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Juliet (Japanese: ジュリエ Juliet) is a character of the day who appeared in Love at First Flight.

Juliet was deeply in love with Romeo and hoped to marry him, since he promised to do so during their childhood. However, Romeo did not have the courage to tell her about his feelings, so she thought he didn't love her. The pair was preparing for the upcoming May Festival, though their rehearsals were often ending in disaster because of Romeo's sudden clumsiness.

Romeo later revealed his feelings for Juliet after helping rescue her Illumise from Team Rocket. Juliet confessed that the feelings were mutual, and together, they put on a spectacular light show with their Volbeat and Illumise for the crowd.


Juliet's Illumise
Debut Love at First Flight
Voice actors
Japanese Megumi Hayashibara
English Megumi Hayashibara

Juliet has an Illumise that she accessorized with a yellow bow-tie with a red core that has a blue trim. Illumise fell in love with Romeo's Volbeat, nicknamed Beat. She first appeared practicing with Beat for the upcoming May Festival. However, Romeo's clumsiness got the better of him and caused them all to fall into the water. Illumise almost nearly drowned and had to be saved by Brock's Mudkip.

Later, when seeing a light on the other side of Lake May, Illumise followed it but it was actually Meowth dressed up as a Volbeat. Team Rocket captured Illumise with a net. The next day the gang found Team Rocket. Jessie sent out Seviper to recapture the vulnerable Volbeat, but she used Sweet Scent to lure the Volbeat away. The Volbeat then sent the Rocket trio blasting off with a combined Signal Beam attack. Afterwards, Illumise gave Beat a kiss on the cheek for his efforts.

In the end, Illumise and Romeo's Volbeat performed perfectly for the festival.

Illumise's only known move is Sweet Scent.

Voice actresses

Language Voice actor
Japanese 山崎和佳奈 Wakana Yamazaki
English Bella Hudson
Finnish Hannamaija Nikander
Italian Sonia Mazza
Brazilian Portuguese Letícia Quinto
European Spanish Gloria Núñez



Language Name Origin
Japanese ジュリエ Juliet
English Juliet
French Juliette Variant of Juliet
German, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish Julia Variant of Juliet
Italian Giulietta Variant of Juliet
Spanish, Portuguese Julieta Variant of Juliet
Danish, Norwegian Julie Variant of Juliet
Russian Джульетта Dzhulyetta Variant of Juliet

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.