Dermal Jellyflake

From Pikmin Fanon
Dermal Jellyflake
Family Orbovum

The Dermal Jellyflake is a species of orbovum that has spiny crystalline plates surrounding the watery membrane protecting its body.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Dermal Jellyflake.

In Pikmin X: Deep Freeze

Pikmin X Deep Freeze icon.png
Pikmin X: Deep Freeze
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin X: Deep Freeze, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
Pikmin X Deep Freeze icon.png
Dermal Jellyflake The icon used to represent this enemy.
Dermal Jellyflake.png
Scientific name Orbovum petracutis
Family Orbovum
Areas Woods of Occlusion
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 15
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 10
Attacks Crushes and drowns Pikmin

In Pikmin X: Deep Freeze, the Dermal Jellyflake can be found in an out-of-the-way corner of the Woods of Occlusion. Its true body is small but is surrounded by a large gelatinous bubble, which is further covered in a plating of crystal armor. This strange enemy will immediately set out to crush Pikmin by rolling over them, occasionally stopping to circle around them and attack from another angle. It is slow enough for most Pikmin to escape from, but it can outrun leaf Pikmin. Fighting the Dermal Jellyflake requires a combination of different Pikmin types; Rock Pikmin are needed to break holes in its crystalline exterior, which will eventually expose the Jellyflake's watery membrane; from there onward it can not crush Pikmin but will instead try to engulf them with its bubble, where they will begin to drown unless whistled out of the creature. It also becomes faster without its armor covering. Blue Pikmin must be used to enter the bubble and attack the creature itself, and its only defense against the water-breathing Pikmin is to suddenly push them out of its membrane to get them out. Once defeated, the Dermal Jellyflake's bubble pops and its body falls to the ground to be salvaged for Pikmin seeds.