Tigers in Red Weather: A Novel
by Liza Klaussmann
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Popularity Charts
Popularity is position on a rank-ordered list of the number of copies of a works cataloged during a given period. If multiple works have the same number of copies during that period they share a popularity number.
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
3,989 | 4,386 | 10,195 | 13,436 | 17,303 | 28,631 | 33,001 | 41,943 | 51,436 | 35,889 | 81,502 | 86,757 | 76,182 | 51,869 |
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2021 | |
Q1 | 4,871 | 8,768 | 14,800 | 12,523 | |||
Q2 | 12,614 | 3,243 | 8,333 | 15,366 | 19,716 | ||
Q3 | 1,396 | 4,060 | 14,947 | 10,142 | 20,615 | ||
Q4 | 1,906 | 7,511 | 13,601 | 20,296 | 20,519 | 23,312 |
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | |
January | 2,960 | 7,058 | ||
February | 4,037 | |||
March | 8,260 | 6,476 | ||
April | 4,455 | 9,896 | ||
May | 2,710 | |||
June | 7,151 | 2,764 | 7,200 | |
July | 1,542 | 2,889 | ||
August | 1,209 | 3,945 | ||
September | 1,182 | 5,878 | 9,227 | |
October | 1,228 | 7,262 | ||
November | 2,280 | 6,320 | 9,668 | |
December | 4,568 |
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | |
January | 56,770 | 31,505 | 27,909 | 26,172 | 25,312 | 25,386 | 25,421 | 26,012 | 26,914 | 27,323 | 28,890 | 30,822 | 33,041 | |
February | 53,601 | 31,265 | 27,900 | 26,176 | 25,204 | 25,487 | 25,487 | 26,184 | 27,028 | 27,475 | 29,103 | 31,061 | 33,031 | |
March | 50,226 | 30,573 | 27,716 | 25,901 | 25,289 | 25,418 | 25,613 | 26,326 | 27,126 | 27,456 | 29,317 | 31,279 | ||
April | 45,471 | 30,165 | 27,563 | 25,944 | 25,384 | 25,411 | 25,709 | 26,470 | 27,286 | 27,500 | 29,288 | 31,407 | ||
May | 42,270 | 29,825 | 27,416 | 25,867 | 25,426 | 25,366 | 25,775 | 26,522 | 27,214 | 27,634 | 29,328 | 31,456 | ||
June | 39,647 | 29,319 | 27,366 | 25,681 | 25,379 | 25,441 | 25,780 | 26,679 | 27,372 | 27,784 | 29,527 | 31,692 | ||
July | 37,321 | 28,978 | 27,227 | 25,519 | 25,374 | 25,360 | 25,814 | 26,704 | 27,071 | 27,986 | 29,803 | 32,003 | ||
August | 35,446 | 28,665 | 26,992 | 25,612 | 25,373 | 25,443 | 25,846 | 26,657 | 27,102 | 28,162 | 30,134 | 32,224 | ||
September | 92,652 | 34,262 | 28,688 | 26,776 | 25,556 | 25,489 | 25,422 | 25,982 | 26,649 | 27,147 | 28,416 | 30,375 | 32,396 | |
October | 74,572 | 33,544 | 28,518 | 26,757 | 25,527 | 25,684 | 25,462 | 26,040 | 26,773 | 27,265 | 28,535 | 30,562 | 32,480 | |
November | 66,812 | 32,809 | 28,238 | 26,780 | 25,504 | 25,478 | 25,515 | 26,095 | 26,903 | 27,072 | 28,716 | 30,787 | 32,658 | |
December | 62,793 | 32,291 | 28,146 | 26,592 | 25,404 | 25,399 | 25,560 | 26,102 | 26,928 | 27,212 | 28,959 | 31,039 | 32,847 |