolled in nursing school, and disliked it. She eventually saw a magazine article about a voice acting school that was recruiting students, and she made up her mind to quit nursing and become an actress.
Hayashibara's first anime role was that of a kindergartner heard off-screen in the first episode of Maison Ikkoku, and she later was credited as providing the voice for Yosuke Nanao. She then went on to provide hundreds, if not thousands of other voices.
In addition to her voice acting career, Hayashibara is an accomplished singer, with fourteen solo albums released between 1991 and 2004. She also has hosted two radio talk and music shows, Tokyo Boogie Night (in Tokyo) and Megumi's Heartful Station (in Osaka).
On March 30, 1998, on her thirty-first birthday, Hayashibara married a coworker she had been seeing for the past five years. On June 28, 2004, she had her first child, a girl.
She is also the author of the book Jigglypuff's Magic Lullaby.
Pokémon roles
Aside from Jessie, Hayashibara has provided the voices of many Pokémon and characters of the day. It is believed that Jessie's failed aspirations to become a nurse were based on Hayashibara's own experiences.
From episodes AG085 to AG092, Hayashibara went on maternity leave, with Akiko Hiramatsu providing the voice of Jessie and Natsuki Yoshihara providing the voice of Brock's Mudkip during this period.
Pokémon the Series
- Jessebelle
- Team Magma Grunt (AG002)
- Young Victor
- Young Mayor of Trovitopolis
- Flora
- Soren
- Berrybaker brother
- Mirror Jessie
- Kindergarten student (EP053)
- Chuck's student (EP209)
- Various guest characters
- Ash's Pidgeotto and Pidgeot
- Ash's Bulbasaur
- Ash's Phanpy
- Ash's Chimchar
- Ash's Snivy
- Ash's Rowlet
- Ash's Rockruff
- Brock's Mudkip (AG025-AG084, AG093-AG148)
- Misty's Azurill
- May's Skitty
- May's Eevee and Glaceon
- Serena's Fennekin, Braixen, and Delphox
- Goh's Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace
- Goh's Absol
- Burgundy's Dewott
- Nurse Joy's Audino
- Bugsy's Scyther
- Whitney's Miltank
- Clair's Dratini and Dragonair
- Pikachutwo
- Silver
- Latias (M05)
- Latios (M05)*
- Lusamine's Clefable
- Smoochum (Pichu Posse)
- Drew's Absol
- Morrison's Girafarig
- Tierno's Raichu
- Juan's Luvdisc
- Brandon's Solrock
- Lucy's Seviper
- Anabel's Espeon
- Jessiebelle's Vileplume
- Brodie's Ditto
- Alice's Chimchar
- Melanie's Oddish
- Katrina's Raichu
- Porygon Zero
- Nurse Joy's Bulbasaur
- Nurse Joy's Latias
- Vivica's Persian
- Falkner's Pidgeot
- Trixie's Pidgey
- Female Trainer's Smoochum (Josephine)
- Salvador's Furret
- Macy's Slugma and Magcargo
- Harrison's Miltank
- Stephanie's Mudkip
- Julie's Illumise
- Victoria Winstrate's Roselia
- Arena Tycoon Greta's Medicham
- Mollie's Absol
- Zoey's Shellos and Gastrodon
- Paris's Lopunny
- Officer Jenny's Duosion
- Caitlin's Gothitelle
- Flora's Gothorita
- Betty's Simipour
- Ricard Nouveau's Purrloin
- Chris's Larvitar
- Marris's Karrablast
- Concordia's Gardevoir
- Mrs. Ripple's Purrloin
- Mirror Serena's Fennekin
- Kay's Raichu
- Ellen's Raichu
- Melodi's Gardevoir
- Tamao's Umbreon
- Colonel Hansen's Ninjask
- Anita's Pidgey
- Normajean's Azurill
- Quillon's Weavile
- Cynthia's Spiritomb
- Aipom (AG115)
- Sentret (EP133)
- Stantler (EP125)
- Pichu (EP179)
- Bellossom
- Shroomish (AG009, AG052)
- Magnemite (EP195, EP199, AG058)
- Gardevoir (AG109)
- Squirtle (EP012, EP147)
- Wynaut (EP252, EP253, EP254, EP255, AG113)
- Wobbuffet (EP173)
- Swablu (M06)
- Absol (M06, AG107)
- Goldeen (EP012, EP061)
- Thief Clefairy (EP062, EP246)
- Oddish
- Exeggutor (EP043, EP075)
- Hoppip (EP137)
- Wigglytuff (EP069)
- Mudkip (AG001)
- Tangela (EP227)
- Jumpluff (EP225, AG073)
- Cresselia (DP104)
- Volcarona (BW078)
- Minior (SM079)
- Cubone (JN001)
- Jolteon (PK25)
Pokémon Horizons: The Series
Musical appearances
- Team Rocket Forever (ロケット団よ永遠)
- Meowth's Party (ニャースのパーティ)
- Face Forward Team Rocket! (前向きロケット団!)
Live-action movies
POKÉMON Detective Pikachu
Video games
Super Smash Bros. series
Pokémon Masters EX
Other non-Pokémon roles
- Ranma Saotome (girl) (Ranma ½)
- Momo (Magical Princess Minky Momo)
- Kyouko Yuuki (Sword Art Online)
- Lina Inverse (Slayers)
- Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
- Haruka Urashima (Love Hina)
- Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
- Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop)
- Ai Haibara/Shiho Miyano (Detective Conan/Case Closed)
- Anna Kyōyama (Shaman King)
- Lime (Saber Marionette J and all related series)
- Young Blind Boy (Healed by Majin Buu) (Dragon Ball Z)
- Genkai (young) (YuYu Hakusho)
- Ai Amano (Video Girl Ai)
- Canal Vorfeed (Lost Universe)
- Tira Misu (Sorceror Hunters)
- Ongo (Jungle de Ikou)
- Atsuko Natsume/Nuku Nuku (All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku)
- Pai (3×3 Eyes)
- Piyoko (Di Gi Charat)
- Dr. Atsuko "Paprika" Chiba (Paprika)
- Ume (Project A-Ko)
- Lucy MacMillan (Macross Plus)
- 1st Lt. Christina MacKenzie (Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket)
- Achika Masaki (Tenchi Muyo! In Love)
- Mail (Popful Mail)
- Lemina Ausa (LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue)
- Alfred J. Kwak (Alfred J. Kwak)
- Diddy Kong in the Japanese dub of Donkey Kong Country (television series)
- Rebecca (One Piece)
- Eri Kasuga (Chimpui)
- Raven Branwen (RWBY)
- Sage (Sonic Frontier)
- Sailor Galaxia (Sailor Moon Cosmos)
Solo albums
- Half and, Half (1991)
- WHATEVER (1992)
- Perfume (1992)
- SHAMROCK (1993)
- PULSE (1994)
- SpHERE (1994)
- Enfleurage (1995)
- bertemu (1996)
- Iravati (1997)
- ふわり (Fuwari) (1999)
- VINTAGE S (2000)
- VINTAGE A (2000)
- feel well (2002)
- center color (2004)
External links
Related articles
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This article is part of Project VA, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on voice actors in Pokémon animation and Pokémon games. |