Bulbapedia:Project VA

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Welcome to Project VA!

Project VA is a Bulbapedia project which aims to create and expand articles about voice actors appearing in the Pokémon animated series. If you have any questions about how to contribute, make sure to drop a line on the Project talk page and we'll help you out!

Scope and aimsGoals for MarchContactsProject guidelinesKey templates
Scope and aims

Project VA covers all articles about the voice actors of the Pokémon animated series.


  1. To create comprehensive pages for notable voice actors.
  2. To determine the voice actors of all characters in the animated series.
Goals for March
  • TBD
Pokemaster97 Leadership Board
Project guidelines


Japanese and American voice actors are notable, provided they answer at least one of the following:

  1. They voiced a main and/or recurring character in the animated series for more than one episode.
  2. They voiced at least 10 minor characters (characters of the day).
  3. They had parts in at least 20 episodes.

International voice actors are no longer considered notable, as their information should be listed on Project Globe's articles.

Exceptions can still be made to either side - the final decision in case of dispute will be made by the administrators.

Article structure

When writing a new article please follow this method. Use this as a guideline, if needed.

English voice actors

'''VA name''' is a voice actor for the English-language [[dub]] of {{aniseries|(Series code e.g. PTS or HZ)}}.

Japanese voice actors

'''VA name''' (Japanese: '''Name in Japanese''' ''English translation'') is a Japanese voice actor for {{aniseries|(Series code e.g. PTS or HZ)}}.

Please note that after the Japanese name, be sure to put the last name first followed by the first name in the italics.

If you'd like, add their date of births and/or where they were born/grew up. You may also add what other kinds of jobs they had or what schools they have attended.

The rest of the body should look like this:

==Pokémon roles==

Roles in the animated series should be added here. It is encouraged that you add when they started their work or what their most important roles are. There roles should be listed by placing a bullet * before the role. If a voice actor has many roles, please divide them into "Major" and "Minor" subsections. Also, separate the human roles from the Pokémon roles by giving them their own subsections.

==Other non-Pokémon roles==

Roles in other works such as other anime, T.V. shows, video games, etc. should be listed here. If possible, please give links from Wikipedia to the characters or anime by using the {{wp}} template. Here's an example: <code>{{wp|Name of role/anime}}</code>.

And finally, be sure to categorize.

Mentioning voice actors in other articles

Character aricles should only mention the Japanese and English voice actors in the main text. All other voice actors, if known, should be listed in a table in a separated section towards the end.

Key templates