
All collections (1,068), WMLibrary (544), Your library (1,053)
WMLibrary (521), archaeology (265), fiction (66), SciFi (62), Illinois (50), fix (40), Wisconsin (36), 日本語 (30), MAC07 (29), Buddhism (27), site report (27), anthropology (23), zen (22), journal (19), FAI-270 (19), warfare (19), ITARP (19), native religion (17), mounds (16), history (16), Japanese weapons (15), SAA 07 (15), ceramic analysis (15), Hopewell (14), grey lit (13), Japan (13), MVAC (13), rock art (13), Mississippians (13), Cahokia (13), textbook (12), religion (11), Iowa (10), archaeological theory (10), comic (9), Japanese (9), Oneota (9), kung fu (9), trade (8), horror (8), Japanese food (8), wmlibrary (8), fantasy (8), lithic analysis (8), dictionary (8), NFagin (8), projectile points (7), cookbook (7), go (7), bicycle (7), Ancient Society Books (7), travel (7), oral traditions (7), Ojibwa (6), Japanese Language (6), CRM (6), poetry (6), Japanese language (6), Late Woodland (6), geology (6), Middle Woodland (5), festschrift (5), P (5), style (5), ritual (5), historic (5), philosophy (5), ceramics (5), Mississippian (5), Ho-Chunk (5), bioarchaeology (5), TCM (5), southeast (5), anthropology of religion (5), music (5), mortuary (4), vampires (4), peopling of the Americas (4), SAA 08 (4), humor (4), rockshelter (4), contact era (4), anthropological theory (4), nihonshu (4), sake (4), Alberta (4), mound (4), synthesis (4), Woodland (4), shamanism (4), Michigan (4), MAP (4), ethnoarchaeology (4), Canada (4), Early Woodland (3), Spiro (3), cultural transmission (3), historic archaeology (3), copper (3), spatial analysis (3), Sioux (3), Ojibwe (3), pseudo-archaeology (3), Dakota (3), chiefdoms (3), childrens (3), mystery (3), crap (3), writing (3), Archaic (3), sword (3), China (3), Maya (3), makers marks (3), statistics (3), Manitoba (3), Minnesota (3), Native Americans (3), method and theory (3), cave (3), glass (3), SECC (3), southwest (3), methods (3), Usagi (2), petroglyphs (2), Aztalan (2), Menominee (2), faunal (2), Blue Print Ware (2), Mesquakie (2), koryu (2), usewear (2), Effigy Mound (2), Plains (2), CAI (2), labwork (2), American Bottom (2), Egypt (2), Kensington runestone (2), bioarch (2), Weaver (2), Black Hawk (2), physical anthropology (2), oral history (2), Ioway (2), jazz (2), bicycling (2), ethnohistory (2), Taoism (2), clothing (2), art (2), martial arts (2), osteology (2), bicycles (2), material culture (2), taxonomy (2), manga (2), workbook (2), Omaha (2), agency (2), photos (2), technical manual (2), plains (2), Blackfoot (2), biography (2), Missouri (2), kanji (2), weapons (2), burials (2), ethnography (2), thesis (1), Dictionary (1), Ohio (1), artifact conservation (1), food (1), MPM (1), Nicolet (1), Fieldiana (1), Native American archaeology (1), Adsrus (1), Red Ocher Complex (1), mortuary complexes (1), complexity (1), cycling (1), social boundaries (1), vocabulary (1), cyberpunk (1), BAE (1), steampunk (1), Native American (1), Grammar (1), Fort Michilimackinac (1), Ontario archaeology (1), gunflints (1), trophies (1), network analysis (1), samurai (1), contact/early historic (1), adaptation (1), postmodern crap (1), ceramic theory (1), etiquete (1), graphic commentary (1), Sears Catalog (1), Goodall Focus (1), Yakuza (1), Hopewell Interaction Sphere (1), settlement models (1), Veridon (1), South Dakota (1), childhood (1), Regional Analysis (1), Native American traditions (1), site structure (1), kimono (1), piano (1), colonization (1), Tokyo (1), Geisha (1), Gibson (1), Tour de France (1), 1920s (1), bottles (1), historical fiction (1), linguistic (1), Indiana (1), Fair Trade (1), reference (1), logic (1), learning (1), historic Native American (1), etiquette (1), mississippian (1), feminist archaeology (1), Mound 72 (1), fabric (1), cocktails (1), feng shui (1), XTC (1), mobility (1), folk taxonomy (1), PaleoIndian (1), culture change (1), Arikara (1), gis (1), basketry (1), potters (1), phrasebook (1), cordage (1), Jomon (1), flintknapping (1), physics (1), consultation (1), archaeological methods (1), Mexican food (1), Buddhist history (1), group identity (1), Japanese clothing (1), Northwest Coast (1), anti-car (1), earthworks (1), children (1), PARC (1), mound builders (1), messengers (1), bike racing (1), rabbits (1), pedagogy (1), children's books (1), mythology (1), Star Trek (1), theory (1), communities (1), interaction (1), go-moku (1), stone tools (1), Inca (1), quarry (1), negotiation (1), Aztec (1), traditions (1), UP (1), Iroquois (1), aircraft (1), TCP (1), Carolina (1), Havana (1), SAA (1), effigy mounds (1), Negotiation (1), collared ware (1), thick prehistory (1), wooden dummy (1), hats (1), Papua New Guinea (1), Door Peninsula (1), native art (1), young adult (1), Project hat (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Feb 3, 2007
About My Library
Slowly entering all the books I own. The books tagged WMLibrary are from my professional collection.

Most of the books have now been entered, although there are still a few hold-outs. Still need to clean up some of the descriptions (authors are often incorrect and no authors are listed for edited volumes) and add tags.

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Interesting Library