Card number | English name | French name | Rarity | Category |
MP23-FR001 | "Libromancer Geek Boy" | "Garçon Geek Libromancien" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR002 | "Magikuriboh" | "Magikuriboh" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR003 | "Timaeus the United Dragon" | "Timée le Dragon Uni" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR004 | "Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon" | "Dragon à Réaction aux Yeux Bleus" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR005 | "Dictator of D." | "Dictateur des D" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR006 | "Icejade Kosmochlor" | "Kosmochlor Jadeglace" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR007 | "Icejade Aegirine" | "Aegirine Jadeglace" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR008 | "Icejade Creation Kingfisher" | "Martin-Pêcheur de Création Jadeglace" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR009 | "Dinomorphia Therizia" | "Therizia Dinomorphia" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR010 | "Dinomorphia Diplos" | "Diplos Dinomorphia" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR011 | "D/D Gryphon" | "D/D Griffon" | Common | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR012 | "S-Force Lapcewell" | "Lapcewell de la Force-S" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR013 | "S-Force Retroactive" | "Rétroactive de la Force-S" | Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR014 | "Epsilon The Magnet Warrior" | "Epsilon, le Guerrier Magnétique" | Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR015 | "The Agent of Destruction - Venus" | "Vénus, Agent de la Destruction" | Ultra Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
MP23-FR016 | "Simorgh, Bird of Perfection" | "Simorgh, l'Oiseau de la Perfection" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR017 | "Illusion of Chaos" | "Illusion du Chaos" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Ritual Monster |
MP23-FR018 | "Master of Chaos" | "Maître du Chaos" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR019 | "Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon" | "Dragon Tyran aux Yeux Bleus" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR020 | "Dinomorphia Kentregina" | "Kentregina Dinomorphia" | Super Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR021 | "Dinomorphia Stealthbergia" | "Stealthbergia Dinomorphia" | Ultra Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR022 | "Maple Maiden" | "Demoiselle d'Érable" | Ultra Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR023 | "D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex" | "D/D/D Roi Planificateur Deus Machinex" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Xyz Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR024 | "The Zombie Vampire" | "Le Vampire Zombie" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
MP23-FR025 | "Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy" | "Dharc la Charmeuse des Ténèbres Obscures" | Ultra Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR026 | "Vision with Eyes of Blue" | "Vision avec des Yeux de Bleu" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR027 | "Ultimate Fusion" | "Fusion Ultime" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR028 | "Icejade Cenote Enion Cradle" | "Berceau Enion de Cénote Jadeglace" | Common | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR029 | "Dogmatikamacabre" | "Dogmatikamacabre" | Rare | Ritual Spell Card |
MP23-FR030 | "Dark Contract with Patent License" | "Contrat des Ténèbres avec Licence de Brevet" | Common | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR031 | "Ursarctic Radiation" | "Radiation Ursarctique" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR032 | "Floowandereeze and the Advent of Adventure" | "Fuvagabonbrise et l'Avènement d'Aventure" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR033 | "XYZ Combine" | "Combinaison XYZ" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR034 | "Clear New World" | "Nouveau Monde Transparent" | Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR035 | "Sales Ban" | "Interdiction de Vente" | Super Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR036 | "Icejade Erosion" | "Érosion Jadeglace" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
MP23-FR037 | "Dinomorphia Domain" | "Domaine Dinomorphia" | Ultra Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR038 | "Dinomorphia Alert" | "Alerte Dinomorphia" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR039 | "Dinomorphia Brute" | "Brute Dinomorphia" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR040 | "Dinomorphia Shell" | "Carapace Dinomorphia" | Common | Counter Trap Card |
MP23-FR041 | "Dinomorphia Sonic" | "Sonique Dinomorphia" | Common | Counter Trap Card |
MP23-FR042 | "Dinomorphia Reversion" | "Réversion Dinomorphia" | Common | Counter Trap Card |
MP23-FR043 | "D/D/D Headhunt" | "D/D/D Chasseur de Têtes" | Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR044 | "Libromancer Magigirl" | "Magifille Libromancienne" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR045 | "Libromancer Agent" | "Espion Libromancien" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR046 | "Libromancer Firestarter" | "Firestarter Libromancien" | Common | Effect Ritual Monster |
MP23-FR047 | "Libromancer Doombroker" | "Doombroker Libromancien" | Common | Effect Ritual Monster |
MP23-FR048 | "Libromancer First Appearance" | "Première Apparition Libromancienne" | Common | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR049 | "Libromancer Intervention" | "Intervention Libromancienne" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR050 | "Fire Opal Head" | "Tête d'Opale de Feu" | Super Rare | Normal Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR051 | "Doll Monster Miss Mädchen" | "Monstre Poupée Miss Mädchen" | Super Rare | Normal Monster |
MP23-FR052 | "Doll Monster Bear-Bear" | "Monstre Poupée Ours-Ours" | Super Rare | Normal Monster |
MP23-FR053 | "Smoke Mosquito" | "Moustique de Fumée" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR054 | "Nowru Aries the Vernal Dragon" | "Nowru Aries le Dragon Vernal" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR055 | "Groza, Tyrant of Thunder" | "Groza, Tyran du Tonnerre" | Ultra Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR056 | "Doll Happiness" | "Bonheur de Poupée" | Super Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR057 | "Smile Potion" | "Potion Souriante" | Super Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR058 | "Libromancer Fire" | "Feu Libromancien" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR059 | "Therion "Bull" Ain" | "Therion "Taureau" Ain" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR060 | "Therion "Reaper" Fum" | "Therion "Faucheuse" Fum" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR061 | "Therion "Duke" Yul" | "Therion "Duc" Yul" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR062 | "Therion "Lily" Borea" | "Therion "Lily" Borea" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR063 | "Therion "King" Regulus" | "Therion "Roi" Regulus" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR064 | "Visas Starfrost" | "Visas Starfrost" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
MP23-FR065 | "Scareclaw Astra" | "Astra Griffrayeur" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR066 | "Scareclaw Belone" | "Belone Griffrayeur" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR067 | "Scareclaw Acro" | "Acro Griffrayeur" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR068 | "Scareclaw Reichheart" | "Reichheart Griffrayeur" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR069 | "Predaplant Byblisp" | "Byblisp Prédaplante" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR070 | "Predaplant Bufolicula" | "Bufolicula Prédaplante" | Common | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR071 | "Predaplant Triantis" | "Triantis Prédaplante" | Common | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR072 | "Illegal Knight" | "Chevalier Illégal" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR073 | "Light Law Medium" | "Médium de la Loi Lumière" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR074 | "Sunlit Sentinel" | "Sentinelle Ensoleillée" | Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR075 | "Amphibious Bugroth MK-11" | "Bugroth Amphibie MK-11" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR076 | "Supreme Sea Mare" | "Mer Suprême Mare" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR077 | "Reverse Jar" | "Jarre Inversée" | Rare | Flip monster |
MP23-FR078 | "Yamatako Orochi" | "Yamatako Orochi" | Super Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
MP23-FR079 | "Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon" | "Dragon du Pendulegraphe aux Yeux Impairs" | Ultra Rare | Effect Ritual Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR080 | "Alba-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon" | "Alba-Lenatus le Dragon des Abysses" | Ultra Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR081 | "Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon" | "Dragon Fusion Prédapouvoir Venin Affamé" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR082 | "Dinomorphia Rexterm" | "Rexterm Dinomorphia" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR083 | "Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord" | "Seigneur Dragon Zombie aux Yeux Rouges" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR084 | "Skeletal Dragon Felgrand" | "Grand Dragon Squelettique d'Or" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR085 | "Immortal Dragon" | "Dragon Immortel" | Ultra Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR086 | "Psychic End Punisher" | "Punisseur de la Fin Psychique" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR087 | "Beyond the Pendulum" | "Au-Delà du Pendule" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR088 | "Scareclaw Tri-Heart" | "Tri-Heart Griffrayeur" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR089 | "The Weather Painter Moonbow" | "Arc-en-Ciel Lunaire, Peintre Météorologique" | Super Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR090 | "Extra Pendulum" | "Pendule Extra" | Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR091 | "Therion Discolosseum" | "Discolisée Therion" | Secret Rare | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR092 | "Endless Engine Argyro System" | "Moteur Infini Système Argyro" | Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR093 | "Therion Charge" | "Charge Therion" | Ultra Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR094 | "Icejade Curse" | "Malédiction Jadeglace" | Super Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR095 | "Branded Loss" | "Perdition du Marqué" | Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR096 | "Primitive Planet Reichphobia" | "Planète Primitive Reichphobia" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR097 | "Scareclaw Arrival" | "Arrivée Griffrayeur" | Ultra Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR098 | "Zombie Reborn" | "Renaissance du Zombie" | Common | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR099 | "The Weather Forecast" | "Prévisions Météorologiques" | Common | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR100 | "Therion Cross" | "Croix Therion" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR101 | "Therion Stand Up!" | "Debout Therion !" | Super Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR102 | "Branded Banishment" | "Bannissement du Marqué" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR103 | "Dogmatikaturgy" | "Dogmatikaturgie" | Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR104 | "Scareclaw Sclash" | "Affrontraflure Griffrayeur" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
MP23-FR105 | "Scareclaw Alternative" | "Alternative Griffrayeur" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR106 | "Haunted Zombies" | "Zombies Hantés" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR107 | "Dinomorphia Frenzy" | "Frénésie Dinomorphia" | Super Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR108 | "Ichiroku's Ledger Book" | "Livre de Comptes d'Ichiroku" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR109 | "XX-clusion" | "XX-clusion" | Common | Counter Trap Card |
MP23-FR110 | "Patissciel Couverture" | "Couverture Patissciel" | Ultra Rare | Effect Fusion Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR111 | "Libromancer Mystigirl" | "Mystifille Libromancienne" | Common | Effect Ritual Monster |
MP23-FR112 | "Libromancer Fireburst" | "Fireburst Libromancien" | Rare | Effect Ritual Monster |
MP23-FR113 | "Libromancer Realized" | "Réalisation Libromancienne" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR114 | "Libromancer Bonded" | "Union Libromancienne" | Common | Ritual Spell Card |
MP23-FR115 | "Libromancer Displaced" | "Déplacement Libromancien" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR116 | "Libromancer Prevented" | "Prévention Libromancienne" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
MP23-FR117 | "Elemental HERO Spirit of Neos" | "Esprit de Néos, HÉROS Élémentaire" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR118 | "Cross Keeper" | "Garde de Dimension" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR119 | "Therion "Empress" Alasia" | "Therion "Impératrice" Alasia" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR120 | "Therion Irregular" | "Irrégulier Therion" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR121 | "Icejade Creation Aegirocassis" | "Aegirocassis de Création Jadeglace" | Common | Effect Tuner monster |
MP23-FR122 | "Albaz the Ashen" | "Albaz le Cendreux" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR123 | "Gem-Knight Quartz" | "Quartz, Chevalier-Gemmes" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR124 | "Brilliant Rose" | "Rose Brillante" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR125 | "Melffy Wally" | "Wally Melffy" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR126 | "Melffy Pinny" | "Pinny Melffy" | Common | Effect Tuner monster |
MP23-FR127 | "Exosister Martha" | "Exosœur Martha" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR128 | "Rikka Princess" | "Princesse Rikka" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR129 | "Grandtusk Dragon" | "Dragon aux Grandes Défenses" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR130 | "Eka the Flame Buddy" | "Eka, Pote des Flammes" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR131 | "Propa Gandake" | "Propa Gandake" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR132 | "Cartorhyn the Hidden Gem of the Seafront" | | Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR133 | "Nightmell the Dark Bonder" | "Nightmell le Connecteur des Ténèbres" | Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR134 | "Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond" | "Diamant Rose, Dame Chevalier-Gemmes" | Common | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR135 | "Merry Melffys" | "Heureux Melffys" | Common | Effect Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR136 | "Scareclaw Light-Heart" | "Lumière-Heart Griffrayeur" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR137 | "Over Fusion" | "Surfusion" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR138 | "Branded in Central Dogmatika" | "Marqué du Dogmatika Fondamental" | Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR139 | "Scareclaw Straddle" | "Chevauchement Griffrayeur" | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR140 | "Scatter Fusion" | "Fusion Disséminée" | Ultra Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR141 | "Melffy Staring Contest" | "Concours de Regard Melffy" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR142 | "Rikka Konkon" | "Konkon Rikka" | Common | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR143 | "Digit Jamming" | "Brouillage Chiffré" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR144 | "Branded Expulsion" | "Expulsion du Marqué" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR145 | "Exosister Returnia" | "Exosœur Retournia" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR146 | "Terrors of the Overroot" | "Terreurs de la Surracine" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR147 | "Double Dust Tornado Twins" | "Double Tornade de Poussière Jumelle" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR148 | "Garura, Wings of Resonant Life" | "Garura, Ailes de la Vie Retentissante" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR149 | "Pitknight Earlie" | "Earlie, Chevalier du Stand" | Ultra Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR150 | "Morphtronic Converter" | "Convertisseur Morphtronique" | Super Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR151 | "Spellbound" | "Envoûtement" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR152 | "Blackwing - Vata the Emblem of Wandering" | "Aile Noire - Vâta l'Emblème du Vagabondage" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
MP23-FR153 | "Blackwing - Shamal the Sandstorm" | "Aile Noire - Shamal la Tempête de Sable" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
MP23-FR154 | "Blackwing - Chinook the Snow Blast" | "Aile Noire - Chinook le Souffle de Neige" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR155 | "Blackwing - Sudri the Phantom Glimmer" | "Aile Noire - Sudri le Miroitement Fantôme" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR156 | "Blackwing - Zonda the Dusk" | "Aile Noire - Zonda le Crépuscule" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR157 | "Bystial Magnamhut" | "Bystial Magnamhut" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR158 | "Bystial Saronir" | "Bystial Saronir" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR159 | "Bystial Druiswurm" | "Bystial Druiswurm" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR160 | "The Bystial Lubellion" | "Le Bystial Lubellion" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR161 | "The Bystial Alba Los" | "Le Bystial Alba Los" | Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR162 | "Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous" | "Éclatante Cartésia, la Vertueuse" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Tuner monster |
MP23-FR163 | "Kashtira Fenrir" | "Fenrir Kashtira" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR164 | "Kashtira Unicorn" | "Licorne Kashtira" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR165 | "Kashtira Ogre" | "Ogre Kashtira" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR166 | "Tobari the Sky Ninja" | "Tobari le Ninja du Ciel" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR167 | "Mitsu the Insect Ninja" | "Mitsu le Ninja des Insectes" | Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR168 | "Baku the Beast Ninja" | "Baku le Ninja des Bêtes" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR169 | "Kagero the Cannon Ninja" | "Kagéro le Ninja des Canons" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR170 | "Naturia Mole Cricket" | "Taupe-Grillon Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR171 | "Naturia Camellia" | "Camélia Naturia" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR172 | "Ignis Phoenix, the Dracoslayer" | "Enflamment Phénix, le Dracossassin" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR173 | "Majesty Pegasus, the Dracoslayer" | "Pégase Majesté, la Dracossassine" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR174 | "Dinomight Powerload, the Dracoslayer" | "Puissante Charge Dinomight, le Dracossassin" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR175 | "Rex, Freight Fur Hire" | "Rex, Fret Mercefourrure" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR176 | "Soul Scissors" | "Ciseaux de l'Âme" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR177 | "Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle" | "Mademoiselle Labrynth du Château d'Argent" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR178 | "Infernalqueen Salmon" | "Saumon Reine Infernale" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR179 | "Han-Shi Kyudo Spirit" | "Esprit Kyudo Han-Shi" | Rare | Spirit Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR180 | "Laughing Puffin" | "Macareux Rieur" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR181 | "Turbo-Tainted Hot Rod GT19" | "Bolide Turbo Contaminé GT19" | Common | Flip Tuner monster |
MP23-FR182 | "Psychic Rover" | "Rover Psychique" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR183 | "Cucumber Horse" | "Cheval Concombre" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR184 | "Silent Wolf Calupo" | "Loup Silencieux Calupo" | Super Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR185 | "Meizen the Battle Ninja" | "Meizen le Ninja du Combat" | Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR186 | "Freki the Runick Fangs" | "Freki des Crocs Runick" | Super Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR187 | "Black-Winged Assault Dragon" | "Dragon d'Assaut Ailes Sombres" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR188 | "Blackwing - Boreastorm the Wicked Wind" | "Aile Noire - Boreastempête le Vent Malfaisant" | Ultra Rare | Effect Tuner Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR189 | "Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat" | "Chat Triste au Shamisen Samsara" | Ultra Rare | Effect Tuner Synchro Monster |
MP23-FR190 | "Kashtira Shangri-Ira" | "Shangri-Ira Kashtira" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
MP23-FR191 | "Wollow, Founder of the Drudge Dragons" | "Wollow, Fondateur des Dragons de Somme" | Common | Effect Xyz Monster |
MP23-FR192 | "Donner, Dagger Fur Hire" | "Donner, Dague Mercefourrure" | Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR193 | "Worldsea Dragon Zealantis" | "Dragon du Monde des Mers Zélantis" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR194 | "Muckraker From the Underworld" | "Fouineuse des Enfers" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Link Monster |
MP23-FR195 | "Black Feather Whirlwind" | "Tourbillon Plume Noire" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR196 | "Branded Regained" | "Regain du Marqué" | Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR197 | "Decisive Battle of Golgonda" | "Bataille Décisive de Golgonda" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR198 | "Tri-Brigade Showdown" | "Épreuve de Force Tri-Brigade" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR199 | "Scareclaw Decline" | "Déclin Griffrayeur" | Common | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR200 | "Kashtira Birth" | "Naissance Kashtira" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR201 | "Ninjitsu Art Notebook of Mystery" | "Cahier Art Ninjitsu du Mystère" | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR202 | "Ninjitsu Art Tool - Iron Digger" | "Outil Art Ninjitsu - Pelleteuse de Fer" | Common | Equip Spell Card |
MP23-FR203 | "Underworld Ritual of Prediction" | "Rituel des Enfers de la Prédiction" | Common | Ritual Spell Card |
MP23-FR204 | "Naturia Blessing" | "Bénédiction Naturia" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR205 | "Dragonic Pendulum" | "Pendule Dragonique" | Ultra Rare | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR206 | "Terrors in the Hidden City" | "Terreurs dans la Cité Cachée" | Common | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR207 | "Blackwing - Twin Shadow" | "Aile Noire - Ombre Jumelle" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR208 | "Black Shadow Squall" | "Bourrasque de l'Ombre Noire" | Common | Counter Trap Card |
MP23-FR209 | "Branded Beast" | "Bête du Marqué" | Rare | Continuous Trap Card |
MP23-FR210 | "Scareclaw Twinsaw" | "Scie Jumelle Griffrayeur" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR211 | "Kashtira Preparations" | "Préparations Kashtira" | Ultra Rare | Continuous Trap Card |
MP23-FR212 | "Ninjitsu Art of Dancing Leaves" | "Art Ninjitsu des Feuilles Dansantes" | Common | Continuous Trap Card |
MP23-FR213 | "Simul Archfiends" | "Archdémons Simul" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR214 | "Stars Align across the Milky Way" | "Alignement d'Étoiles dans la Voie Lactée" | Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR215 | "The Great Noodle Inversion" | "Le Grand Renversement de Nouilles" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR216 | "Zalamander Catalyzer" | "Catalyseur Zalamander" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR217 | "Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon" | "Canon Daruma Karma Destructeur" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR218 | "Yorishiro of the Aqua" | "Yorishiro de l'Aqua" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR219 | "Amazoness Golden Whip Master" | "Maîtresse Amazonesse au Fouet d'Or" | Common | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR220 | "Amazoness Silver Sword Master" | "Maîtresse Amazonesse à l'Épée d'Argent" | Common | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR221 | "Amazoness War Chief" | "Cheffe de Guerre Amazonesse" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR222 | "Amazoness Spiritualist" | "Spiritualiste Amazonesse" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR223 | "Amazoness Augusta" | "Augusta Amazonesse" | Ultra Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR224 | "Amazoness Pet Liger King" | "Roi Ligre Familier Amazonesse" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR225 | "Amazoness Secret Arts" | "Arts Secrets Amazonesse" | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR226 | "Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle" | "Adorable Labrynth du Château d'Argent" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR227 | "Labrynth Archfiend" | "Archdémon Labrynth" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR228 | "Ariane the Labrynth Servant" | "Ariane la Domestique Labrynth" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR229 | "Arianna the Labrynth Servant" | "Arianna la Domestique Labrynth" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR230 | "Labrynth Chandraglier" | "Chandraglier Labrynth" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR231 | "Labrynth Stovie Torbie" | "Cheminie Torbie Labrynth" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR232 | "Labrynth Cooclock" | "Penducoucou Labrynth" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR233 | "Labrynth Labyrinth" | "Labyrinthe Labrynth" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR234 | "Labrynth Set-Up" | "Traquenard Labrynth" | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR235 | "Welcome Labrynth" | "Bienvenue Labrynth" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR236 | "Farewelcome Labrynth" | "Adieubienvenue Labrynth" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR237 | "Labrynth Barrage" | "Déferlement Labrynth" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR238 | "Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch" | "Effroyable Ruse de l'Archdémon" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR239 | "Runick Fountain" | "Fontaine Runick" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR240 | "Runick Allure" | "Attrait Runick" | Ultra Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR241 | "Runick Tip" | "Pointe Runick" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR242 | "Runick Flashing Fire" | "Feu Étincelant Runick" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR243 | "Runick Destruction" | "Destruction Runick" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR244 | "Runick Dispelling" | "Dissipation Runick" | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR245 | "Runick Freezing Curses" | "Malédictions Glaciales Runick" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR246 | "Runick Slumber" | "Sommeil Runick" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR247 | "Runick Golden Droplet" | "Gouttelette d'Or Runick" | Ultra Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR248 | "Runick Smiting Storm" | "Tempête Cinglante Runick" | Common | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR249 | "Hugin the Runick Wings" | "Hugin des Ailes Runick" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR250 | "Munin the Runick Wings" | "Munin des Ailes Runick" | Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR251 | "Geri the Runick Fangs" | "Geri des Crocs Runick" | Rare | Effect Fusion Monster |
MP23-FR252 | "Exosister Elis" | "Exosœur Elis" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR253 | "Exosister Stella" | "Exosœur Stella" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR254 | "Exosister Irene" | "Exosœur Irène" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR255 | "Exosister Sophia" | "Exosœur Sophia" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR256 | "Exosister Mikailis" | "Exosœur Mikailis" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
MP23-FR257 | "Exosister Kaspitell" | "Exosœur Kaspitell" | Ultra Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
MP23-FR258 | "Exosister Gibrine" | "Exosœur Gibrine" | Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
MP23-FR259 | "Exosister Asophiel" | "Exosœur Asophiel" | Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
MP23-FR260 | "Exosister Pax" | "Exosœur Pax" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR261 | "Exosister Arment" | "Exosœur Arment" | Super Rare | Quick-Play Spell Card |
MP23-FR262 | "Exosister Carpedivem" | "Exosœur Carpedivem" | Super Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR263 | "Exosister Vadis" | "Exosœur Vadis" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR264 | "Rite of Aramesir" | "Rite de l'Aramesir" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Normal Spell Card |
MP23-FR265 | "Water Enchantress of the Temple" | "Enchanteresse de l'Eau du Temple" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR266 | "Magicore Warrior of the Relics" | "Guerrier Maginerai des Reliques" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR267 | "Wandering Gryphon Rider" | "Cavalier de Gryphon Errant" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR268 | "Fateful Adventure" | "Aventure Fatidique" | Prismatic Secret Rare | Continuous Spell Card |
MP23-FR269 | "Dunnell, the Noble Arms of Light" | "Dunnell, Armes Nobles de la Lumière" | Common | Equip Spell Card |
MP23-FR270 | "Starlit Papillon" | "Papillon Étoilé" | Common | Equip Spell Card |
MP23-FR271 | "Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon" | "Dracoback, le Dragon Chevauchable" | Common | Equip Spell Card |
MP23-FR272 | "Thunder Discharge" | "Décharge de Tonnerre" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR273 | "Breath of Resurrection" | "Souffle de la Résurrection" | Common | Normal Trap Card |
MP23-FR274 | "Dragunity Senatus" | "Sénat Dragunité" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR275 | "Noble Knight Custennin" | "Custennin le Chevalier Noble" | Common | Effect Monster |
MP23-FR276 | "Perfect Sync - A-Un" | "Synchro Parfaite - A-Un" | Common | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR277 | "D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas" | "D/D/D Léonidas, Roi Rebelle" | Common | Effect Pendulum Monster |
MP23-FR278 | "Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord" | "Amorphactor Pain, le Dracosseigneur Imaginaire" | Common | Effect Ritual Monster |
MP23-FR279 | "Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss" | "Numéro C32 : Requin Drakonien Veiss" | Super Rare | Effect Xyz Monster |
MP23-FR280 | "Krawler Receptor" | "Récepteur Krawler" | Common | Flip monster |
MP23-FR281 | "Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms" | "Camelot, Royaume du Chevalier Noble et des Armes Nobles" | Ultra Rare | Field Spell Card |
MP23-FR282 | "Time Thief Power Reserve" | "Réserve de Marche des Voleurs de Temps" | Ultra Rare | Continuous Trap Card |
MP23-FR283 | "SPYRAL Double Agent" | "Espion Double ESPIRALE" | Ultra Rare | Effect Monster |