There is a popular narrative that casts the rise of Christianity as a major step backward for civilization, the negative effects of which only began to be negated with the coming of the Enlightenment.
Many, if not most, serious scholars reject this simplistic view of history. In his book “Dominion”, Tom Holland (not THAT Tom Holland) goes a step further, and demonstrates how most of the positive developments of the last two thousand years have their roots in Christian theology and the practical outworking thereof.
Holland sees many developments as positive which I do not, but it is helpful to see that even social movements which are openly hostile to Christianity owe their success to the existence of a Christian worldview.
Despite a smattering of strong language (mostly in the context of discussing the sexual revolution) I highly recommend this book.
See more book reviews from me here:
Many, if not most, serious scholars reject this simplistic view of history. In his book “Dominion”, Tom Holland (not THAT Tom Holland) goes a step further, and demonstrates how most of the positive developments of the last two thousand years have their roots in Christian theology and the practical outworking thereof.
Holland sees many developments as positive which I do not, but it is helpful to see that even social movements which are openly hostile to Christianity owe their success to the existence of a Christian worldview.
Despite a smattering of strong language (mostly in the context of discussing the sexual revolution) I highly recommend this book.
See more book reviews from me here:
A major milestone...finally finished "Caesar and Christ", book three of Will Durant's "The Story of Western Civilization" series. Although there have been significant advances in knowledge of the Roman Empire since this book was written, this is still the work of a master historian. His clear-eyed analysis, subtle humor, biting wit and clever turn-of-phrase make it a worthwhile read even today.
(I have the Kindle version of this book)
My review can be read here:
On a hilltop in France during World War One two men, possessors of gigantic egos, stood chatting casually as enemy shells burst around them. Neither one wanted to be the first to leave and be seen as the less courageous of the two. One of these men was Douglas MacArthur, who went on to distinguish himself as commander of the Pacific theater during the second world war.
The other was George S. Patton.
Perhaps no other military figure in American history is shrouded in as much legend as Patton. In their book Patton, The Pursuit of Destiny, authors Agostino von Hassell and Ed Breslin attempt to separate fact from fiction. The resultant biography is no where near as complete as, say, Manchester's tome on Macarthur. Still, it is helpful in sorting out the real Patton from the Hollywood version.
And according to the authors, the real Patton was a man of contrasts. He was a highly disciplined man whose mouth consistently got him in trouble. He demonstrated great personal courage and had an obsessive fear of death. He gave profanity laden speeches while at the same time writing tender missives to his wife back home. He went beyond the call of duty in his personal care of wounded soldiers, and yet almost lost his career because he slapped on one but two of them.
The authors do a skillful job of bringing out these complexities and analyzing their roots. The first chapters explore his family history (Confederate war heroes, Virginia aristocrats) and early influences. The rest of the show more biography deals with the major events of his life.
As a side-note, there is an aspect of authors' style that frustrated me. On not a few occasions the authors relate the result of a conflict, then go back and rehash the details, giving the result again at the end. Other than that annoying detail, the writing was crisp and well-paced.
I would recommend this book to all who are interested in the life of this American hero, as well as to any who study the principles of leadership. The best and the worst of said principles can be found in Patton. show less
The other was George S. Patton.
Perhaps no other military figure in American history is shrouded in as much legend as Patton. In their book Patton, The Pursuit of Destiny, authors Agostino von Hassell and Ed Breslin attempt to separate fact from fiction. The resultant biography is no where near as complete as, say, Manchester's tome on Macarthur. Still, it is helpful in sorting out the real Patton from the Hollywood version.
And according to the authors, the real Patton was a man of contrasts. He was a highly disciplined man whose mouth consistently got him in trouble. He demonstrated great personal courage and had an obsessive fear of death. He gave profanity laden speeches while at the same time writing tender missives to his wife back home. He went beyond the call of duty in his personal care of wounded soldiers, and yet almost lost his career because he slapped on one but two of them.
The authors do a skillful job of bringing out these complexities and analyzing their roots. The first chapters explore his family history (Confederate war heroes, Virginia aristocrats) and early influences. The rest of the show more biography deals with the major events of his life.
As a side-note, there is an aspect of authors' style that frustrated me. On not a few occasions the authors relate the result of a conflict, then go back and rehash the details, giving the result again at the end. Other than that annoying detail, the writing was crisp and well-paced.
I would recommend this book to all who are interested in the life of this American hero, as well as to any who study the principles of leadership. The best and the worst of said principles can be found in Patton. show less
Known primarily for his "midnight ride" in the primordial days of the American Revolution, Paul Revere actually had led a full and influential life, of which the event immortalized in Longfellow's poem is but a small part. Patriot, innovator, industrialist, Freemason, soldier, father, husband--Paul Revere stands as one of the giants of early American history. In The Revolutionary Paul Revere, author Joel Miller sets out to give us a more complete picture of the great man. In this he is largely successful.
Miller's writing style is simple, quick-paced, and attention-grabbing. He spices up the narrative with unexpected turns of phrase, and the lengthy, purposefully wordy chapter headings give the book an eighteenth-century feel. I was easily drawn into the story, and came away with a much deeper knowledge of Revere and the times in which he lived.
Did you know, for example, that Paul Revere made the copper fixtures used in the USS Constitution? Or that he also supplied copper for the steam engines of one Robert Fulton? Or that when he died in 1818 (at 83 years of age) many of the bells that tolled in Boston were of his manufacture? I knew none of this until I read The Revolutionary Paul Revere.
One of the parts of the book I appreciated most was Miller's insistence on putting Revere's life and actions into the context of the things going on around him. Also, while obviously an admirer of Revere, he does not shy away from recounting some of the less-than-attractive events of show more his life. I appreciate an author who can write an admiring biography without feeling the need to make his subject the very paragon of every conceivable virtue.
If you are interested in American history, and want to learn more about Paul Revere, this book should be on your list. show less
Miller's writing style is simple, quick-paced, and attention-grabbing. He spices up the narrative with unexpected turns of phrase, and the lengthy, purposefully wordy chapter headings give the book an eighteenth-century feel. I was easily drawn into the story, and came away with a much deeper knowledge of Revere and the times in which he lived.
Did you know, for example, that Paul Revere made the copper fixtures used in the USS Constitution? Or that he also supplied copper for the steam engines of one Robert Fulton? Or that when he died in 1818 (at 83 years of age) many of the bells that tolled in Boston were of his manufacture? I knew none of this until I read The Revolutionary Paul Revere.
One of the parts of the book I appreciated most was Miller's insistence on putting Revere's life and actions into the context of the things going on around him. Also, while obviously an admirer of Revere, he does not shy away from recounting some of the less-than-attractive events of show more his life. I appreciate an author who can write an admiring biography without feeling the need to make his subject the very paragon of every conceivable virtue.
If you are interested in American history, and want to learn more about Paul Revere, this book should be on your list. show less
The Great Jesus Debates: 4 Early Church Battles About the Person and Work of Jesus by Douglas W. Johnson
If you have ever wanted a clearer understanding of how our orthodox positions on the person and work of Christ were formed and cemented, The Great Jesus Debates: 4 Early Church Battles About the Person and Work of Jesus is the book for you. Douglas W. Johnson has done the layman and Christian worker alike a great service in spelling out--in as simple terms as possible, the great historical conflicts that served to solidify orthodoxy in the Church.
After a somewhat lengthy introduction in which he lays the historical and theological framework for the debate, Johnson divides his book into four chapters, each one having to do with one of the great theological conflicts: The Gnostic and Marcionite Controversies, The Trinitarian Controversy, The Christological Controversy, and The Controversy Over Grace. Each of these sections is treated in an easy-to-read manner, and from an orthodox perspective.
The Great Jesus Debates: 4 Early Church Battles About the Person and Work of Jesus was a great help to me as I sought to firm up my knowledge of early Church history. If the subject is of any interest to you, this is a great book to have in your library.
After a somewhat lengthy introduction in which he lays the historical and theological framework for the debate, Johnson divides his book into four chapters, each one having to do with one of the great theological conflicts: The Gnostic and Marcionite Controversies, The Trinitarian Controversy, The Christological Controversy, and The Controversy Over Grace. Each of these sections is treated in an easy-to-read manner, and from an orthodox perspective.
The Great Jesus Debates: 4 Early Church Battles About the Person and Work of Jesus was a great help to me as I sought to firm up my knowledge of early Church history. If the subject is of any interest to you, this is a great book to have in your library.
It was with great interest that I chose Tithing as my next book to review in Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze program. There is no small controversy in the circles I work in as to the role tithing plays in the life of a believer.
The title of the book leaves no mystery as to it's subject. The subtitle--"test me in this"--lets us know right up front that the author thinks tithing is for today. Rather than a detailed biblical exposition, however, LeBlanc opts to go the "personal testimony" route. Thus the book is divided into eleven chapters (and an epilogue), each featuring a different person or group of people telling about how they were blessed by the practice of tithing.
As I opened the book, the first thing that caught my eye was that the forward was by Phyllis Tickle, madre superior of the Emergent Church. Then my attention was drawn to the fact that Tithing is part of a series called The Ancient Practices. Other authors for the series include Brian McLaren and Scot McKnight. At this point I had very low expectations for the book.
With all of that, it was better than I supposed. LeBlanc includes stories like that of Randy Alcorn, who can only make minimum wage because he was sued by an abortion clinic, and anything he makes above that would go to fund abortions. A couple of the interviewees even expressed my own position on tithing.
Yet there is one huge elephant in the room. Several of the people LeBlanc cites as examples are either from extremely liberal wings of the church, show more or out-and-out unbelievers. So...who does the Orthodox Jewish Rabbi tithe to? Am I to believe that God is going to bless money given to a false religion?
Tithing is interesting inasmuch as it presents different viewpoints on the subject. But the underlying message--that a person can please God through tithing regardless of whether Christ's atoning work on the cross has been applied to him--is patently false. show less
The title of the book leaves no mystery as to it's subject. The subtitle--"test me in this"--lets us know right up front that the author thinks tithing is for today. Rather than a detailed biblical exposition, however, LeBlanc opts to go the "personal testimony" route. Thus the book is divided into eleven chapters (and an epilogue), each featuring a different person or group of people telling about how they were blessed by the practice of tithing.
As I opened the book, the first thing that caught my eye was that the forward was by Phyllis Tickle, madre superior of the Emergent Church. Then my attention was drawn to the fact that Tithing is part of a series called The Ancient Practices. Other authors for the series include Brian McLaren and Scot McKnight. At this point I had very low expectations for the book.
With all of that, it was better than I supposed. LeBlanc includes stories like that of Randy Alcorn, who can only make minimum wage because he was sued by an abortion clinic, and anything he makes above that would go to fund abortions. A couple of the interviewees even expressed my own position on tithing.
Yet there is one huge elephant in the room. Several of the people LeBlanc cites as examples are either from extremely liberal wings of the church, show more or out-and-out unbelievers. So...who does the Orthodox Jewish Rabbi tithe to? Am I to believe that God is going to bless money given to a false religion?
Tithing is interesting inasmuch as it presents different viewpoints on the subject. But the underlying message--that a person can please God through tithing regardless of whether Christ's atoning work on the cross has been applied to him--is patently false. show less
An anonymous benefactor sent this book to me from my Amazon wishlist. Whoever it was should know that they made a tremendous investment in the studies and thought-processes of this missionary. Content from The Gospel Driven Life has found its way into messages, Sunday School lessons and counseling sessions since the day I started reading it.
The subtitle--Being Good News People in a Bad News World--is an apt summary of the content of the book. Author Michael Horton is concerned that "the Good News [has] become just good advice". His main purpose in this work (which he says naturally follows his previous Christless Christianity) is to show how the Good News is central to every aspect of the believer's life--not simply at the moment of salvation. For this reason it is important that we "get it right" when it comes to describing what the Gospel actually is.
For me one of the most valuable parts of the book is where Horton expounds on the Biblical progression of Drama (God's vast redemptive plan throughout history) to Doctrine (belief in the objective facts that make up the Gospel) to Doxology (the natural worship that flows from an understanding of those facts) to Discipleship (grateful service as a natural outworking of said worship).
Not a particularly easy read, the The Gospel Driven Life is worth the effort. It should be noted that Horton is quite reformed, which means that Baptists such as myself have to discount the parts of the book where he refers to the ordinances as show more sacraments (and defends calling them such), the section where he claims that the sons and daughters of believers are "children of the covenant", and, of course, the obligatory disparagin of "premillenialism" (to which he offers no real alternative).
Where his subject is the Gospel and it's fruit in our lives, the book truly soars. If you want to renew a stagnated Christian walk by focusing on Christ and His Gospel, my I humbly suggest The Gospel-Driven Life as a good place to start. show less
The subtitle--Being Good News People in a Bad News World--is an apt summary of the content of the book. Author Michael Horton is concerned that "the Good News [has] become just good advice". His main purpose in this work (which he says naturally follows his previous Christless Christianity) is to show how the Good News is central to every aspect of the believer's life--not simply at the moment of salvation. For this reason it is important that we "get it right" when it comes to describing what the Gospel actually is.
For me one of the most valuable parts of the book is where Horton expounds on the Biblical progression of Drama (God's vast redemptive plan throughout history) to Doctrine (belief in the objective facts that make up the Gospel) to Doxology (the natural worship that flows from an understanding of those facts) to Discipleship (grateful service as a natural outworking of said worship).
Not a particularly easy read, the The Gospel Driven Life is worth the effort. It should be noted that Horton is quite reformed, which means that Baptists such as myself have to discount the parts of the book where he refers to the ordinances as show more sacraments (and defends calling them such), the section where he claims that the sons and daughters of believers are "children of the covenant", and, of course, the obligatory disparagin of "premillenialism" (to which he offers no real alternative).
Where his subject is the Gospel and it's fruit in our lives, the book truly soars. If you want to renew a stagnated Christian walk by focusing on Christ and His Gospel, my I humbly suggest The Gospel-Driven Life as a good place to start. show less
If one is interested in knowing about the much touted "New Perspective on Paul", but has no time or resources to read the major works that have been published--pro and con--then Stephen Westerholm's work "Perspectives Old and New on Paul" (subtitled "The 'Lutheran' Paul and His Critics) is the only book you need to read.
Westerholm begins his monumental task (in all it takes over 400 pages) by reviewing the main lines of Augustinian/Lutheran thought. He then reviews the work of those who have tried to deconstruct those lines. Finally, he delves into what Paul actually says about law, grace, and membership in the community of the redeemed. Not surprisingly, the conclusions he draws are of a decidedly "Lutheran" tone.
I can see myself returning to this book--especially the third section--as I prepare messages on any of the Pauline epistles.
Westerholm begins his monumental task (in all it takes over 400 pages) by reviewing the main lines of Augustinian/Lutheran thought. He then reviews the work of those who have tried to deconstruct those lines. Finally, he delves into what Paul actually says about law, grace, and membership in the community of the redeemed. Not surprisingly, the conclusions he draws are of a decidedly "Lutheran" tone.
I can see myself returning to this book--especially the third section--as I prepare messages on any of the Pauline epistles.
My belated foray into the world of conspiracy theories combined with ancient gnostic heresies. If one temporarily suspends any shred of rational thought, the book is enjoyable. Otherwise it is difficult to see how it was taken so seriously.
Rapid Rating: Only read this is you are in a position of leadership that requires you to be on top of what popular culture is trying to pass off as theology.
Rapid Rating: Only read this is you are in a position of leadership that requires you to be on top of what popular culture is trying to pass off as theology.
The Well Behaved Child by John Rosemond is, as the title suggests, a parenting book. In it the author enthusiastically challenges parents to return to the philosophy of their parents and grandparents, before the "psychobabble" of the sixties took over the culture.
Rosemond starts with a shocking premise: Children are bad. Of course this will only be shocking to those who have never had a two-year-old, or, if they have, it was so long ago they have forgotten what it was like. With this premise firmly on place, he proceeds to offer seven "fundamentals of effective discipline". Highlighted among these are the "agony principle" and the "godfather principle".
The Agony Principle
Parents should not agonize over anything a child does or fails to do if the child is perfectly capable of agonizing over it himself.
The Godfather Principle
To activate the Agony Principle, you simply make the misbehaving, irresponsible child an offer he can't refuse.
After laying down the basic principles the author provides specific tools and methods (charts, tickets, etc) to help implement the principles. The book is chock full of anecdotal accounts, mostly of parents who implemented the principles with impressive results. Rosemond's style is witty, conversational, and especially biting--especially when he touches on the prevailing "psychobabble".
Before receiving this book via the Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers program I had never heard of John Rosemond. Before I was halfway through the book I had show more decided to add every book he had written to my wishlist. As the father of an eight-year-old and a three-year-old, I began to see areas where my parenting skills needed honing. Of special interest to me was the section where he describes how to get your child to do his homework without a parent at his side. Others may find interesting the sections about potty training, tantrums and other, more bizarre behavior.
It was refreshing to read Rosemond's rejection of medicated treatments for behavioral problems. He is merciless in his criticisms of those who perpetrate this travesty on American families.
There are times when Rosemond seems to exaggerate in order to make his point. But his point--that American families need desperately to return to common-sense, biblical parenting methods--is well worth making.
If you have kids, or know someone who does, you owe it to yourself to read The Well-Behaved Child. show less
Rosemond starts with a shocking premise: Children are bad. Of course this will only be shocking to those who have never had a two-year-old, or, if they have, it was so long ago they have forgotten what it was like. With this premise firmly on place, he proceeds to offer seven "fundamentals of effective discipline". Highlighted among these are the "agony principle" and the "godfather principle".
The Agony Principle
Parents should not agonize over anything a child does or fails to do if the child is perfectly capable of agonizing over it himself.
The Godfather Principle
To activate the Agony Principle, you simply make the misbehaving, irresponsible child an offer he can't refuse.
After laying down the basic principles the author provides specific tools and methods (charts, tickets, etc) to help implement the principles. The book is chock full of anecdotal accounts, mostly of parents who implemented the principles with impressive results. Rosemond's style is witty, conversational, and especially biting--especially when he touches on the prevailing "psychobabble".
Before receiving this book via the Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers program I had never heard of John Rosemond. Before I was halfway through the book I had show more decided to add every book he had written to my wishlist. As the father of an eight-year-old and a three-year-old, I began to see areas where my parenting skills needed honing. Of special interest to me was the section where he describes how to get your child to do his homework without a parent at his side. Others may find interesting the sections about potty training, tantrums and other, more bizarre behavior.
It was refreshing to read Rosemond's rejection of medicated treatments for behavioral problems. He is merciless in his criticisms of those who perpetrate this travesty on American families.
There are times when Rosemond seems to exaggerate in order to make his point. But his point--that American families need desperately to return to common-sense, biblical parenting methods--is well worth making.
If you have kids, or know someone who does, you owe it to yourself to read The Well-Behaved Child. show less
This book is full of what you would expect from a Tarzan book: jungle adventure, damsels in distress, and tree-swinging galore. In this particuar adventure Tarzan takes on the murderous Leopard Men, finally ridding the jungle of their evil menace.
Rapid Rating: If you are a Tarzan fan you have probably already read this. If not, you probably will not like it.
Rapid Rating: If you are a Tarzan fan you have probably already read this. If not, you probably will not like it.
In this book the eminently successful pastor/missionary Tim Keller addresses his target audience—secular westerners. He begins by capably answering several of the more common accusations leveled at Christianity (ie There Can't Be Just One Religion or the ever-popular How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell?)
I felt he handled the subject matter well. I was disappointed (but not surprised) at his defense of a kind of “theistic evolution lite”. Other than that, it was a good read.
Rapid Rating: Read this book if you are a skeptical secularist, or if you know one.
I felt he handled the subject matter well. I was disappointed (but not surprised) at his defense of a kind of “theistic evolution lite”. Other than that, it was a good read.
Rapid Rating: Read this book if you are a skeptical secularist, or if you know one.
Set in a “fictionalized” Venezuela—complete with a Chavez-esque dictator—The Missionary explores the relationship of the missionary with the political life of his adopted country. Motivated by the extreme poverty and tremendous abuse of power around him, young missionary David Eller decides to become involved in a “regime-change” plot, with near disastrous results.
I found this book to be riveting in some places, and rather tedious in others. Also, after spending several chapters building up the complexity of the characters, I found the ending to be rather clichéd.
Rapid Rating: Read this book if you are interested in the subject of missionaries and the politics of their host country.
I found this book to be riveting in some places, and rather tedious in others. Also, after spending several chapters building up the complexity of the characters, I found the ending to be rather clichéd.
Rapid Rating: Read this book if you are interested in the subject of missionaries and the politics of their host country.
Subtitled “Wide-Eyed Wonder in God's Spoken World”, this book can be thought of as theology for postmoderns. Note that I did not say “post-modern theology”, as there is much in here that would cause the likes of Tony Jones or Doug Pagitt to blanch.
Notes form the Tilt-A-Whirl is written in an off-kilter, sometimes-quirky style that reflects the short attention span of current generations. Wilson consistently puts high theological concepts on the bottom shelf where they are easily reached. He is very gentle in his approach, except when it comes to philosophers. These he routinely skewers with a rollicking sarcasm—especially Nietzsche.
Rapid Rating: This book will be a treat for you to read.
Notes form the Tilt-A-Whirl is written in an off-kilter, sometimes-quirky style that reflects the short attention span of current generations. Wilson consistently puts high theological concepts on the bottom shelf where they are easily reached. He is very gentle in his approach, except when it comes to philosophers. These he routinely skewers with a rollicking sarcasm—especially Nietzsche.
Rapid Rating: This book will be a treat for you to read.
For my review of this book, see here:
The NKJV, American Patriot's Bible, Hardcover: The Word of God and the Shaping of America by Richard Lee
Check out my review for The American Patriot's Bible here:
I have long delighted with to the tales of William Sidney Porter, otherwise known as O. Henry. His colorful characters and half-cynical plot-twists have entertained me for years. I was very pleased, therefore, to come into posession of this collection of his works--incomplete as it may be. While I was disappointed that it did not include a couple of my favorite short stories (The Ransom of Red Chief, for example), it more than made up for it by including several stories that I had not yet read.
In this review I will list the stories included in this book, along with a brief (one sentence, usually) synopsis.
"The Gift of the Magi"
Possibly O. Henry's most famous work. A poor young couple make the ultimate sacrifices in order to buy each other Christmas gifts, and bring an entire new meaning to the phrase "it's the thought that counts".
"The Skylight Room"
A young woman meets her prince charming in a most unorthodox way.
"The Cop and the Anthem"
A vagrant is consistently frustrated in his attempts to get arrested, and then in his attempt at reform.
"Memoires of a Yellow Dog"
The story of a henpecked man, as told from the perspective of his loyal canine pet.
"Springtime à la Carte"
A young couple in love find each other with the help of a restaurant menu.
"The Green Door"
A man responds to the call of adventure and rescues a damsel in distress. This story ends with a classic O. Henry twist.
"After Twenty Years"
The first O. Henry story I ever read. Two friends reunite after twenty show more years--with unpredictable results.
"The Furnished Room"
Two related tragedies in one appartment.
"The Pimienta Pancakes"
How not to win the attention of a young lady in the Old West.
"The Reformation of Calliope"
A western badman undergoes a complete, thorough, and instantaneous reformation.
"The Passing of Black Eagle"
A vagrant is thrust into high adventure, and decides that it is not for him.
"A Retrieved Reformation"
The concept of this story has been made into at least one movie. An expert safe-cracker tries to go the straight and narrow, only to be forced to use his skill to save a child trapped in a safe.
"Whilstling Dick's Christmas Stocking"
A hobo becomes privy to plans to rob a souther mansion on Christmas. His quick thinking saves the day.
An American living in a Banana Republic is embroiled in national intrigue, and not only comes out on top, but gets the girl.
"The Sleuths"
A distraught man in search of his lost sister seeks the help of two detectives in New York City. This story proves that the most elaborate methods are not always the most effective.
"Makes the Whole World Kin"
A theif discovers he has something in common with his would-be victim.
"The Whirligig of Life"
A hillbilly Justice of the Peace administers a divorce, an alimony settlement, and a reconciliation--all for the same couple.
"A Newspaper Story"
Sometimes the effect of a newspaper is not at all what the editor had in mind.
"The Voice of the City"
A man sets out to find the "voice of the city". He seems to have found it, but I am still confused.
"One Thousand Dollars"
A ne'er-do-well inherits one thousand dollars, and makes better use of it than anybody expected.
"The Trimmed Lamp"
This story explores the possibility of finding true happiness in marriage.
"A Madison Square Arabian Night"
A wealthy man entertains a down-on-his luck painter. In the process he hears an amazing tale, and resolves a question that is weighing heavily on his mind.
"The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball"
An alcoholic resolves to go "dry", and faces mixed reactions from his spouse.
"Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen"
A starving gentleman feeds a stuffed beggar.
"The Buyer from Cactus City"
West meets East, and East is unable to resist West's charms.
"The Badge of Policeman O'Roon"
Poking gentle fun at Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders, O. Henry tells a tale of two former comrades in arms.
"The Last Leaf"
A painter finishes his final masterpiece--just in time to save the life of a young lady.
"The Tale of a Tainted Tenner"
Told from the perspective of a ten dollar bill, this story is a scathing condemnation of "polite society" and those who practice a hypoctritic religion.
"A Municipal Report"
A writer explores the best and worst that the Old South has to offer.
"Compliments of the Season"
A lost and found rag doll, and a simple kindness, save a man's life.
Some final observations:
Harry Hansen's introduction to the book is very informative. I share his lamentation at O. Henry's early demise. What might he have written had he lived longer?
I was also struck for the first time with the overwhelming number of biblical references O. Henry employs in his writing. The meaning of many of these stories will be lost on the reader with no background in the Scriptures.
Finally, as I live in Brazil, I was struck by the reference to Santos Dumont in the story "Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen". show less
In this review I will list the stories included in this book, along with a brief (one sentence, usually) synopsis.
"The Gift of the Magi"
Possibly O. Henry's most famous work. A poor young couple make the ultimate sacrifices in order to buy each other Christmas gifts, and bring an entire new meaning to the phrase "it's the thought that counts".
"The Skylight Room"
A young woman meets her prince charming in a most unorthodox way.
"The Cop and the Anthem"
A vagrant is consistently frustrated in his attempts to get arrested, and then in his attempt at reform.
"Memoires of a Yellow Dog"
The story of a henpecked man, as told from the perspective of his loyal canine pet.
"Springtime à la Carte"
A young couple in love find each other with the help of a restaurant menu.
"The Green Door"
A man responds to the call of adventure and rescues a damsel in distress. This story ends with a classic O. Henry twist.
"After Twenty Years"
The first O. Henry story I ever read. Two friends reunite after twenty show more years--with unpredictable results.
"The Furnished Room"
Two related tragedies in one appartment.
"The Pimienta Pancakes"
How not to win the attention of a young lady in the Old West.
"The Reformation of Calliope"
A western badman undergoes a complete, thorough, and instantaneous reformation.
"The Passing of Black Eagle"
A vagrant is thrust into high adventure, and decides that it is not for him.
"A Retrieved Reformation"
The concept of this story has been made into at least one movie. An expert safe-cracker tries to go the straight and narrow, only to be forced to use his skill to save a child trapped in a safe.
"Whilstling Dick's Christmas Stocking"
A hobo becomes privy to plans to rob a souther mansion on Christmas. His quick thinking saves the day.
An American living in a Banana Republic is embroiled in national intrigue, and not only comes out on top, but gets the girl.
"The Sleuths"
A distraught man in search of his lost sister seeks the help of two detectives in New York City. This story proves that the most elaborate methods are not always the most effective.
"Makes the Whole World Kin"
A theif discovers he has something in common with his would-be victim.
"The Whirligig of Life"
A hillbilly Justice of the Peace administers a divorce, an alimony settlement, and a reconciliation--all for the same couple.
"A Newspaper Story"
Sometimes the effect of a newspaper is not at all what the editor had in mind.
"The Voice of the City"
A man sets out to find the "voice of the city". He seems to have found it, but I am still confused.
"One Thousand Dollars"
A ne'er-do-well inherits one thousand dollars, and makes better use of it than anybody expected.
"The Trimmed Lamp"
This story explores the possibility of finding true happiness in marriage.
"A Madison Square Arabian Night"
A wealthy man entertains a down-on-his luck painter. In the process he hears an amazing tale, and resolves a question that is weighing heavily on his mind.
"The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball"
An alcoholic resolves to go "dry", and faces mixed reactions from his spouse.
"Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen"
A starving gentleman feeds a stuffed beggar.
"The Buyer from Cactus City"
West meets East, and East is unable to resist West's charms.
"The Badge of Policeman O'Roon"
Poking gentle fun at Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders, O. Henry tells a tale of two former comrades in arms.
"The Last Leaf"
A painter finishes his final masterpiece--just in time to save the life of a young lady.
"The Tale of a Tainted Tenner"
Told from the perspective of a ten dollar bill, this story is a scathing condemnation of "polite society" and those who practice a hypoctritic religion.
"A Municipal Report"
A writer explores the best and worst that the Old South has to offer.
"Compliments of the Season"
A lost and found rag doll, and a simple kindness, save a man's life.
Some final observations:
Harry Hansen's introduction to the book is very informative. I share his lamentation at O. Henry's early demise. What might he have written had he lived longer?
I was also struck for the first time with the overwhelming number of biblical references O. Henry employs in his writing. The meaning of many of these stories will be lost on the reader with no background in the Scriptures.
Finally, as I live in Brazil, I was struck by the reference to Santos Dumont in the story "Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen". show less
All of us like stories where the good guys win. We are not naturally drawn to tales of mass incompetence and bad decisions resulting in futile bloodshed and losing battles. Martin Caiden sets out to tell just such a story, and he does so compellingly.
In the months and years leading up to Pearl Harbor and America's entrance into World War II several airmen came into contact with Japanese air power. As they consistently encountered the power and technological superiority of the Mitsubishi Zero fighter plane, and the overwhelmingly superior skill of the Japanese pilots, they grew concerned and informed the US. Their warnings were ignored.
Caiden relates the stories of these men, and others who joined them, as they faced alone the Japanese onslaught with outdated planes, having to learn fighting skills "on the fly". He covers in details the stories of these brave Americans as they fought in China, at Pearl Harbor, the Phillipines, Malaysia, and other places.
He finishes his harrowing account with a chapter entitled "The Other Midway", in which he narrates the story of a group of Marauder bombers that attacked the Japanese fleet. Almost all were lost, none hit thier target. But they sufficiently distracted the enemy so other fighters and bombers could move in for the kill. Such is the legacy of the ragged, rugged warriors.
The book is well-researched. The author is very knowlegable in the subject, and sprinkles his narrative generously with first-hand accounts. Once I began show more reading this book, I had difficulty putting it down. show less
In the months and years leading up to Pearl Harbor and America's entrance into World War II several airmen came into contact with Japanese air power. As they consistently encountered the power and technological superiority of the Mitsubishi Zero fighter plane, and the overwhelmingly superior skill of the Japanese pilots, they grew concerned and informed the US. Their warnings were ignored.
Caiden relates the stories of these men, and others who joined them, as they faced alone the Japanese onslaught with outdated planes, having to learn fighting skills "on the fly". He covers in details the stories of these brave Americans as they fought in China, at Pearl Harbor, the Phillipines, Malaysia, and other places.
He finishes his harrowing account with a chapter entitled "The Other Midway", in which he narrates the story of a group of Marauder bombers that attacked the Japanese fleet. Almost all were lost, none hit thier target. But they sufficiently distracted the enemy so other fighters and bombers could move in for the kill. Such is the legacy of the ragged, rugged warriors.
The book is well-researched. The author is very knowlegable in the subject, and sprinkles his narrative generously with first-hand accounts. Once I began show more reading this book, I had difficulty putting it down. show less
After reading some biographies, the reader comes away feeling like they know more about the subject. As I turned the last page of George M. Marsden's Jonathan Edwards, A Life, I felt like I actually knew Jonathan Edwards. So in-depth and personal is Marsden's treatment that there is no doubt the author knows his subject very well. The only way it could have been more personal would be if Marsden had actually sat down with Edwards for a one-on-one interview.
Not content with a simple blow-by-blow of the events of Edwards' life, Marsden goes to great lengths to paint an accurate and vivid historical/philosophical background of the times that surrounded and precipitated said events.
In the first chapter, we learn in great detail about the influential and colorful family into which Edwards was born. Marsden details their involvement in the politics and wars which punctuated Edwards formative years. The fact that politics and religion were so tightly meshed gives us insights into the formation of Edwards' later theology. As Marsden puts it when describing the French-English conflict, "The real war was among spiritual powers, a nation God had favored with true religion versus peoples in Satan's grip, Catholics and pagans."
We also learn in the first chapter about the household in which Edwards grew up, the temperament of his father, the prominent role played by the women in Edwards' early years, and how "the household was an economy in which everybody shared."
Despite a Puritan show more background, we find that the legendary preacher's family had its share of skeletons. As Marsden points out,
"Edwards is sometimes criticized for having too dim a view of himan nature, but it may be helpful to be reminded that his grandmother was an incorrigible profligate, his great-aunt committed infanticide, and his great uncle was an ax-murderer."
The following chapters continue in this vein, faithfully tracing the spiritual, theological, and philosophical development of the man who, perhaps more than any other, shaped American Christianity.
The book is long (505 pages, not including the appendices), but the potential reader should not be put off by this. Marden's writing is in no way superfluous, and his style is engaging, to say the least. He includes so many things that are of tremendous interest (Did you know, for example, that Edwards worked among the Indian tribe immortalized in James Fennimore Cooper's "Last of the Mohecans"?) that I found myself devouring each page. In fact, this reading was my second, and it was as fresh to me as the first time I read it, roughly five years ago.
I also found Jonathan Edwards, A Life to be quite challenging on a ministerial level. There were many times when I came under conviction of areas in my own spiritual life and ministry that need to be developed.
Marsden has written what will perhaps become the definitive biography of one of the greatest theologians of all time. He has come as close as any one author can to doing justice to his subject. show less
Not content with a simple blow-by-blow of the events of Edwards' life, Marsden goes to great lengths to paint an accurate and vivid historical/philosophical background of the times that surrounded and precipitated said events.
In the first chapter, we learn in great detail about the influential and colorful family into which Edwards was born. Marsden details their involvement in the politics and wars which punctuated Edwards formative years. The fact that politics and religion were so tightly meshed gives us insights into the formation of Edwards' later theology. As Marsden puts it when describing the French-English conflict, "The real war was among spiritual powers, a nation God had favored with true religion versus peoples in Satan's grip, Catholics and pagans."
We also learn in the first chapter about the household in which Edwards grew up, the temperament of his father, the prominent role played by the women in Edwards' early years, and how "the household was an economy in which everybody shared."
Despite a Puritan show more background, we find that the legendary preacher's family had its share of skeletons. As Marsden points out,
"Edwards is sometimes criticized for having too dim a view of himan nature, but it may be helpful to be reminded that his grandmother was an incorrigible profligate, his great-aunt committed infanticide, and his great uncle was an ax-murderer."
The following chapters continue in this vein, faithfully tracing the spiritual, theological, and philosophical development of the man who, perhaps more than any other, shaped American Christianity.
The book is long (505 pages, not including the appendices), but the potential reader should not be put off by this. Marden's writing is in no way superfluous, and his style is engaging, to say the least. He includes so many things that are of tremendous interest (Did you know, for example, that Edwards worked among the Indian tribe immortalized in James Fennimore Cooper's "Last of the Mohecans"?) that I found myself devouring each page. In fact, this reading was my second, and it was as fresh to me as the first time I read it, roughly five years ago.
I also found Jonathan Edwards, A Life to be quite challenging on a ministerial level. There were many times when I came under conviction of areas in my own spiritual life and ministry that need to be developed.
Marsden has written what will perhaps become the definitive biography of one of the greatest theologians of all time. He has come as close as any one author can to doing justice to his subject. show less
If you think you know all about the life of John Newton, you probably want to read Jonathan Aitken's "John Newton, From Disgrace to Amazing Grace". You will most likely discover many new facts about the life of this amazing individual. And even if you don't, Aitken's presentation cannot fail to impress you as he relates how God reached down and took this "wretch" and made him one of the most influential Christian leaders of all time.
Though I had a rough knowledge of Newton, this book opened my eyes to many important details I did not know.
I did not know, for example, that Newton was impressed into the British Navy. And while I knew that he had spent some time in Africa as a slave, consistently mistreated by his African mistress, I did not realize that he later returned to that very place as a ship's captain and ate fruit from the very trees that he had planted.
Perhaps the thing that surprised me most was discovering that Newton" stint as the captain of a slave ship came after his dramatic conversion. Only later in life did he renounce the slave trade.
Of course, when he did renounce it, he became one of its most vocal opponents, influencing the great William Wilberforce.
Speaking of Wilberforce, did you know that Newton first met him when he was a child attending the church Newton pastored? I didn't.
Aitken spends a lot of time explaining the background of Newton's most famous work--the hymn Amazing Grace. Once again, I was unaware of the fact that Newton probably never show more heard it sung to the melody we all know so well. In fact, the hymn, which was part of a collection of hymns Newton wrote in collaboration with William Cowper, was hardly sung at all in Newton's native England. Ironically, it only gained popularity when it was adopted by the African community in America--among them the sons and daughters of slaves Newton had brought over on his ship.
This is just a smattering of the interesting things you will learn if you read this book. Added to his prolific research is the personal "baggage" Aitken carries himself. The story of John Newton is written by a man who himself has known the depths of despair and experienced firsthand God's amazing grace.
If you know nothing of John Newton, or if you think you know something about him, you should make the investment to read this book. You will not be sorry. show less
Though I had a rough knowledge of Newton, this book opened my eyes to many important details I did not know.
I did not know, for example, that Newton was impressed into the British Navy. And while I knew that he had spent some time in Africa as a slave, consistently mistreated by his African mistress, I did not realize that he later returned to that very place as a ship's captain and ate fruit from the very trees that he had planted.
Perhaps the thing that surprised me most was discovering that Newton" stint as the captain of a slave ship came after his dramatic conversion. Only later in life did he renounce the slave trade.
Of course, when he did renounce it, he became one of its most vocal opponents, influencing the great William Wilberforce.
Speaking of Wilberforce, did you know that Newton first met him when he was a child attending the church Newton pastored? I didn't.
Aitken spends a lot of time explaining the background of Newton's most famous work--the hymn Amazing Grace. Once again, I was unaware of the fact that Newton probably never show more heard it sung to the melody we all know so well. In fact, the hymn, which was part of a collection of hymns Newton wrote in collaboration with William Cowper, was hardly sung at all in Newton's native England. Ironically, it only gained popularity when it was adopted by the African community in America--among them the sons and daughters of slaves Newton had brought over on his ship.
This is just a smattering of the interesting things you will learn if you read this book. Added to his prolific research is the personal "baggage" Aitken carries himself. The story of John Newton is written by a man who himself has known the depths of despair and experienced firsthand God's amazing grace.
If you know nothing of John Newton, or if you think you know something about him, you should make the investment to read this book. You will not be sorry. show less
"Pain and Pretending" should be in the library of anyone in Christian service who plans on doing any counseling--which would include almost everybody in Christian service. Rich Buhler's insights have opened my eyes to the mentality of those who have experienced abuse--and I am sure they will be beneficial to you as well.
After two introductory chapters in which Buhler explains the effects of the past, he divides the bulk of the book into two sections; one describing the stages an abused person goes through (which Buhler calls "the season of destruction"), and the other prescribing the solutions (called "the season of recovery).
What stood out to me in Buhler's treatment of the "season of destruction" was how heavily he relied on cases that he himself has personally been involved with. He is quite obviously coming at this with a wealth of experience in dealing with hurting, abused people.
In the second half of the book--where he deals with recovery--I admired Buhler's dedication to biblical solutions, and his insitance that true healing is only to be found in Jesus Christ. In fact, he breaks healing down into two main parts: knowing "the truth about me" and "the truth about God".
While the subject matter of this book can make it depressing at times, Rich Buhler offers hope that aboused people can break their cycle of defeat and--with God's help--become survivors.
If you are a victim of abuse, or know one, you should read "Pain and Pretending".
After two introductory chapters in which Buhler explains the effects of the past, he divides the bulk of the book into two sections; one describing the stages an abused person goes through (which Buhler calls "the season of destruction"), and the other prescribing the solutions (called "the season of recovery).
What stood out to me in Buhler's treatment of the "season of destruction" was how heavily he relied on cases that he himself has personally been involved with. He is quite obviously coming at this with a wealth of experience in dealing with hurting, abused people.
In the second half of the book--where he deals with recovery--I admired Buhler's dedication to biblical solutions, and his insitance that true healing is only to be found in Jesus Christ. In fact, he breaks healing down into two main parts: knowing "the truth about me" and "the truth about God".
While the subject matter of this book can make it depressing at times, Rich Buhler offers hope that aboused people can break their cycle of defeat and--with God's help--become survivors.
If you are a victim of abuse, or know one, you should read "Pain and Pretending".