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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind
BF (ブラックフェザー) (どく) (かぜ) のシムーン
English Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind
French Aile Noire - Simoon le Vent Empoisonné
German Schwarzflügel - Simoon der Toxinwind
Italian Alanera - Simoon il Vento Tossico
Korean BF (블랙 페더) -독풍의 시문
Portuguese Asanegra - Simum, o Vento Venenoso
Spanish Alanegra - Simoon el Viento Envenenado
Japanese (kana) ブラックフェザー-どくかぜのシムーン
Japanese (base) BF-毒風のシムーン
Japanese (rōmaji) Burakku Fezā - Dokukaze no Shimūn
Japanese (translated) Blackfeather - Simoom the Poison Winds
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK
Types Winged Beast / Effect
Level 6
ATK / DEF 1600 / 2000
Passcode 81470373
Card effect types

Card descriptions
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OCG sets
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Other card information
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