都翕(粵拼:dou1 jap1,英文:doowop)係一種R&B,起源於1940年代嘅非裔美國後生仔,主要喺美國一啲大城市好似紐約、費城、芝加哥同華盛頓特區度流行。佢有人聲合唱嘅特點,淨係需要好少樂器,就可以將引人入勝嘅旋律線傳遞到簡單嘅節拍當中。都翕嘅歌詞偏簡單,通常係愛情嘢。都翕喺1950年代開始流行之後,喺1960年代到咗頂峰,影響咗唔少表演者。
[編輯]- Baptista, Todd R (1996). Group Harmony: Behind the Rhythm and Blues. New Bedford, Massachusetts: TRB Enterprises. ISBN 0-9631722-5-5.
- Baptista, Todd R (2000). Group Harmony: Echoes of the Rhythm and Blues Era. New Bedford, Massachusetts: TRB Enterprises. ISBN 0-9706852-0-3.
- Cummings, Tony (1975). The Sound of Philadelphia. London: Eyre Methuen.
- Engel, Ed (1977). White and Still All Right. Scarsdale, New York: Crackerjack Press.
- Gribin, Anthony J., and Matthew M. Shiff (1992). Doo-Wop: The Forgotten Third of Rock 'n Roll. Iola, Wisconsin: Krause Publications.
- Keyes, Johnny (1987). Du-Wop. Chicago: Vesti Press.
- Lepri, Paul (1977). The New Haven Sound 1946–1976. New Haven, Connecticut: [self published].
- McCutcheon, Lynn Ellis (1971). Rhythm and Blues. Arlington, Virginia.
- Warner, Jay (1992). The Da Capo Book of American Singing Groups. New York: Da Capo Press.