Member nmcognito
- Collections
- Tags
- Kindle (418), Scifi (18), Atwood (12), Canadian Authors (12), Literary Fiction (12), Favorite Authors (12), Fantasy (8), Punny (8), absurdist (6), humor (6), non-fiction (4), Classical Drama/Comedy (3), Mom made me read it (3), American History (2), South American Fiction (2), Traditional Classics (2), Paperback (2), Current Events (1), Non-fiction (1), Non-Fiction (1), kindle (1), Florida (1), Drama (1)
- Clouds
- Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
- Media
- Groups
- Joined
- Apr 5, 2013
- Real Name
- Natalie
- About My Library
- I like to use my library to keep track of what I've read. So it contains books I currently own as well as those I have recycled through my local library, lost, loaned, misplaced or otherwise failed to retain in my possession. When a single volume contains more than one book, for my own convenience, I have sometimes also listed those books individually.
- Location
- Florida
- Memberships