Last to Die (Jack Swyteck Novel)

by James Grippando

Jack Swyteck (3)

Member Reviews

12 reviews, 43 ratings
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Last to Die is a suspense murder mystery with an interesting plot. It's not your typical "Victim found murdered so who dunnit?"
Jack Swyteck has the unenviable task of defending his best friend's brother, thug-turned-angel, Tatum Knight. Knight is suspected of killing a woman, shooting her dead in broad daylight. He admits that the deceased, Sally Fenning, did approach him to play hit man but swears he turned her down. Little brother Theo believes him. It's when Knight is named in Sally Fenning's 46 million dollar will that things get complicated. For this is no ordinary bequeathment. While five other individuals are named in the will they are all people Sally hated and only one of them can inherit the money; the last one standing. Soon, as one would expect, people start to die.
What makes Last To Die truly interesting is the cast of characters. Every person has a unique story to tell and a past to hide.
This one was a bit slower than the first two I read. But they have been consistently unpredictable. I admit to being surprised a lot of the time. I still don't love the characters. Jack isn't exactly a catch. And he seems to attract the craziest of women. The women in these books, or the way they are portrayed, is a problem. But the plot has plenty of twists and turns that keeps you guessing until the end.
This was spooky getting off the ground. Then a little jolt to wake you right up. After that, it rolls along, and it takes a while to figure it out. Of course the name was easy enough, but not who it matched up to. A couple o very sly clues and you’re on the right track. It answered a very old question and brought up new ones. But I didn’t buy the sisters act for a minute!
After her daughter was murdered, Sally Fenning could not regain any love of life even after marrying for major bucks and living the high life. So she hired someone to kill her and left $47 million to the survivor of a group of six strangers. This plot had promise but I'm afraid Grippando did not do it justice. I've liked his other stuff but this was just poorly developed and the story telling was plodding. I'm adding it to the database so I'll remember I did read it :)
Sally Fenning's will includes five people she hated as her beneficiaries. Jack Swyteck is the lawyer for one the beneficiaries. The only restriction is that the last person alive inherits her 47 million dollars. The persons involved start bargaining and knocking each other off. This book has several twists that keep you guessing as to whom is going end up with the money.
I wanted to like this book because of the clever premise of the 'game' outlined in her will. But like so many books in this genre, the "shoot-em-up" ending was a bit disappointing. This was the first book by Grippando that I read; and I will probably try some of his other novels. Overall, "OK"
The third book in the Jack Swyteck series is a strong entrant. It's got greed, deception, mystery, stalking, and a character haunted by their tragic past.

The tortured character is a woman whose daughter was murdered, unable to stand life anymore she attempts to hire a contract killer to murder her however she is turned down, only to still turn up dead two weeks later.

At the reading of her will six people who made her life difficult are named in her will, all beneficiaries to 46 million dollars... if they are the last one alive.

Enter dead bodies and subterfuge.

Overall a well paced legal thriller/murder mystery that was not at all predictable and an easy pleasurable read.
good but not great Swyteck and Theo - about a woman who hires Theo's brother to kill her and then has a will that causes everyone to kill one another off. Theo also finds out that Tatum was the one who set him up for murder years before.
Too repetitious. Each character has to fill other characters in on what's going on, although the reader already knows that stuff. Synopsis: Woman is stabbed and her daughter killed. She divorces and remarries, this time to an extremely wealthy man. Her will leaves 46 million dollars to the last man alive, out of six people she hated.

I listed to this on CD. The reader Nick Sullivan has a nice deep voice, but it's difficult to listen to in the car; I have to keep turning the volume up and down. His female voices are so-so.
Advocaat Jack Swyteck staat voor zijn grootste uitdaging ooit. Vijf jaar nadat haar vierjarige dochtertje is vermoord, wordt Sally Fenning dood aangetroffen in haar mercedes. Haar erfenis van 46 miljoen dollar laat ze na aan haar grootste vijanden. In haar testament noemt ze zes erfgenamen, waaronder ex-huurmoordenaar Tatum Knight, die de buit slechts kunnen opstrijken als de vijf andere dood zijn. Wie bezit de meeste hebzucht? Een voor een sterven de erfgenamen.... Is Jack's client Tatum de schuldige of juist het volgend slachtoffer?