Beachfront: A popular spot where locals like to gather. Even people from other towns come to Hau'oli City to visit this beach. Shopping District: The bustling center of the city, where you can get everything from fashion items to popular treats to eat.SM The center of the city, where more and more people have become fashion conscious to take commemorative photos.USUM Marina: A harbor where you can set out for the other islands. It's visited by many people and boats.
The Move Deleter is located in the city's Pokémon Center. He is the only Move Deleter in the Alola region. Although not a hugely important place to visit, the Move Deleter is helpful for deleting unwanted moves.
Shopping District
There are a number of gates around the city that lead into and out of patches filled with tall grass. Prior to defeating Ilima, there are a number of gates which the player cannot use due to wet paint.
The Alola Tourist Bureau is located in the Shopping District, next to the apparel shop. It exhibits a promotional video of the Alola region and hosts plenty of local goods and souvenirs. The receptionist on the right installs the Poké Finder on the Rotom Pokédex when the player speaks to her for the first time. The receptionist on the left conducts the Loto-ID.
Apparel shop
The apparel shop is located to the west of the Tourist Bureau. It sells fashion items, offering tops, bottoms, socks, and hats.
The styling options differ significantly for male and female players.
Male: Medium and layered, Medium and smooth, Caesar cut, Modern quiff, Braided cornrows
Female: Chin-length bob, Short and bobbed, Long and straight, Medium and wavy, Romantic tuck, Long and wavy, Cornrow braided bun, High Pigtails (unlocked after becoming Champion)
Bangs: Sideswept, Straight, None
For both male and female players, the options for colors are the same. They are: Black, Honey blond, Dark brown, Ash brown, Caramel blond, Platinum blond, and Pink brown.
The mall is located east of the Pokémon Center. Initially, its door is shuttered and the player cannot enter. After the player passes Hala's grand trial, it becomes accessible.
In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, after the player completes Olivia's grand trial, during the day, they can watch a Bewear costume show that teaches children the dangers of Bewear's immense strength. However, the show is quickly interrupted by a real Bewear, who scares the other viewers before attacking the player. If they successfully defeat or capture it, the girl who narrated the show will give the player a Max Potion in gratitude.
The mall store Gracidea is named after the Gracidea flower, which a clerk will give to the player as a free gift. The store only sells the most expensive fashion items. It offers tops, shoes, bags, and eyewear, as well as hats and hair accessories for female players.
On the second level, a shop on the far right side will sell various legendary artifacts and Plates. While the Legendary artifacts can be purchased as soon as the player can access the mall, the Plates cannot be purchased until after defeating KahunaNanu. Only one of each item may be purchased.
The Battle Buffet is located in the center of the mall's upper level. To dine, the player will have to pay a fee of $1,200. The player is given 10 turns of battle to get as many dishes possible, battling for each one. At the end, the waitress will assess the player's satisfaction and give them an item depending on that assessment.
The player can only dine at the Battle Buffet once a day.
Ilima's house
Ilima lives in Hau'oli City. If the player enters his room on the second floor after defeating KahunaHala in the Melemele grand trialSM or becoming ChampionUSUM, he will bring the player to the Trainers' School on Route 1 and battle against the player there. He will then bring the player back to his room and give them an Everstone.
The Hau'oli City Hall is located in the Shopping District, south of the local Pokémon Center. Its motto is "Serving the city's every need!". Clerks working here deal with the process of moving to the region, amongst other things.
In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, after clearing Hala's grand trial, the player will encounter a woman arguing with her grandfather, Gentleman Reginald, over her fiancé. The granddaughter will ask the player to battle Reginald to help her prove a point. After defeating him, the player will receive a Nugget.
Hau'oli Police Station
The Hau'oli Police Station is located in the Shopping District, on the way to the Marina. There is a police vehicle parked in its backyard.
After defeating Olivia in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the player can assist Ilima in the interrogation of three wildHypno, one of which knocked out the Machamp that guards his house and stole the Nugget hidden in his room. After picking one of the Hypno, that Hypno will attack the player, who they must defeat or capture. Each Hypno has a different moveset that could be related to the crime. After the battle, Ilima will solve the mystery, and give the player a Big Nugget for their trouble.
The city's malasada shop is located in the Shopping District, on the way to the Marina. It is famous for its malasadas, which are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.
The left attendant sells Sweet Malasada for $200, which is immediately fed to a Pokémon and increases its Affection. The right attendant sells the Bag item Big Malasada for $350.
In Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon, the vending machine is initially out of order. In Pokémon Sun and Moon, it is fixed after Hala's grand trial is completed; in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the Rotom from the player's Rotom Pokédex can enter and fix it after Hala's grand trial is completed.
The population of the entire Hau'oli City is 97 (111 including the outskirts), making it the largest city in Alola and the seventh largest in the Pokémon world.
Shopping Mall, from an Ace Trainer after dealing with the Bewear disturbance in the Bewear costume show, after completing Olivia's grand trial and seeing the Alola Ride ShowDay
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Shopping District
The Magearna gifted here is coded never to appear as Shiny.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Shopping District
The special Bewear and Hypno encountered here are coded to never appear as Shiny, as well as the gifted Magearna.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Pokémon Sun and Moon
After becoming Champion, the player can go talk to Guzma at his house on Route 2, where he will tell them to come to the Hau'oli City Beachfront. After this, Guzma will be waiting for the player at the beach, ready to battle them.
Hau'oli City features a multitude of popular eateries that offer tourists and locals an array of gourmet and sweet options. They include Aina's Kitchen, run by Mallow and her father; and a pancake house where Nina works. Team Rocket also began working in a Malasada shop in A Shocking Grocery Run! to remain undetected while they plotted to capture Pikachu. They later upgraded their operation to a van, and in Sours for the Sweet, Team Rocket's honey-glazed Malasadas were shown to be quite popular with customers.
An AlolanPersian, nicknamedPershie (Japanese: ペルちゃんPer-chan), debuted in That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!. While it is under the ownership of a Madame, it tends to wander Hau'oli's streets and has a fierce rivalry with Ash's Litten. It reappeared in Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!, where it chased down a shrunken Ash, Lillie, and Sophocles, but was later defeated by Mallow's Tsareena.
In A Shocking Grocery Run!, Ash and Sophocles visited the local shopping mall. Team Rocket caused a power outage and triggered the mall's security system, which trapped everyone inside. After confronting Team Rocket, Rotom guided Ash and Sophocles to the power supply room and they were able to restore the mall's electricity supply.
In The Long Vault Home!, Viren had recently started preparations for his namesake boutique hotel and restaurant development, Viren Tower, in Hau'oli City. A Stakataka decided to move itself to the construction site, where it was initially mistaken for a pedestal for Viren's golden statue of himself. The Ultra Guardians were eventually able to calm Stakataka down before catching it, but Viren's statue was partially crushed in the process. Afterwards, Viren decided to scrap his Viren Tower plans for something more ambitious, a Pokémon Base Stadium with its own team. Viren Tower and Stadium were revealed to have been completed in Living on the Cutting Edge!.
Hau'oli City first appeared in The Grand Entrance and Delivery Boy Sun. Moon traveled to Hau'oli City from Sinnoh to deliver a Rotom to Professor Kukui. While on the Beachfront, Moon met Sun, a boy who was doing part-time work throwing wild Pyukumuku back into the sea, his goal being to amass one million dollars by any means possible. His employers, Team Skull, tried to cheat their way out of paying him, though they were exposed by Moon. After agreeing to help deliver Rotom, Sun transported Moon through Hau'oli City, where she met some of the city's residents.
Inside the mall, a Sightseer standing next to a wall of posters will jokingly comment that there is no switch hidden under one of them. This is a reference to the Rocket Game Corner in Kanto, where a switch opening an entrance to the Team Rocket Hideout can be found hidden behind a poster in the Generation I games and their remakes.
The Alola Tourist Bureau uses concept art from Sun and Moon's production as posters for locations around Melemele Island. Notable images include that of Ten Carat Hill and Mahalo Trail's Path to the Plank Bridge. These pieces of artwork have been officially released in guide and art books to the games.
Posters and video footage of Hala's house in Iki Town are also seen. It is unknown whether or not these are concept art or images made as in-game graphics.
Name origin
ハウオリシティ Hau'oli City
From hauʻoli (Hawaiian for happy)
Hau'oli City
Same as Japanese name
Hauholi City
Similar to Japanese name
Ciudad Hauoli
Same as Japanese name
Possibly from ake (Hawaiian for desire)
Same as Japanese name
하우올리시티 Hau'oli City
Transcription of its Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin)
好奧樂市 / 好奥乐市 Hǎo'àolè Shì
From the transcription of its Japanese name with the incorporation of 好 hǎo (good) and 樂 / 乐 lè (happy)
Chinese (Cantonese)
好奧樂市 Hóu'oulohk Síh
From the Mandarin-based transcription of its Japanese name with the incorporation of 好 hóu (good) and 樂 lohk (happy)