Tsareena debuted as a Bounsweet in Alola to New Adventure! alongside her Trainer. Bounsweet accompanied Mallow on her tour of the Pokémon School for Ash and Pikachu, happily sharing her pleasant scent for them to enjoy. She later watched several Team Skull Grunts battle Kiawe.
In First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!, Bounsweet was attacked by a wildRowlet, who was attracted to her scent and mistook her for a fruit. Bounsweet quickly responded to the attack, deflecting the Rowlet multiple times with ease before it tired itself out.
Bounsweet using Sweet Scent as a lure
In A Seasoned Search!, Bounsweet helped Ash and Mallow lure in and subsequently follow a wild Oricorio to a hidden meadow, so that they could collect the Yellow Nectar necessary for the food Mallow was trying to perfect. However, soon after finding the meadow, they were attacked by Team Rocket, who tried to steal the Nectar for themselves. To save everyone, Bounsweet attacked Team Rocket and evolved into Steenee. This allowed her to recover the stolen Nectar, free Ash and Mallow, and defeat Team Rocket.
In When Regions Collide!, Steenee was used in a battle against Misty's Psyduck alongside Lana's Popplio. Steenee started the battle with Magical Leaf while Popplio quickly followed with Bubble Beam. Psyduck then counterattacked with Water Gun. Popplio then created a water balloon, absorbing the Water Gun, which it then launched at the Duck Pokémon, trapping it inside. Misty commanded Psyduck to use Confusion, but Psyduck didn't respond. Steenee then attacked with another Magical Leaf, breaking the balloon and causing Psyduck land on its head, giving it a headache. This allowed Psyduck to use Confusion successfully, but before it could do anything more to its opponents, Misty told Psyduck to put Popplio and Steenee down, saying they had had enough.
In Rescuing the Unwilling!, Steenee was among those used to fight Lusamine's Mismagius, Milotic, and Lilligant, which were under Nihilego's control, to allow Ash to save Lusamine. Going up against Milotic, Steenee countered its attack with Double Slap. Lilligant then made her dance with Teeter Dance, but Ash's Litten and Rowlet released her from the dance, joining the fight. In the next episode, Steenee emitted her Sweet Scent to lure Rowlet back to her. She then launched Rowlet into the air with her Double Slap and asked Mallow to throw her up. Steenee kicked Rowlet back towards the ground, and, combined with Rowlet's high-speed Peck attack, they used a move Lana dubbed "Rowlaunch" on Lilligant. The attack angered Lilligant, causing it to charge up its Solar Beam attack, but Litten interrupted the move with Fire Fang. Although Lilligant appeared to have been defeated by this move, Nihilego made it get back up and continue battling. The battle ended when Ash and Pikachu performed 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt to defeat Nihilego.
Steenee learning the "Alola Hula"
In All They Want to Do is Dance Dance!, in preparation for the PokéDance class set up by Professor Kukui, Steenee was taught a dance called the "Alola Hula" by Anela's Oricorio. When the day of the dance class finally came, Steenee stepped away from the others to do some last-minute practice. Due to this, she failed to notice how all the humans and the rest of the Pokémon present stepped into what turned out to be a pair of cage traps set up by Team Rocket. Noticing that Steenee was still free, Team Rocket fired a net at her, binding her arms and sepals. When Meowth accidentally revealed that the cages have a weak point at the top, Mallow told Steenee to attack it. With her sepals and hands binded by the net, Steenee had to resort to using her feet to attack the weak point. While doing this, Steenee unexpectedly learned Stomp, which immediately triggered her evolution into Tsareena. After evolving, Tsareena demonstrated her increased leg strength by using Trop Kick on Meowth and easily breaking the cages open. After Team Rocket had been carried away by Bewear, Mallow happily greeted her newly evolved partner, who proceeded to perform a new, enhanced version of "Rowlauch" with Rowlet.
In Battling Besties!, Mallow used Tsareena in her battle against Lana during the first round of the Manalo Conference, going up against her Primarina. Despite a type advantage, Tsareena, as a less experienced battler, was forced to stay defensive most of the time. After she took damage from Primarina's supereffective Icy Wind, Mallow attempted to recall her and forfeit the match to save her from further harm. Still, Tsareena refused to go back into her Poké Ball. Lana told Mallow that Tsareena wanted to keep on fighting by her side, reminding Mallow of the times she had shared with her partner, and decided to respect her wish to continue battling. With their connection stronger than ever before, Mallow and Tsareena were able to execute a successful Bloom Doom. However, Lana countered this by having Primarina use Oceanic Operetta, with the two Z-Moves canceling each other out. Tsareena was defeated by an Aqua Jet from Primarina, ending Mallow's run in the Manalo Conference.
In Z-Move Showdown!, after a trio of Guzzlord invaded the Manalo Conference, Mallow and Tsareena combined their Z-Move with those of the other Trainers, knocking the second ShinyGuzzlord back into Ultra Space.
In That New Old Gang of Mine!, Tsareena joined the welcome party for Ash and Goh during their visit to Alola. She later watched the battle between Kiawe and Goh.
In Helping the Hometown Hero!, Tsareena attended a party to celebrate the return of Lillie and her family after they found Mohn.
Tsareena is a friendly Pokémon, happily interacting with people and other Pokémon. She is not easily discouraged, staying positive even after Lillie was frightened by her attempts to play with her. She has a strong relationship with her Trainer. As a Bounsweet, she was normally seen resting on Mallow's shoulder. Tsareena also likes to help Mallow out at her family's restaurant, serving food to customers as the restaurant's poster Pokémon. In the events before Drawn with the Wind!, Tsareena even volunteered to stay behind with Abe to help in the kitchen while Mallow took Shaymin to go sightseeing overnight in Malie City with her classmates. In addition, she loves flowers, as shown in The Ol' Raise and Switch. According to Mallow, she likes floral-patterned Poké Beans. In That's Some Spicy Island Research!, Tsareena was revealed to like the taste of Poni Island radishes.
Tsareena serving food
Tsareena is a very agile Pokémon. As a Bounsweet, she often used her quick reflexes to deflect Rowlet whenever it flew toward her. However, after evolving for the first time, she started displaying this trait much less often, due to no longer needing to worry about being consumed by other Pokémon. After evolving again, Tsareena also gained great kicking strength and a more proud and mature personality, although she still remains friendly and respectful towards Mallow. Her maturity has been shown by her willingness to take action to help out people such as stomping on Kiawe in The Long Vault Home!, to snap him out of his state of fear after seeing the inside of a Stakataka and by kicking away a Bruxish that was about to attack Mallow in The One That Didn't Get Away!. Despite her maturity, she tends to lose her temper when she doesn't manage to succeed in a given task, as displayed in Living on the Cutting Edge!, where she kept stomping on a makiwara after failing to cut it with her Magical Leaf. Her willingness to not give up is a positive aspect of her character, as seen in Battling Besties!, where she refused to go back to her Poké Ball, due to wanting to continue fighting alongside Mallow.
Tsareena also enjoys relaxing, like in I Choose Paradise!, where, while most of the Pokémon were playing in the pool, she relaxed on a sun lounger at the Pokémon Paradise Resort. In Memories in the Mist!, Mallow mentioned during a flashback that she saw her Tsareena, who was a Bounsweet at the time, as her little sister. In turn, Tsareena appears to care for Shaymin like a big sister, as mentioned by Mallow in a flashback in Drawn with the Wind!.
Description: Rowlaunch (Japanese: ひっさつのモクシュートCertain-kill Mokushoot) After luring Ash's Rowlet in with Sweet Scent, Steenee or Tsareena knocks Rowlet into the air with Double Slap. Mallow then throws Steenee into the air or Tsareena jumps up, allowing her to kick Rowlet, sending it flying into the opponent at high speeds while using Peck.
The move's Japanese name is a reference to that of Catastropika.
A Japanese event distributed an in-game representation of Mallow's Steenee, along with Kiawe's Turtonator and Lillie's Alolan Vulpix via serial code and local wireless. The serial codes were available at Æon stores in Japan from June 17 to July 25, 2017, and they could be used until July 4, 2017. The local wireless were available at Pokémon Center stores and Pokémon Stores in Japan from July 22 to August 13, 2017.
The same Steenee was distributed to players who inserted the common serial code ALOLASTEW762 from September 19 to October 31, 2017. The serial code was revealed on September 19, 2017 during the debut of brand new episodes on Animax at 6:00 pm, on Daekyo Kids TV at 7:00 pm, and on KBS Kids at 6:45 pm. The serial code was revealed again on September 26, 2017 on Animax.
The release of the dual sets Islands Await You and Alolan Moonlight on March 17, 2017, collectively the second Sun & Moon Era expansion, also saw the release of several specially-illustrated deck cases and card sleeves.
Deck cases:
The Mallow's Cooking! Double Deck Case (Japanese: ダブルデッキケース「MAO'S COOKING!」) includes two deck cases, each with enough space for at least 90 cards, as well as three card dividers. The illustration features Mallow and several Pokémon admiring the food she has prepared.
Deck case images:
Mallow's Cooking! Double Deck Case
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
I Choose You! accessories
To promote the release of I Choose You! in cinemas, new card files and sleeves were made available to purchase from July 15, 2017.
The front illustration of the Lana's Holiday Mini Card File (Japanese: ミニカードファイル スイレンの休日Mini Card File: Suiren's Holiday) features Lana looking out to sea accompanied by several Water-type Pokémon. The reverse illustration features Mallow serving a meal while Kiawe looks at it questionably. Mallow's Steenee and Kiawe's Marowak are also present.
File images:
Lana's Holiday Mini Card File (reverse)
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
February 2018 Sleeves
Also available from most retailers on February 16, 2018 were two packs of specially illustrated sleeves for card protection. Each pack contains 64 sleeves; enough for a full deck plus spares. These included:
The Mallow, Lana & Lillie Sleeves (Japanese: デッキシールド マオ・スイレン・リーリエDeck Shield: Mao•Suiren•Lilie), which feature Trial CaptainsMallow and Lana with their respective Pokémon Bounsweet and Chinchou, as well as Lillie and Nebby in an illustration by Naoki Saito.