
Found 68 Documents (Results 1–68)

An American postulate theorist: Edward V. Huntington. (English) Zbl 1404.01020

Zack, Maria (ed.) et al., Research in history and philosophy of mathematics. The CSHPM 2015 annual meeting in Washington, D. C., USA, August, 2015. Basel: Birkhäuser/Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-43269-4/hbk; 978-3-319-46615-6/ebook). Proceedings of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics/La Société Canadienne d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Mathématiques, 221-235 (2016).
MSC:  01A60 03-03
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The triangulation of manifolds: topology, gauge theory, and history. (English) Zbl 1373.57003

Ballmann, Werner (ed.) et al., Arbeitstagung Bonn 2013. In memory of Friedrich Hirzebruch. Proceedings of the meeting, Bonn, Germany, May, 22–28, 2013. Basel: Birkhäuser/Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-43646-3/hbk; 978-3-319-43648-7/ebook). Progress in Mathematics 319, 307-336 (2016).
Full Text: DOI

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