May throws a Poké Ball, then is shown in a spotlight running with all her Pokémon before they jump into the air and Ash Ketchum, Ash's Pikachu, Brock, and Max appear. She then twirls around before her Squirtle shoots an Ice Beam that reflects various images of May. In the final image, she winks at the camera before Munchlax breaks the ice with a Focus Punch. Then she and her Pokémon are shown running across a field with mountains in the background.
May stands in another spotlight, this time alone, and colored spotlights move around her. Images of her Beautifly, Skitty, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur flash by. She looks up, apparently determined. Images of her Eevee, Munchlax, and Combusken flash by.
May poses as Combusken uses Fire Spin, Eevee uses Shadow Ball, Munchlax uses Solar Beam, Bulbasaur forms a heart with Vine Whip, and Skitty uses Blizzard. An image of Ash, Pikachu, Brock, and Max pans across the screen, then May is seen eating bowls of ramen as the rest look on in awe.
The final image is May with all her Pokémon. Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Max, Drew, Harley, and Team Rocket are pictured in the background.
I bask in the light and the switch is set (LET'S GO!) I'm half confident, half nervous I feel like giving up, but I use Focus Punch I believe in my partner and aim for the finals! In the shining arena, clapping echoes The cheering grows, and I can feel their reactions
I won't lose! I'm in full serious mode! I absolutely won't give up until the very end! Because tomorrow, I want to look back and smile I'll decide this with the next hit I'll get the Ribbon! I'm sure I'll win!
I bask in the light and the switch is set (LET'S GO!) I'm half confident, half nervous
I feel like giving up, but I use Focus Punch I believe in my partner and aim for the finals! In the shining arena, clapping echoes The cheering grows, and I can feel their reactions
I won't lose! I'm in full serious mode! I absolutely won't give up until the very end! Because tomorrow, I want to look back and smile I'll decide this with the next hit I'll get the Ribbon! I'm sure I'll win!
I run to the judging room of the championships Happy! Though I'm a bit tired I suppose I feel fulfilled
After the match I give my companions a tight hug Regrets from all the losses will be cured by time The new wind blows and shakes my bandanna My dancing heart is turned toward the next competition I've waited for
I won't lose! I'm in full energy mode! There cannot be a dream that is never granted, so Someday I want to be a Top Coordinator So I'll try and not lose! I'm sure I'll become self-confident!
I won't lose! I'm in full serious mode! I absolutely won't give up until the very end! Someday I want to be a Top Coordinator So I'll try and not lose! I'm sure I'll become self-confident!
The 29 bowls of ramen
When May says "Stage On!", for a second, her Poké Ball's circle in the center is black instead of gray. This is used to fade in with the next frame.
May's Beautifly and Squirtle are the only two of her Pokémon that do not receive attack scenes during the chorus.