May's Glaceon

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May's Glaceon
ハルカのグレイシア Haruka's Glacia

May's Glaceon
Egg obtained in May's Egg-Cellent Adventure
Egg obtained at Christopher and Jeannie's Day Care near Silver Town
Hatches in Time Warp Heals All Wounds
Hatched at Fuchsia City
Evolves in Prior to A Full Course Tag Battle!
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location In rotation
This Pokémon spent 7 episodes in its Egg and at most 110 episodes as Eevee.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Eevee Megumi Hayashibara Kayzie Rogers
As Glaceon Megumi Hayashibara

May's Glaceon (Japanese: ハルカのグレイシア Haruka's Glacia) was the second Pokémon that May obtained in the Kanto region, and her seventh overall.


Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire

May received an Egg from a Day-Care worker named Christopher in May's Egg-Cellent Adventure, which hatched into an Eevee in Time Warp Heals All Wounds. Since then, it became a major part of May's team, watching every one of May's Contests since it hatched. It showed interest in participating in the Wisteria Town Pokémon Contest, but May said it needed more practice first.

Eevee in the Gardenia Town Contest

In Off the Unbeaten Path, May and Eevee competed in the Pokémon Orienteering Contest, with the goal being to find five checkpoints spread across the island. After obtaining all but one of the checkpoints, the two met up with Max and Munchlax, who still needed two more. While discussing it, Jessie and Team Rocket showed up and cut the bridge they were standing on. Ash and Brock showed up just in time to save them, after which they were approached by Swellow, who informed them Team Rocket was up to no good. Due to this, the group ended up abandoning the race.

Eevee made its stage debut in What I Did for Love!, in which it went up against Brock and his Marshtomp in the Gardenia Town Pokémon Contest. Although Marshtomp could use its fins to sense Eevee's underground movements and detect exactly where it would come up after using Dig, Eevee eventually scored a win for May.

Eevee took part in the Battle Round of the Kanto Grand Festival in Thinning the Hoard!. It showed great battling skills and impressive synchronicity with May's Munchlax, being able to combine its attacks with Munchlax's to take down Harley's Cacturne and Wigglytuff.

In Once More With Reeling!, Eevee performed in the Appeals Round of the Terracotta Contest, an informal event not sanctioned by the Pokémon Activities Committee. It proved a great performer, coming in first for the appeals and allowing May to compete in the Battle Round.

Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

Battling Dawn's Piplup

In A Full Course Tag Battle!, May introduced her newly evolved Glaceon soon after she was reunited with the group. She revealed that Eevee evolved into Glaceon after coming into contact with the Ice Rock near Snowpoint City. Dawn commented that Glaceon was very cute. It was called out once again to help out Roman and Kylie in retrieving the restaurant's stolen food, where it battled alongside Dawn's Buneary. Both of them started off with a double Ice Beam, causing James's Carnivine and Jessie's Seviper to freeze. Followed by its Iron Tail and Buneary's Bounce, they blasted off their opponents.

In Strategy With a Smile!, May used Glaceon in the finals of the Wallace Cup, where it went up against Dawn's Piplup in its first battle as a Glaceon. Glaceon got a head start by hitting Piplup with Secret Power. Because it was used indoors, Piplup was paralyzed. Piplup shook it off by getting into the water and the two engaged in a fierce battle of moves. It ultimately ended with Piplup using Bubble Beam and Glaceon reflecting it with Mirror Coat. Both Pokémon were hit by the water from the Whirlpool as time ran out. Piplup ended up winning by points, securing the Aqua Ribbon for Dawn. Although the loss saddened Glaceon, May said that it did great.

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

In Partners in Time!, Glaceon watched Ash's Masters Eight Tournament match against Leon. During the battle's climax, Glaceon was shown to be anxious alongside Serena's Sylveon.

Personality and characteristics

Glaceon and May
Glaceon touching the Ice Rock that makes it evolve

As an Eevee, Glaceon had the typical traits of its species: playful demeanor, affection for its Trainer, and loyalty. It was also quite energetic. Being a recently hatched Pokémon at the time, Eevee had great curiosity as shown by its fascination for the ocean.

Upon evolution, its personality changed moderately. While Glaceon retained its loyalty and affection for its Trainer, its playful demeanor had been replaced by a more assertive and slightly aggressive one that shows mostly during battle.


As an Egg As an Eevee

Moves used

Using Tackle
as an Eevee
Using Secret Power
Move First Used In
Shadow Ball  Cutting the Ties that Bind!
Dig What I Did for Love!
Tackle What I Did for Love!
Ice Beam A Full Course Tag Battle!
Iron Tail A Full Course Tag Battle!
Secret Power  Strategy With a Smile!
Ice Shard  Strategy With a Smile!
Mirror Coat  Strategy With a Smile!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Moves improvised

Picture First Used In Moves Involved Partnered With
Thinning the Hoard! Shadow Ball and Focus Punch May's Munchlax
Description: Eevee would use Shadow Ball and Munchlax would use Focus Punch. The energy from the Focus Punch would fuse with the Shadow Ball and hit the opponent with the power of the Shadow Ball and the Focus Punch.


  • Of all the main characters' Pokémon that debuted as Eggs, Glaceon took the longest to hatch, at seven episodes.
  • Glaceon is the first Pokémon belonging to a main character that has evolved by being in a certain location (in this case, near an Ice Rock).
  • Glaceon is the first Pokémon belonging to one of Ash's friends to use a Ghost-type move.
  • Glaceon is the first Ice-type Pokémon to belong to one of Ash's friends.
  • Out of all of the Pokémon belonging to Ash's friends, Glaceon has used the most different types of moves, with six different types used.
  • Glaceon is the only Pokémon belonging to May to appear in Pokémon Journeys: The Series.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Eevee and Glaceon.

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.