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This page is about the Main Quest. For the Divine Beast, see Divine Beast Vah Ruta.
Divine Beast Vah Ruta (Quest)
BotW Divine Beast Vah Ruta
Quest Giver King Dorephan
Location Zora's Domain
Previous QuestNext Quest
"Reach Zora's Domain""A Wife Washed Away"
"Frog Catching"
"Special Delivery"
"The Ceremonial Song"
"The Giant of Ralis Pond"
"Zora Stone Monuments"

"Divine Beast Vah Ruta" is a Main Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1]


After Link follows Sidon to Zora's Domain, the prince will welcome him and invite him to meet King Dorephan in the Throne Room.[2] Once he arrives, King Dorephan will congratulate him for reaching the Zora's Domain and introduce himself.[3] When he notices the Sheikah Slate that Link carries,[4] he finally recognizes him as the Hylian Champion.[5] However, he notices that Link does not seem to know who he is.[6]

Upon hearing this, Sidon realizes that is why Link's name was familiar to him, calling their meeting a fateful coincidence.[7][note 1] King Dorephan is in awe that Link has returned, reminding him that they have met many times before.[8] He starts to become nostalgic for the past,[9] and since he heard a rumor of Link's demise, he is relieved to see that he survived the Great Calamity.[10] Whether Link says so or not, King Dorephan realizes that Link has lost his memory.[11][12]

Despite Link's amnesia, King Dorephan asks if he remembers Mipha, the princess of the Zora.[13] He is saddened to hear that he has no memories of her, as the two of them were close before the Calamity.[14] The King encourages Link to look out at Mipha's Statue, as seeing her face may cause him to remember.[15] With no result, King Dorephan resigns himself to letting Link's memory return with time.[16] Sidon notices Link's confusion and asks his father to stop his discussion of Mipha.[17] While King Dorephan agrees,[18] he expresses his humor in the fact that Sidon brought Champion to Zora's Domain without knowing.[19][note 2]

After all the trials has faced Link, King Dorephan still has a request to make of him.[20] Zora's Domain is threatened to be washed away by the Rains of Divine Beast Vah Ruta,[21] and the Zora are unable to stop it on their own.[22] As such, he asks for Link's help in taming the Divine Beast.[23] This shocks Muzu enough to finally speak up,[24] where he expresses his repulsion to the idea of seeking assistance from a Hylian.[25] His reaction disappoints King Dorephan,[26] though Sidon admonishes him for speaking so rudely to both the King and a gust.[27] They have already decided that they must rely on a Hylian to help save Zora's Domain, and Sidon believes Link is capable.[28][note 3] King Dorephan supports his son's claim, citing Link's status as a Champion.[31]

Currently, both Zora's Domain and all of Hyrule Kingdom are endangered by Divine Beast Vah Ruta's Rain,[32] and so King Dorephan argues that the Zora and Hylians must work together to avert the threat.[33] Muzu protests again, blaming the Hylians' abuse of the Sheikah Ancient Technology for the state of Hyrule.[34] He continues to condemn them,[35] faulting Mipha's death to the Hylians.[36]

Despite Muzu's complaints, King Dorephan explains Divine Beast Vah Ruta's power to generate Water.[37] Recently, it has begun spouting this Water into the air, which has caused heavy Rains through the Lanayru Great Spring.[38] Though this does not seem like an issue for an aquatic race such as the Zora,[39] but if the East Reservoir Lake continues to fill, the dam could burst, which would flood both Zora's Domain and the Hylians downstream.[40] The meeting is interrupted by a call from Divine Beast Vah Ruta,[41] and a view is shown of it emerging from the Lake.

King Dorephan explains that Princess Zelda studied the Divine Beasts before the Great Calamity.[42] From her research, the Zora have deduced that the orbs on Divine Beast Vah Ruta's shoulders control its Water generation, and they require Electricity to work.[43] Since there is no Electricity flowing through them, however, the orbs have lost control.[44] Seggin, a Zora who is relatively resitant to Electricity, managed to shoot one of the orbs with a Shock Arrow, which slowed the Water.[45] Since they were only able to shoot it once, the Water eventually sped back up.[46] As the Zora are weak to Electricity,[47] Sidon began to search for a Hylian who would be able to help.[48]

Sidon asks Link to use Shock Arrows on the orbs so that they can begin to regulate the Water again.[49] Pledging his aid, Sidon begs Link to help stop Divine Beast Vah Ruta's rampage.[50] King Dorephan is shocked when Link explains he was already planning on doing so per Princess Zelda's instruction, as that means she is still alive.[51] When he hears that she is trapped in Hyrule Castle, he expresses his surprise that both of them have been alive all this time.[52] Though what happened a century ago can not be changed, King Dorephan believes that reclaiming the Divine Beasts will help in the battle against Calamity Ganon.[53]

Impressed by Link's ambitions,[54] Sidon promises to help.[55] He believes it will be easy to climb inside Divine Beast Vah Ruta once it has been calmed, and so he cheers on Link to join him.[56] When Link agrees to work with Sidon, King Dorephan thanks him.[57] He likens their meeting to destiny,.[58] and so he offers Link a gift to demonstrate his faith in him.[59] King Dorephan grants him the Zora Armor, which will help him climb Waterfalls like a Zora does.[60][note 4]

Muzu is angered by him giving the Armor to an outsider,[62] as they are traditionally crafted by Zora princesses for the future husbands.[63] He asserts that, since it was made by Mipha herself, it is too important to be given to a Hylian.[64] As he does not know of any relationship between Mipha and Link, Muzu sees no reason that he should be able to wear such Armor.[65] In his frustration, Muzu storms out of the Throne Room.[66] Once he is gone, King Dorephan remarks that Muzu does not change his mind easily.[67] He excuses Muzu's behavior, revealing that he was the one who taught Mipha when she was young, and so the two of them were very close.[68] Since the Great Calamity, he has begun to hate Hylians,[69] though King Dorephan asks Link to forgive his poor behavior.[70]

Now that Muzu has left, however, King Dorephan remembers that he tasked him with locating the Shock Arrows that they need.[71] Sidon tells Link not to take Muzu's anger to heart, before he leaves to work things out with him.[72] Realizing that Sidon is going to reveal the truth to Muzu,[73] King Dorephan sends Link to speak with Muzu himself.[74] After this, the Main Quest will begin.

In Zora's Domain Square, Link will find Muzu and Sidon speaking in front of Mipha's Statue.[75][76] When Link approaches, Muzu refuses to talk to him.[77] Sidon reveals that there is something he needs to tell Muzu,[78] which is that Link was the one Mipha had feelings for.[79] Though he was a child at the time, Sidon grew up hearing stories from his father about Mipha's love for Link.[80] Muzu is shocked,[81] but he quickly regains his composure and accuses Sidon of lying.[82] He does not see how Mipha could be in love with a Hylian, especially Link.[83] Muzu brings up the fact that Link has no memories, even when he looks at Mipha's Statue.[84] However, Sidon argues him claim, saying that Mipha loved Link even if Muzu did not know.[85] Link turns to look upon the Statue, which triggers the "Mipha's Touch" Recovered Memory.

After the Memory concludes, Sidon notices that Link appears unwell.[86] Even Muzu expresses concern,[87] though he does not believe that Link simply remembered Mipha when it was convenient.[88] He demands proof of Mipha's feelings for Link,[89] or else he will not reveal the location of the Shock Arrows.[90]

When Link equips the Zora Armor, Sidon will point out that it out to Muzu.[91] Though he is at first skeptical,[92] Muzu realizes that the Armor fits Link perfectly.[93] At Muzu's confusion,[94] Sidon explains that this is proof that Mipha crafted the Zora Armor for Link.[95] He reveals that Mipha never told Muzu due to his hatred for Hylians.[96]

Sidon asks Muzu to share the location of the Shock Arrows.[97] Still surprised,[98] Muzu turns to silently look up at Mipha's Statue.[99] Even though he does not approve, Muzu acquiesces and agrees to help.[100] He apologizes to Link for his rude behavior and decides to finally reveal the location of the Shock Arrows.[101]

On top of Ploymus Mountain is Shatterback Point,[102] upon which is a monster that shoots Shock Arrows.[103] Sidon realizes that he is referring to the Lynel and reasons that taking its Arrows would be a good way to gather them quickly.[104] Though it is a violent creature, Sidon is certain that Link is capable.[105] Muzu estimates that Link will need to gather at least 20 Shock Arrows.[106][note 5] Sidon has no doubt in Link's abilities.[110] He informs Link that the fastest way to the Lynel would be to swim up the Waterfall to the east of Zora's Domain, which his Zora Armor will be helpful for.[111] In the meantime, Sidon will be waiting at the East Reservoir Lake, and he invites Link to join him after he has collected his Shock Arrows.[112] When Link agrees, Sidon is excited that they will be able to stop Vah Ruta together.[113]

Link can reach Ploymus Mountain by climbing the Waterfalls in Mikau Lake and Lulu Lake. Once there, Link can either sneak past the Lynel to collect its spent Shock Arrows or defeat it for free reign of the area. After gathering 20 Arrows, Link can jump from Shatterback Point to meet with Sidon below.[114]

At East Reservoir Lake, Sidon will be glad to see that Link is prepared.[115] He ensures that Link has his Zora Armor and Shock Arrows ready.[116] When Link says he is ready, Sidon will express his excitement and jump into the Water.[117] He points out the orbs on Divine Beast Vah Ruta's back,[118] reminding Link that he must shoot them with his Shock Arrows.[119] Sidon plans on taking Link right up to Vah Ruta's water flow, which he can then swim up to shoot at the orbs.[120] He expresses his confidence in Link and tells him to get on his back.[121] When Link agrees, the pair will head out to face the Divine Beast.[122]

As they approach Divine Beast Vah Ruta, it will begin to respond to them, so Sidon decides to circle it until they have an opening.[123] As Sidon will be focused on swimming, it will be Link's responsibility to deflect any attacks.[124] He anticipates Vah Ruta will be using its Ice powers against them,[125]

After Link has shot all of the orbs, Sidon will point out that Divine Beast Vah Ruta has stopped spouting Water.[126] The Divine Beast raises up in the Water, so Sidon takes the opportunity to bring Link to an entrance.[127] As they approach, Sidon remarks that this is where the real work starts and wishes Link luck.[128] He compliments Link for cutting off Ruta's flow of Water.[129] When Link steps onto the platform, Sidon encourages him to show no fear.[130] He bids Link farewell just as Divine Beast Vah Ruta begins to rise.[131] As he swims away, Sidon wishes for Link to finish what they have started.[132]

When Link activates the Sheikah Slate Terminal, the Divine Beast's Travel Gate will be registered.[133] He will then hear the voice of Mipha, who is happy that he has finally arrived.[134] With Link's help, Divine Beast Vah Ruta can be freed from the control of Calamity Ganon.[135] Mipha instructs Link to retrieve a Map from the Guidance Stone.[136] Once the Guidance Stone authenticates the Sheikah Slate, it will distill a Map for Link.[137] This also grants Link a small amount of control over Divine Beast Vah Ruta.[138]

Now that Link has the Map,[139] Mipha points out the five glowing markers that represent the locations of Vah Ruta's Terminals.[140] The only way to reclaim the Divine Beast is to activate all of them,[141] though Mipha warns Link to be careful.[142]

When activated, each Terminal will authenticate the Sheikah Slate.[143] After activating the first Terminal, Mipha will encourage Link not to give up.[144] Once a second Terminal has been activated, Mipha will cheer Link on.[145] Mipha will tell Link he is almost there after activating three Terminals.[146] When there is only one Terminal left, Mipha expresses her faith in him.[147] Once Link has activated the final Terminal, Mipha will direct him to start the Main Control Unit.[148] Once again, she reminds Link not to let his guard down.[149]

When Link attempts to activate the Main Control Unit, though, Malice will begin to swarm around it. Waterblight Ganon takes form behind him in the center of the room. Mipha warns Link to be careful, as this is a creation of Calamity Ganon.[150] Though she tried her best, it ended up defeating her a century ago.[151] However, she believes Link is ready to challenge Waterblight Ganon.[152]

BotW Mipha Introduction

Mipha's introduction

Once Waterblight Ganon has been defeated, the Malice surrounding the Main Control Unit will disappear and a Heart Container will drop. After finally activating the Main Control Unit, Mipha will appear to thank Link for freeing both her spirit and Divine Beast Vah Ruta.[153] As a spirit, Mipha decides that she no longer has need of her power,[154] so she decides to gift Mipha's Grace to Link.[155] A blue orb appears in front of her, which then makes its way and settles into Link's chest.

Just a day before, Mipha cried and almost gave up hope on being freed.[156] Now that Link is here, Mipha reveals that she has spent the last 100 years hoping to see him again.[157] She makes him promise to use Mipha's Grace whenever he needs it.[158] If Link does so, Mipha will be able to rest in peace.[159] As Link begins to be teleported away, Mipha decides that she and Divine Beast Vah Ruta must now fill their own roles.[160] She expresses how honored they are to be able to support Link and promises to help destroy Calamity Ganon.[161] She bids Link farewell, only asking that he save Princess Zelda as he finally disappears.[162]

With Divine Beast Vah Ruta back under her control, Mipha pilots it out of the East Reservoir Lake. They pass under Rutala Dam, where they make their way through Rutala River and up to a lake in the Zodobon Highlands. Divine Beast Vah Ruta sets its aim on Hyrule Castle. Mipha is relieved that they are able to be of use to Link and the rest of the Champions.[163] She explains that their purpose is to help Link's fight against Calamity Ganon,[164] specifically with Vah Ruta's ability to drawn Ganon's power.[165] As she looks over Hyrule, Mipha reminds the Divine Beast that this is their last hope.[166] By sealing Ganon, they will bring peace to the land once more.[167] Running a hand over Divine Beast Vah Ruta, Mipha claims that this will fulfill both of their duties.[168]

Seeing Zora's Domain, Mipha wonders if her father has been well.[169] She wants him to know that she has followed her heart,[170] though she apologizes for how she has made him worry.[171] Mipha wishes she could see him again, just one more time.[172]

Link is returned to the entrance of Zora's Domain, where he officially obtains Mipha's Grace. When he enters the Throne Room, all of the Zora will gather to celebrate his heroism. King Dorephan congratulates him on surviving his ordeal within Divine Beast Vah Ruta.[173] With the Rain behind them,[174] King Dorephan thanks Link for averting the flood.[175] Muzu apologizes to Link for his poor behavior,[176] and he now recognizes that Link was only thinking of saving Hyrule.[177] He and the rest of the council are thankful for all that he has done,[178] admiting that they were wrong about Hylians.[179] If Link would be able to forgive him one day, Muzu would be overjoyed.[180]

As a reward, King Dorephan offers Link the contents of a nearby Treasure Chest.[181] He explains that it was a cherished belonging of Mipha, and he wants Link to keep it as a token of their friendship.[182] Inside, Link will recover the Lightscale Trident.

King Dorephan once again thanks Link for all that he has done,[183] this time acknowledging Sidon's role in helping Link.[184] He notes how much his son has grown as of late, and when it is time, he believes Sidon will prove himself a worthy heir to the throne.[185] Sidon is humbled by such praise.[186] King Dorephan then remarks how wonderful it is to have Divine Beast Vah Ruta back on their side.[187]

Agreeing with his father,[188] Sidon takes the opportunity to shake Link's hand and thank him himself.[189] To express his gratitude,[190] Sidon will do a Zora cheer for Link.[191] The rest of the Zora cheer for Link, after which the Main Quest will be completed.


Stage Description
1 You have been asked to help appease Vah Ruta, Divine Beast of Water. The task will require a great many shock arrows.

Find Muzu in Zora's Domain square to find out where to get them.
2 You asked Muzu where to get the arrows, but he refuses to help because you're a Hylian. However, he seems willing to cooperate if you can somehow prove that you were special to Mipha.

You have the Zora armor that Mipha made for you. Maybe it will be proof enough.
3 According to Muzu, you can get shock arrows from Ploymus Mountain.

Wearing the Zora armor allows you to swim up waterfalls, so swimming up the waterfall east of Zora's Domain will make for a nice shortcut.

First, you'll need to collect 20 shock arrows.
4 You collected the 20 shock arrows you'll need to face the Divine Beast. Now head to East Reservoir Lake and meet with Sidon.

The lake is directly below Shatterback Point, the peak of Ploymus Mountain.
5 You met up with Sidon at East Reservoir Lake and are ready to put those shock arrows to use. Their electricity can activate the devices on Divine Beast Vah Ruta's back.
6 You activated the devices on Divine Beast Vah Ruta's back, halting its barrage.

Now's your chance. Head inside and take back the Divine Beast!
7 You defeated Waterblight Ganon, which had taken control of Divine Beast Vah Ruta.

Divine Beast Vah Ruta has been enshrined to the west of Lanayru Great Spring.

Return to Zora's Domain and report to King Dorephan.
Complete You told King Dorephan everything that's happened so far, and now it seems even members of the Zora's Domain council have accepted you.

You've also earned one of the Champion's charms, Mipha's Grace.

Divine Beast Vah Ruta has enshrined itself in preparation for the battle with Calamity Ganon.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
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See Also[]


  1. If Link missed obtaining "Reach Zora's Domain", Sidon will not speak here.
  2. If "Reach Zora's Domain" was skipped, King Dorephan will not make this joke.
  3. Alternatively, if Link did not obtain "Reach Zora's Domain", Sidon will be shocked at Muzu's rude behavior in front of King Dorephan and his guest.[29] Link has come in a dire hour for the Zora, and so Sidon sees his arrival as a work of fate.[30]
  4. If Link's Armor Inventory is full, King Dorephan will ask him to make room.[61]
  5. If Link already has at least 20 Shock Arrows in his Inventory,[107] Sidon encourages him to go to Ploymus Mountain if he needs more.[108] He goes ahead to wait for Link at the East Reservoir Lake.[109]


  1. "Divine Beast Vah Ruta
    Zora's Domain
    " — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. "Welcome! Behold the pride of my people, Zora's Domain! Now I shall introduce you to the king. Hurry, this way!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  3. "Ah. You must be the Hylian that Sidon brought here, correct? You did well to come all the way here! I am King Dorephan, ruler of the Zora." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  4. "Hm? That object upon your waist... is that not a Sheikah Slate?!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  5. "HMMM?! Now that I have gotten a good look at you, it is all too clear who you are... You are the Hylian Champion, Link!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  6. "Do not tell me you have forgotten me..." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  7. "The Hylian Champion? You can't mean THE Link? THAT Champion?! So that's where I have heard your name before! What a fateful coincidence that we should cross paths!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  8. "I cannot believe it. The Hylian Champion, Link, has appeared before us... We have met numerous times, I'll have you know." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  9. "Ah... So many memories! My mind is overflowing with nostalgia, my friend." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  10. "I had heard a terrible rumor that you had fallen in combat, but it appears you managed to survive. Extraordinary!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  11. "[I've been sleeping.] Come again? Sleeping, you say... Hm. Is that why you do not seem to remember me?" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  12. "[I lost my memory.] Come again? You say you have lost your memory?" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  13. "But surely you must remember my precious daughter, Mipha, yes? You do, do you not?" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  14. "I cannot believe it... Have you truly forgotten my dear Mipha as well? You and Mipha were so close... Yet you do not remember her?" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  15. "Young hero... Please look upon the beauty of Zora's Domain. Do you see that statue? Does gazing upon Mipha's immortalized form not jog your memory?" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  16. "Well, perhaps your memory will return in time. I dearly hope so." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  17. "Father... I do not believe discussing my sister is helping matters at the moment. Link seems confused." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  18. "Oh? Yes, of course." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  19. "But first, it is worth noting how remarkable it is that Sidon brought a Champion here without realizing it! That is quite a feat, my boy! Wah ha ha! That is a good one!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  20. "Link, I doubt not that you have endured a great many trials. Still, I must ask you to hear my plea." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  21. "Now then. Hero...I must inform you that Zora's Domain is in danger of vanishing because of Divine Beast Vah Ruta." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  22. "I shall do you the courtesy of speaking bluntly. We alone cannot stop this beast." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  23. "Will you lend us your strength?" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  24. "What?!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  25. "King Dorephan! My liege! Please do not speak so! To ask a Hylian for help... Why, the very thought of it curls my fins!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  26. "Muzu, I expected more of you. How can you still protest?" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  27. "Muzu! It is rude to speak that way to your king and his guest. Link is here because I invited him!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  28. "With such unprecedented rainfall, we have no choice but to rely on the aid of a trustworthy Hylian. Have we not already discussed this and arrived at that very conclusion? He is the key so saving Zora's Domain. I have no doubt in my mind." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  29. "Muzu! How dare you speak to rudely to your king and his guest!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  30. "This Hylian has come to us in our most dire hour of need. That our paths have crossed is certainly the work of fate." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  31. "Indeed! Link is a Champion, through and through." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  32. "As things now stand, Zora's Domain... Nay! Perhaps all of Hyrule...is doomed to be swallowed by the sea." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  33. "This is bigger than all of us, my friend. Zora and Hylians alike must put aside our differences and band together." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  34. "Have you forgotten already, my king?! We cannot trust these lowly Hylians! A hundred years ago, they abused the power of an ancient civilization and turned Hyrule into what it is today!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  35. "And that is not the least of it!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  36. "It is their fault that Lady Mipha was lost to us..." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  37. "... Link. Divine Beast Vah Ruta has great power. It has the unique ability to create an endless supply of water." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  38. "Of late it has been mercilessly spouting water into the air. As a result, this area has been plagued by heavy rains." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  39. "For us Zora, water and air are as one, so you would not think this would be quite so critical of a problem." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  40. "Sadly, the rains have filled the easten reservoir nearly to the point of flooding. If the reservoir bursts, as it soon will, I fear immense damage will befall not only Zora's Domain... but also the area downstream from us. There, Hylian lives are in very great danger." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  41. "Hmm... The Divine Beast is crying out once again..." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  42. "The Divine Beast Vah Ruta... Your princess, Zelda, often studied the Divine Beasts. That is, in the time before the Great Calamity." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  43. "According to her research, the orbs located on Ruta's shoulders... are mechanisms that can control the water it generates. However, they require electricity to work." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  44. "These orbs are clearly out of control now because there is no electricity coursing through to stop them." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  45. "Seggin, who is quite shock resistant for a Zora, hit one with a shock arrow. Sure enough, it slowed the water a bit." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  46. "Perhaps because we could not safely strike it with enough electricity at once, the water soon returned to its full force." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  47. "Unfortunately, as an aquatic race, we Zora are terribly vulnerable to the power of electricity." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  48. "That is why I went in search of a Hylian who could help us!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  49. "Link, I am certain you have already figured this out, but... We need you to use shock arrows to get those orbs working properly again!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  50. "I will aid you in any way I can, of course. Please, hero... I beg of you. Help me stop Ruta's rampage of destruction!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  51. "[I, um...] Whaaat?! Princess Zelda herself instructed you to board the Divine Beast and appease it from within? So then...Princess Zelda is still alive?" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  52. "[Yes, in Hyrule Castle.] I do not believe it... She was alive this whole time, just as you were!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  53. "The events of 100 years ago cannot be changed, it is true. But if we can regain control of the Divine Beasts...they may yet prove useful in sealing Calamity Ganon once and for all!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  54. "I did not know you had such grand ambitions, Link..." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  55. "Wondrous! Naturally, I shall help too!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  56. "Once it has stopped rampaging, you can easily climb inside it. Come, Link! Let us appease Ruta together!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  57. "[I'm in. Let's do this!] Thank you, Link. Truly. We are in your debt." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  58. "Our goal is the same. That means our meeting was nothing short of destiny." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  59. "Now then, allow me to offer you this gift as a show of faith." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  60. "So long as you wear this, you can ascend waterfalls just like a Zora. Please take good care of it." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  61. "Link, your pouch appears to be full. Please make some space in there so I may gift you this Zora armor." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  62. "King Dorephan!! Surely you do not really intend to give this outsider the Zora armor!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  63. "Countless generations of Zora princesses have gifted that armor to the one they have sword to marry!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  64. "Princess Mipha made that one there with her own hands! It is far too important to entrust to a shady Hylian!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  65. "He may be a Champion, but Mipha had no such relationship with him. So why should HE receive such an honor?" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  66. "This is just too much, my liege! I do not understand it one bit!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  67. "Hmph. That Muzu is not easily swayed once his mind is set." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  68. "You must understand... He was in charge of educating my dear daughter, Mipha. Naturally, she means a lot to him... just as she means the world to us." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  69. "Ever since we lost her to the Calamity, he has grown to despise Hylians." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  70. "I hope you can forgive his rudeness." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  71. "Hmm, but what shall we do now? I tasked Muzu with finding the shock arrows we will need to appease Vah Ruta. But now he has rushed off in a huff..." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  72. "Link! Do not let his words concern you. I will work this out with Muzu. I shall return shortly!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  73. "Sidon... I suppose that means you are going to tell him..." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  74. "Link... Muzu is most likely at the square down below. Would you mind going down there? I would like you to try to speak with him." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  75. "Muzu... Please listen..." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  76. "I don't care what you say!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  77. "Hmph. You came all the way here, but it was in vain. I have no desire to speak with you." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  78. "Listen well, Muzu. There is something you need to know." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  79. "He who stands here...the man called Link...is the one whom my sister, Mipha, had feelings for." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  80. "I was only a child then, so I did not know it myself at the time. But it is so. I grew up hearing my father tell stories, some of which were about my sister's undying love for a Hylian named Link." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  81. "What?! No..." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  82. "You cannot fool me with such a fanciful lie. Not this Zora!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  83. "How could Lady Mipha possibly have feelings for a Hylian like him?!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  84. "The facts are clear. He remembers nothing. Even when he looks upon Princess Mipha's statue..." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  85. "It is the truth, Muzu. Though you never knew it, he was ever in Mipha's heart." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  86. "What is the matter, Link? Are you unwell?" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  87. "Hm? You are quivering like a hatchling... Whatever is the matter?" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  88. "[Mipha... I remember.] WHAT?! Do not mistake me for a fool, Hylian! There is no way you remembered her just now, when it is most convenient!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  89. "In any case, without any solid proof, I cannot possibly take you at your word! If you have any such proof, now is the time to show it." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  90. "Do so, and...and I...I shall tell you how to get those shock arrows! Yes, as well as anything else you wish to know." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  91. "Muzu! Look closely at the clothes Link is wearing!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  92. "Hm? You really think changing your clothes is going to make me..." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  93. "Eh?! What in the... That is the Zora armor from before! Lady Mipha made that by hand... and yet it fits you perfectly!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  94. "What is the meaning of this?!" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  95. "Now you understand, do you not? Now you know who her heart belonged to and who she made this special armor for. The fact that this armor fits Link perfectly should be proof enough that Mipha made it for him and hime alone!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  96. "You have always disliked Hylians, even before the Great Calamity. That is why Mipha never told you." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  97. "Now that you know, you must promise to help him save us all, Muzu. Please... Tell us where we can find the shock arrows we need. Knowing you, I bet you have already figured it out." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  98. "Hmph. I never would have imagined she would make that special armor for one such as he..." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  99. "..." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  100. "I do not approve of asking for help from a Hylian, but I suppose it is out only option at this point." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  101. "I am a proud Zora. That means I must take responsibility for my unwarranted behavior toward you. As promised, I shall tell you where you can collect as many shock arrows as you will need." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  102. "That tall mountain over yonder... It is called Ploymus Mountain, and there you will also find Shatterback Point." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  103. "A terrifying creature has made its home up there. This awful beast shoots volley after volley of shock arrows. Even a single one could be fatal to a Zora." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  104. "Aha! You must mean that Lynel! He is a man-beast, that one! That beast does indeed wield shock arrows. That is certainly one way to collect them quickly." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  105. "He is vicious, to be sure. But I am certain Link will rise to the challenge." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  106. "In order to appease the Divine Beast, I estimate that you will need...hmm... at least 20 shock arrows. Do you think you can gather that many?" — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  107. "Hm? Well, well! What have we here? It seems you already have some shock arrows!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  108. "Still, if you need any more, you can always go to Ploymus Mountain to restock!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  109. "Link... I'll be waiting for you at East Reservoir Lake, right by the Divine Beast. When you are ready, come join me there!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  110. "Why do you still doubt him, Muzu? I have no doubt he will be triumpant!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  111. "OK, Link. Let's get moving. The fastest way to Ploymus Mountain is to ascend the waterfall east of the domain! That Zora armor should come in handy. Just swim to the waterfall basin, and then go up the waterfall from there!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  112. "I'll wait at East Reservoir Lake, right by the Divine Beast. Gather at least 20 shock arrows, and then come join me!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  113. "[I'm on it!] Wonderful! Together we shall stop that Divine Beast's onslaught!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  114. "You collected the 20 shock arrows you'll need to face the Divine Beast. Now head to East Reservoir Lake and meet with Sidon.

    The lake is directly below Shatterback Point, the peak of Ploymus Mountain.
    " — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  115. "Glad to see you're ready to go, Link!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  116. "Are you ready for this? Do you have your Zora armor and enough shock arrows?" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  117. "[I'm ready!] Wonderful! You never cease to amaze, Link! Now then, let us go and appease that Divine Beast as one! Here we go!!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  118. "Gaze now upon the Divine Beast's back!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  119. "Do you see those glowing, pink orbs? You will need to shoot each of them with a shock arrow!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  120. "With your Zora armor, you now have the ability to ascend waterfalls! So I shall take you right up to the side of the Divine Beast, and from there you can swim up and take aim!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  121. "I know you can do it! I believe in you! Now hurry up and get on my back!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  122. "[I'm ready.] Good answer! Let's get going!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  123. "Ruta is responding to our presence! I'll move away and wait for an opening before we approach!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  124. "I'll keep going at full speed! It's up to you to ward off Ruta's attacks!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  125. "Are you ready? Divine Beast Vah Ruta will undoubtedly use its ancient and mysterious powers against us... That includes hurling giant ice blocks that we will need to watch out for. I shall leave those to you!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  126. "Link, look! The water spouting from Ruta has slowed down!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  127. "Ruta is floating higher now! You wanted to venture inside it, right?! I'll bring you closer! We're counting on you, hero! Do good work in there!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  128. "Well, Link, here we are. Looks like this is where the real work starts. Best of luck." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  129. "Nice job cutting off the water flow from this Divine Beast." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  130. "Show the enemy no fear." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  131. "I'll see you back at Zora's Domain. Farewell" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  132. "Finish the job, Link..." — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  133. "Travel Gate registered to map." — Sheikah Slate Terminal (Breath of the Wild)
  134. "You're here. I must say...that I am so happy to see that this day has finally arrived." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  135. "Now Ruta can be freed of Ganon's control." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  136. "You'll need a map to prevent you from getting lost. The Guidance Stone there contains the information that you will need." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  137. "Sheikah Slate authenticated. Distilling map of Divine Beast." — Guidance Stone (Breath of the Wild)
  138. "Divine Beast controls have been enabled." — Guidance Stone (Breath of the Wild)
  139. "Good! You've obtained the map of the Divine Beast." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  140. "You will see several glowing points on your map which represent the terminals that control Ruta." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  141. "Take Ruta back by activating all of the terminals." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  142. "Be careful." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  143. "Sheikah Slate authenticated." — Terminal (Breath of the Wild)
  144. "There are four terminals remaining. Don't give up!" — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  145. "There are three terminals remaining. You can do it!" — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  146. "There are two terminals remaining. You're nearly there..." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  147. "Just one terminal remaining! I have faith in you!" — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  148. "You activated all the terminals! Now you can start the main control unit. There should be a new glowing mark on your map. Head there!" — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  149. "Be careful not to let your guard down." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  150. "Please take care. That...thing is one of Ganon's creations." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  151. "I put up as much of a fight as I could, but it proved to be my demise 100 years ago..." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  152. "Regardless...I believe that you are well prepared for this moment. I have faith in you!" — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  153. "Hello, Link. Because of your courage, my spirit is now free. And Ruta, as well. Thank you. For I am now allowed my this freedom... to be with you once again." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  154. "Since I am now a spirit, my healing power would be wasted on me. I have no need of it." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  155. "So therefore...I would like you to have it. Please accept... Mipha's Grace." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  156. "Yesterday, I was awash in a pool of tears. I had nearly given up hope and resigned myself to being trapped here, as a spirit, for the rest of eternity." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  157. "But now you're here. All this time, my hope... was to see you once more." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  158. "Promise me that you will not hesitate to call upon my power if you ever find yourself in need." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  159. "Knowing that... will let my spirit rest in peace." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  160. "I must go. Ruta and I have our roles to fulfill." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  161. "We are both honored to be able to play the role of support. We'll annihilate Ganon together." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  162. "Farewell. Save her, Link. Save the princess... Save Princess Zelda..." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  163. "Ruta, we've found a way to be useful to Link. And...the other Champions, of course." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  164. "Our job will be to help Link as he fights Ganon inside the castle...however we can." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  165. "Using your ability to drain Ganon of his power is key to our success." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  166. "This is it. This will be our last chance... and everyone's last hope." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  167. "If we seal him away, then we can restore peace to Hyrule." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  168. "And both your duty and mine will be fulfilled." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  169. "Father, are you well, I wonder..." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  170. "I want you to know... I have always followed my heart." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  171. "I'm sorry I made you worry..." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  172. "I wish I could see you again... Even just once more..." — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  173. "Link! You did well to survive your trial! I have been awaiting your return!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  174. "The violent downpour has disappeared, and has the threat to Zora's Domain! It is all little more than a bad dream now." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  175. "Thanks to your efforts, there is no longer any danger of a great flood laying waste to Hyrule! You appeased Divine Beast Vah Ruta and thusly saved Zora's Domain! We are all truly grateful! What you did for us is more than we could have ever expected of you." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  176. "Link... I must sincerely apologize for my harsh treatment of you." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  177. "That whole time, you were thinking of Hyrule's and Lady Mipha's well-being, just like the rest of us." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  178. "All of the members of our council humbly fold our fins back in gratitude, along with the rest of our people." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  179. "Perhaps the older generation of Zora, myself included, misunderstood Hylians after all. It would seem so." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  180. "That said, I would be overjoys if you could find it in your heart to forgive me. If not now, then perhaps one day." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  181. "Link! I must reward your efforts! Now then! I implore you to collect the treasure inside that chest over there." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  182. "It was cherished by Mipha. A memento of sorts. I would like you to have it as a token of our friendship. Please take good care of it." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  183. "Link, all of the Zora thank you from the depths of our hearts for your heroic and selfless work!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  184. "...And you too, Sidon. As your father, I am proud of you for fighting the Divine Beast alongside Link." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  185. "You have grown much recently. I know you will be a worthy heir when your time comes." — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  186. "Father... I... Thank you!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  187. "The heavy rains have stopped, and the Divine Beast is our ally once again! How glorious! Truly splendid! Wah ha ha ha!" — King Dorephan (Breath of the Wild)
  188. "Link! This is wonderful!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  189. "Link! Thank you so much! Truly, I could never thank you enough! You helped save our home from vanishing away!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  190. "This calls for a top-tier expression of gratitude!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)
  191. "ZO! ZO! RA RA RA! With all my heart... Thank you!" — Sidon (Breath of the Wild)