Member Pferdina

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Feb 4, 2007
About My Library
Tag info:
"professional" books in my office, not at home
"AQ" books inherited with my office; ambiguous ownership
"BAM" books belonging primarily to my husband

Ratings (mainly applies to fiction):
Five stars = love this book; can't wait to read it again.
Four stars = enjoyed this book; would read it again if I had time.
Three stars = this book was fine but I don't need to read it again.
Two stars = did not enjoy this book; would probably never read it again.
One star = thought this book was a waste of time to read.
About Me
I am addicted to books. Once I touch them, I can't let them go. Even the ones that are totally ridiculous, that I'll never read, that I don't like, I keep them all. The best I can do to control my problem is to steer clear of bookstores entirely because as soon as I cross the doorstep I am doomed. As a professional chemist, I have many books on chemistry and other sciences, but I also have a huge number of novels both classic and pulpy, favorite childrens books, and science fiction. Once I get them all catalogued, I hope to add reviews and notes.
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