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Sep 25, 2005
About My Library
They are all physical books on shelves. I like the quality of paper, bindings, printing and artwork and am not attracted to audio books, Kindles etc.
Its heavy on economics and history although I read novels from time to time which often turn out to be more enjoyable than I anticipated. I sometimes buy first editions if they are fine/near fine, and as a general point, I´m very impressed by the quality of recent fiction and non-fiction.
About Me
I'm a regular reader happily living without a TV.
My personal star guide:
5 stars: An exceptional book. Maybe the best of its kind.
4 stars: A very good book, perhaps flawed in some way. Bad writing OK in an interesting work.
3 stars: A good solid work with some major distortions or omissions.
2 stars: Something seriously wrong. May be AGITPROP.
1 star: Often dishonest, AGITPROP or vacuous, cute and pretentious and I wish I hadn't bought it.
Calpe, Spain

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