Rockefeller and the internationalization of mathematics between the two world wars. Documents and studies for the social history of mathematics in the 20th century. Zbl 0981.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematicians fleeing from Nazi Germany. Individual fates and global impact. Zbl 1179.01024
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“Scientific control” in mathematical reviewing and German-U.S.-American relations between the two World Wars. Zbl 0806.01032
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Ausgewählte Kapitel aus der Funktionenlehre. Vorlesung, gehalten in Berlin 1886. Mit der akademischen Antrittsrede, Berlin 1857, und drei weiteren Originalarbeiten von K. Weierstraß aus den Jahren 1870 bis 1880/86. Hrsg., komm. und mit einem Anhang versehen von R. Siegmund-Schultze. (Selected chapters of function theory. Lecture held in Berlin 1886. Together with the academic inangural speech, Berlin 1857, and three further original papers by K. Weierstraß dating from the years 1870 up to 1880/86. Edited, commented and provided with an appendix by R. Siegmund-Schultze). Zbl 0679.01010
Weierstraß, Karl |
Mathematical information in Hitler’s Germany. The decline of the “Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik”.
(Mathematische Berichterstattung in Hitlerdeutschland. Der Niedergang des “Jahrbuchs über die Fortschritte der Mathematik”.) Zbl 0795.01015
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Hilda Geiringer-von Mises, Charlier series, ideology, and the human side of the emancipation of applied mathematics at the University of Berlin during the 1920s. Zbl 0805.01017
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematicians fleeing from Hitler. Sources and studies of the emigration of a science.
(Mathematiker auf der Flucht vor Hitler. Quellen und Studien zur Emigration einer Wissenschaft.) Zbl 0917.01025
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
A non-conformist longing for unity in the fractures of modernity: towards a scientific biography of Richard von Mises (1883–1953). Zbl 1119.01020
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“Mathematics knows no races”: a political speech that David Hilbert planned for the ICM in Bologna in 1928. Zbl 1359.01019
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Probability in 1919/20: the von Mises-Pólya-controversy. Zbl 1098.01008
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The emancipation of mathematical research publishing in the United States from German dominance (1878-1945). Zbl 0878.01022
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Eliakim Hastings Moore’s “General Analysis”. Zbl 0890.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Die Anfänge der Funktionalanalysis und ihr Platz im Umwälzungsprozeß der Mathematik um 1900. Zbl 0514.46001
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematicians forced to philosophize: an introduction to Khinchin’s paper on von Mises’ theory of probability. Zbl 1181.01049
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The late arrival of academic applied mathematics in the United States: a paradox, theses, and literature. Zbl 1034.01020
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“The joy that engineers and mathematicians have come together.” Richard von Mises’ foundation of ZAMM, and its “Tasks and goals” (1920/21). Zbl 1539.01010
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Opposition to the boycott of German mathematics in the early 1920s: letters by Edmund Landau (1877-1938) and Edwin Bidwell Wilson (1879-1964).
(Opposition au boycott des mathématiques allemandes dans les années 20: lettres d’Edmund Landau (1877-1938) et d’Edwin Bidwell Wilson (1879-1964).) Zbl 1230.01024
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Philipp Frank, Richard von Mises, and the Frank-Mises. Zbl 1113.01014
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Meeting under the integral sign? The Oslo congress of mathematicians on the eve of the Second World War. In collaboration with Henrik Kragh Sørensen. Zbl 1495.01004
Hollings, Christopher D.; Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“Not in possession of any Weltanschauung”: Otto Neugebauer’s flight from Nazi Germany and his search for objectivity in mathematics, in reviewing, and in history. Zbl 1341.01049
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The interplay of various Scandinavian mathematical journals (1859–1953) and the road towards internationalization. Zbl 1410.01036
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Felix Klein’s connections to the United States, the beginnings of German foreign cultural policy and the reform around 1900.
(Felix Kleins Beziehungen zu den Vereinigten Staaten, die Anfänge deutscher auswärtiger Wissenschaftspolitik und die Reform um 1900.) Zbl 1170.01414
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Zur Sozialgeschichte der Mathematik an der Berliner Universität im Faschismus. (A contribution to the social history of mathematics at the Berlin University during fascism). Zbl 0693.01012
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Theodor Vahlen - zum Schuldanteil eines deutschen Mathematikers am faschistischen Mißbrauch der Wissenschaft. Zbl 0568.01025
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Classical text in translation: On A. Ya. Khinchin’s paper “R. Mises’ frequentist theory and the modern concepts of the theory of probability. Translated by Oscar Sheynin. With footnotes by Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze. Zbl 1181.01046
Gnedenko, B. V. |
From “mixed” to “applied” mathematics: tracing an important dimension of mathematics and its history. Abstracts from the workshop held March 3–9, 2013. Zbl 1349.00158
Antisemitism during the republik of Weimar and the situtation of Jewish mathematicians: Theses and document to a not well investigated subject.
(Antisemitismus in der Weimarer Republik und die Lage jüdischer Mathematiker: Thesen und Dokumente zu einem wenig erforschten Thema.) Zbl 1184.01021
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Richard von Mises (1883–1953): a pioneer of applied mathematics in four countries. Zbl 1189.01063
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Sets versus trial sequences, Hausdorff versus von Mises: “pure” mathematics prevails in the foundations of probability around 1920. Zbl 1252.01002
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematicians’ interest in the history of their science.
(Über das Interesse von Mathematikern an der Geschichte ihrer Wissenschaft.) Zbl 0788.01077
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
No survival for an elderly mathematician: Felix Hausdorff’s failed emigration and death.
(Kein Überleben für einen älteren Mathematiker: Felix Hausdorffs gescheiterte Emigration und Tod.) Zbl 1484.01014
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Einige Probleme der Geschichtsschreibung der Mathematik im faschistischen Deutschland - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Lebenslaufes des Greifswalder Mathematikers Theodor Vahlen. Zbl 0557.01018
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Hans Wußing (1927-2011) and the blooming of the history of mathematics and sciences in the German Democratic Republic – a biographical essay. Zbl 1244.01031
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The institute Henri Poincaré and mathematics in France between the wars. Zbl 1208.01047
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
One hundred years after the Great War (1914–2014). A century of breakdowns, resumptions and fundamental changes in international mathematical communication. Zbl 1373.01005
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Landau and Schur – documents of a friendship until death in an age of inhumanity. Zbl 1262.01010
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The first decade of the Institut Henri Poincaré, in particular the role of the Rockefeller foundation. Zbl 1189.01072
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“Göttinger Feldgraue”, Einstein, and the delayed reception of Emmy Noether’s theorems on invariant variational problems (1918).
(“Göttinger Feldgraue”, Einstein, und die verzögerte Wahrnehmung von Emmy Noethers Sätzen über Invariante Variationsprobleme (1918).) Zbl 1228.01030
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Prime und extrem nichtprime dynamische Systeme. Zbl 0423.28016
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The effects of Nazi rule on the international participation of German mathematicians: An overview and two case studies. Zbl 1004.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The University of Berlin from reopening until 1953. Zbl 0902.01033
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
A report of Felix Klein from the year 1902 on his mathematical travels to the United States (1893 and 1896).
(Ein Bericht Felix Kleins aus dem Jahre 1902 über seine mathematischen Vorträge in den Vereinigten Staaten 1893 und 1896.) Zbl 0916.01009
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Emmy Noether: “The experiment to promote a woman to a full professorship”. Zbl 1476.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
From lattices via social history to theories of modernity in mathematics. A biographical essay for Herbert Mehrtens (1946–2021). Zbl 1482.01028
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Der Beweis des Weierstraßschen Approximationssatzes 1885 vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung der Fourieranalysis. (The proof of Weierstraß’s approximation theorem (1885) with regard to the development of Fourier analysis). Zbl 0676.01001
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Kurt-Reinhard Biermann zum 70. Geburtstag. (Kurt-Reinhard Biermann - to his 70th birthday). Zbl 0686.01009
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Dealing with the political past of East German mathematics. Zbl 0788.01076
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Perspectives on Scandinavian science in the early twentieth century: an introduction. Biography for further reading. Zbl 1129.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard; Sørensen, Henrik Kragh |
The Norwegian journal “Samtiden” around 1905: reflections of political, cultural and scientific modernisation in a country at the periphery of Europe. Zbl 1129.01300
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Richard von Mises’ work for ZAMM until his emigration in 1933 and glimpses of the later history of ZAMM. Zbl 1535.01032
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Rockefeller philanthropy and mathematical emigration between World Wars. Zbl 1325.01021
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Weierstraß’s approximation theorem (1885) and his 1886 lecture course revisited. Zbl 1328.01035
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“German thinking” in the “anticultural climate of Vienna”: a letter of George Hamel in 1908 to his assistant Richard von Mises.
(“Deutsches Denken” in “kulturfeindlicher Wiener Luft”: ein Brief Georg Hamels aus dem Jahre 1908 an seinen Assistenten Richard von Mises.) Zbl 1329.01041
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Emmy Noether – “the experiment to promote a woman to a full professorship”.
(Emmy Noether – “das Experiment, eine Frau zum Ordinarius zu machen”.) Zbl 1380.01018
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Emigration of mathematicians and transmission of mathematics: historical lessons and consequences of the Third Reich. Abstracts from the workshop held October 30 – November 5, 2011. Zbl 1349.00055
From lattices via social history to theories of modernity in mathematics. A biographical essay for Herbert Mehrtens (1946–2021). Zbl 1482.01028
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
No survival for an elderly mathematician: Felix Hausdorff’s failed emigration and death.
(Kein Überleben für einen älteren Mathematiker: Felix Hausdorffs gescheiterte Emigration und Tod.) Zbl 1484.01014
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“The joy that engineers and mathematicians have come together.” Richard von Mises’ foundation of ZAMM, and its “Tasks and goals” (1920/21). Zbl 1539.01010
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Meeting under the integral sign? The Oslo congress of mathematicians on the eve of the Second World War. In collaboration with Henrik Kragh Sørensen. Zbl 1495.01004
Hollings, Christopher D.; Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Richard von Mises’ work for ZAMM until his emigration in 1933 and glimpses of the later history of ZAMM. Zbl 1535.01032
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The interplay of various Scandinavian mathematical journals (1859–1953) and the road towards internationalization. Zbl 1410.01036
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Emmy Noether: “The experiment to promote a woman to a full professorship”. Zbl 1476.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Emmy Noether – “the experiment to promote a woman to a full professorship”.
(Emmy Noether – “das Experiment, eine Frau zum Ordinarius zu machen”.) Zbl 1380.01018
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“Mathematics knows no races”: a political speech that David Hilbert planned for the ICM in Bologna in 1928. Zbl 1359.01019
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“Not in possession of any Weltanschauung”: Otto Neugebauer’s flight from Nazi Germany and his search for objectivity in mathematics, in reviewing, and in history. Zbl 1341.01049
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Weierstraß’s approximation theorem (1885) and his 1886 lecture course revisited. Zbl 1328.01035
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Rockefeller philanthropy and mathematical emigration between World Wars. Zbl 1325.01021
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
One hundred years after the Great War (1914–2014). A century of breakdowns, resumptions and fundamental changes in international mathematical communication. Zbl 1373.01005
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
From “mixed” to “applied” mathematics: tracing an important dimension of mathematics and its history. Abstracts from the workshop held March 3–9, 2013. Zbl 1349.00158
Hans Wußing (1927-2011) and the blooming of the history of mathematics and sciences in the German Democratic Republic – a biographical essay. Zbl 1244.01031
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Landau and Schur – documents of a friendship until death in an age of inhumanity. Zbl 1262.01010
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Opposition to the boycott of German mathematics in the early 1920s: letters by Edmund Landau (1877-1938) and Edwin Bidwell Wilson (1879-1964).
(Opposition au boycott des mathématiques allemandes dans les années 20: lettres d’Edmund Landau (1877-1938) et d’Edwin Bidwell Wilson (1879-1964).) Zbl 1230.01024
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“Göttinger Feldgraue”, Einstein, and the delayed reception of Emmy Noether’s theorems on invariant variational problems (1918).
(“Göttinger Feldgraue”, Einstein, und die verzögerte Wahrnehmung von Emmy Noethers Sätzen über Invariante Variationsprobleme (1918).) Zbl 1228.01030
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Emigration of mathematicians and transmission of mathematics: historical lessons and consequences of the Third Reich. Abstracts from the workshop held October 30 – November 5, 2011. Zbl 1349.00055
Sets versus trial sequences, Hausdorff versus von Mises: “pure” mathematics prevails in the foundations of probability around 1920. Zbl 1252.01002
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematicians fleeing from Nazi Germany. Individual fates and global impact. Zbl 1179.01024
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Richard von Mises (1883–1953): a pioneer of applied mathematics in four countries. Zbl 1189.01063
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The institute Henri Poincaré and mathematics in France between the wars. Zbl 1208.01047
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The first decade of the Institut Henri Poincaré, in particular the role of the Rockefeller foundation. Zbl 1189.01072
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Antisemitism during the republik of Weimar and the situtation of Jewish mathematicians: Theses and document to a not well investigated subject.
(Antisemitismus in der Weimarer Republik und die Lage jüdischer Mathematiker: Thesen und Dokumente zu einem wenig erforschten Thema.) Zbl 1184.01021
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Philipp Frank, Richard von Mises, and the Frank-Mises. Zbl 1113.01014
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Probability in 1919/20: the von Mises-Pólya-controversy. Zbl 1098.01008
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Perspectives on Scandinavian science in the early twentieth century: an introduction. Biography for further reading. Zbl 1129.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard; Sørensen, Henrik Kragh |
The Norwegian journal “Samtiden” around 1905: reflections of political, cultural and scientific modernisation in a country at the periphery of Europe. Zbl 1129.01300
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
A non-conformist longing for unity in the fractures of modernity: towards a scientific biography of Richard von Mises (1883–1953). Zbl 1119.01020
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematicians forced to philosophize: an introduction to Khinchin’s paper on von Mises’ theory of probability. Zbl 1181.01049
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Classical text in translation: On A. Ya. Khinchin’s paper “R. Mises’ frequentist theory and the modern concepts of the theory of probability. Translated by Oscar Sheynin. With footnotes by Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze. Zbl 1181.01046
Gnedenko, B. V. |
The late arrival of academic applied mathematics in the United States: a paradox, theses, and literature. Zbl 1034.01020
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“German thinking” in the “anticultural climate of Vienna”: a letter of George Hamel in 1908 to his assistant Richard von Mises.
(“Deutsches Denken” in “kulturfeindlicher Wiener Luft”: ein Brief Georg Hamels aus dem Jahre 1908 an seinen Assistenten Richard von Mises.) Zbl 1329.01041
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The effects of Nazi rule on the international participation of German mathematicians: An overview and two case studies. Zbl 1004.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Rockefeller and the internationalization of mathematics between the two world wars. Documents and studies for the social history of mathematics in the 20th century. Zbl 0981.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematicians fleeing from Hitler. Sources and studies of the emigration of a science.
(Mathematiker auf der Flucht vor Hitler. Quellen und Studien zur Emigration einer Wissenschaft.) Zbl 0917.01025
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Eliakim Hastings Moore’s “General Analysis”. Zbl 0890.01013
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The University of Berlin from reopening until 1953. Zbl 0902.01033
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
The emancipation of mathematical research publishing in the United States from German dominance (1878-1945). Zbl 0878.01022
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Felix Klein’s connections to the United States, the beginnings of German foreign cultural policy and the reform around 1900.
(Felix Kleins Beziehungen zu den Vereinigten Staaten, die Anfänge deutscher auswärtiger Wissenschaftspolitik und die Reform um 1900.) Zbl 1170.01414
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
A report of Felix Klein from the year 1902 on his mathematical travels to the United States (1893 and 1896).
(Ein Bericht Felix Kleins aus dem Jahre 1902 über seine mathematischen Vorträge in den Vereinigten Staaten 1893 und 1896.) Zbl 0916.01009
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
“Scientific control” in mathematical reviewing and German-U.S.-American relations between the two World Wars. Zbl 0806.01032
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematical information in Hitler’s Germany. The decline of the “Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik”.
(Mathematische Berichterstattung in Hitlerdeutschland. Der Niedergang des “Jahrbuchs über die Fortschritte der Mathematik”.) Zbl 0795.01015
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Hilda Geiringer-von Mises, Charlier series, ideology, and the human side of the emancipation of applied mathematics at the University of Berlin during the 1920s. Zbl 0805.01017
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Dealing with the political past of East German mathematics. Zbl 0788.01076
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Mathematicians’ interest in the history of their science.
(Über das Interesse von Mathematikern an der Geschichte ihrer Wissenschaft.) Zbl 0788.01077
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Zur Sozialgeschichte der Mathematik an der Berliner Universität im Faschismus. (A contribution to the social history of mathematics at the Berlin University during fascism). Zbl 0693.01012
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Kurt-Reinhard Biermann zum 70. Geburtstag. (Kurt-Reinhard Biermann - to his 70th birthday). Zbl 0686.01009
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Ausgewählte Kapitel aus der Funktionenlehre. Vorlesung, gehalten in Berlin 1886. Mit der akademischen Antrittsrede, Berlin 1857, und drei weiteren Originalarbeiten von K. Weierstraß aus den Jahren 1870 bis 1880/86. Hrsg., komm. und mit einem Anhang versehen von R. Siegmund-Schultze. (Selected chapters of function theory. Lecture held in Berlin 1886. Together with the academic inangural speech, Berlin 1857, and three further original papers by K. Weierstraß dating from the years 1870 up to 1880/86. Edited, commented and provided with an appendix by R. Siegmund-Schultze). Zbl 0679.01010
Weierstraß, Karl |
Der Beweis des Weierstraßschen Approximationssatzes 1885 vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung der Fourieranalysis. (The proof of Weierstraß’s approximation theorem (1885) with regard to the development of Fourier analysis). Zbl 0676.01001
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Theodor Vahlen - zum Schuldanteil eines deutschen Mathematikers am faschistischen Mißbrauch der Wissenschaft. Zbl 0568.01025
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Einige Probleme der Geschichtsschreibung der Mathematik im faschistischen Deutschland - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Lebenslaufes des Greifswalder Mathematikers Theodor Vahlen. Zbl 0557.01018
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Die Anfänge der Funktionalanalysis und ihr Platz im Umwälzungsprozeß der Mathematik um 1900. Zbl 0514.46001
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |
Prime und extrem nichtprime dynamische Systeme. Zbl 0423.28016
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard |