Jayme's Reviews > Murder Road

Murder Road by Simone St. James
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bookshelves: influencer-program, mystery-suspense, netgalley, scifi-supernatural, widget-received

Simone St. James delivers another solid SUPERNATURAL thriller, which might just raise the hairs on your arms…and it’s NOW AVAILABLE! Happy publication day!!

“If You See Her, You”ll Be The Next One Dead On The Side of the Road”

July 1995:

Eddie and April are newlyweds heading to a cabin for their honeymoon-part of a hotel on the shore of Lake Michigan. They had scrimped and saved and had been able to book five nights, planning to swim, BBQ burgers, drink beer, play scrabble and go to bed. Repeat five times and then head home to Ann Arbor where they would go to work all day, come home at five, have a sandwich together, go to bed, and repeat again, forever and ever, secure in their marital bliss.

But, something along the way, made Eddie take a wrong turn onto Atticus Line, a dark, deserted strip of road that has taken the lives of several hitchhikers over the past nineteen years, the first occurring in 1976.

Then, in the beam of their headlights, they saw a figure walking that appeared to need help, and stopping will change EVERYTHING.

Rhonda Jean isn’t drunk- she is bleeding-and although they rush her to the hospital in ColdLake Falls, when she dies, they somehow become “suspects” instead of the Good Samaritans they are!

Caught up in the mystery, of the original Jane Doe found, dubbed “The Lost Girl”, -they try to clear their names, but when they see her, they have to wonder if she IS just an urban legend ?!


Fortunately, they will have the help of Rose, the proprietor of the B &B they are placed in by local Police, and Beatrice and Gracie Snell, two resourceful teenaged sisters who are better sleuths than the detectives in charge.

Full of fun 90’s nostalgia, and several eerie, ominous car rides-you will want to scream at Eddie and April whenever they venture back onto Atticus Line.

Just 👀 look at that gorgeous cover of the oncoming headlights on the desolate MURDER ROAD!

Then, as I flipped the pages on my Kindle, there was a dark line beneath each numbered chapter, which seemed to move as you reached the first page of every chapter-reminding me of the rhythmic flash of dashed lines you see dividing two lanes on highway at night as you speed past! Creepy!

If you have enjoyed the author’s work in the past, you don’t want to miss this one!
4.5 ⭐️

Thank You to Berkley for the very early gifted copy provided through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!
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Reading Progress

August 29, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
August 29, 2023 – Shelved
September 10, 2023 – Shelved as: influencer-program
September 10, 2023 – Shelved as: mystery-suspense
September 10, 2023 – Shelved as: netgalley
September 10, 2023 – Shelved as: scifi-supernatural
September 10, 2023 – Shelved as: widget-received
September 11, 2023 – Started Reading
September 12, 2023 –
September 13, 2023 –
September 14, 2023 –
September 14, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 115 (115 new)

JaymeO Super excited to read this! Can’t get to it fast enough! Glad you enjoyed it. Great review!

KellyJ1028 Great review! I’ve been wondering about this one after your review I’m definitely going to check it out 🩷

message 3: by Kat (new)

Kat Fabulous review, Jayme! I've had a mixed experience with her books, but you sure do tempt me! 💗

message 4: by JanB (new)

JanB I’ve struggled a bit with her books and supernatural elements, but you are tempting me too!

Terrific review Jayme!

Tara Glad you enjoyed it. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!! Terrific review, Jayme!🩷

Rachel Hanes I’m so jealous you were able to read this already! This looks and sounds so good!! I’m a fan of this author, so I’m guessing that I’m going to love this book too. Excellent review, Jayme! 💗

Jayme JaymeO wrote: "Super excited to read this! Can’t get to it fast enough! Glad you enjoyed it. Great review!"

Thanks JaymeO! I hope you enjoy it too!! 🤞🏻

Jayme KellyJ1028 wrote: "Great review! I’ve been wondering about this one after your review I’m definitely going to check it out 🩷"

Thanks Kelly! I hope you enjoy it too! 💞

Jayme Kat (semi-hiatus until October) wrote: "Fabulous review, Jayme! I've had a mixed experience with her books, but you sure do tempt me! 💗"

Thanks Kat! 💞

Jayme JanB wrote: "I’ve struggled a bit with her books and supernatural elements, but you are tempting me too!

Terrific review Jayme!"

This one is VERY Supernatural!

Jayme Carol wrote: "Fabulous review, Jayme ♥️!!!! This sounds so amazingly creepy!! Glad you enjoyed and I so excited to read it!!"

Thanks, Carol! Enjoy! 💖

Jayme Tara (On Semi-Hiatus September-October ) wrote: "Glad you enjoyed it. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!! Terrific review, Jayme!🩷"

Thanks, Tara! I hope you love it too!

Jayme Rachel wrote: "I’m so jealous you were able to read this already! This looks and sounds so good!! I’m a fan of this author, so I’m guessing that I’m going to love this book too. Excellent review, Jayme! 💗"

If you are a fan-you won’t be disappointed! 💞

MarilynW Fabulous review, Jayme!

Lindsay L Fantastic review Jayme! This sounds so good and I can’t wait to read it!!! ♥️

message 16: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Wonderful review, Jayme! What an interesting observation about the lines under the chapter! This sounds gripping. ✿♡

Jayme MarilynW wrote: "Fabulous review, Jayme!"

Thanks, Marilyn! 💞

Jayme Lindsay L wrote: "Fantastic review Jayme! This sounds so good and I can’t wait to read it!!! ♥️"

Thanks, Lindsay! Enjoy! ❤️

Jayme Rosh wrote: "Wonderful review, Jayme! What an interesting observation about the lines under the chapter! This sounds gripping. ✿♡"

Right! I wonder if they will appear that way to other readers?!

message 20: by Esta (new)

Esta Always up for a bit of supernatural and 90s nostalgia! Excellent review as always Jayme. 🤩

Ceecee Fantastic review- sounds great! Adding! 💙

message 22: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Sounds really good, I'm tempted! 🤩

Michelle I am so excited for this one and that cover is amazing. Super review, Jayme! 💛

Jayme Esta wrote: "Always up for a bit of supernatural and 90s nostalgia! Excellent review as always Jayme. 🤩"

Thanks Esta! Enjoy! 🤩

Jayme Ceecee wrote: "Fantastic review- sounds great! Adding! 💙"

Thanks, Ceecee! 💞Enjoy!

Jayme Holly wrote: "Sounds really good, I'm tempted! 🤩"

Thanks Holly! 💞

Jayme Michelle wrote: "I am so excited for this one and that cover is amazing. Super review, Jayme! 💛"

I ❤️ the cover !

message 28: by Debra (new) - added it

Debra Fantastic review, Jayme! I'm looking forward to this.

Susan  (on hiatus) This sounds really good and I like this author - so added! Fantastic review Jayme.💝

Jayme Thanks Debra! Enjoy!

Jayme Thanks Susan! Enjoy! 🥰

Tina (slowly easing back in) Oh this one sounds good! I love that light effect you described. Excellent review Jayme ♥️

message 33: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa ~ Bantering Books Terrific review, Jayme! I really liked her short story, "Ghost 19," so I definitely want to read this one. :)

Kaceey Fantastic review Jayme! Glad you enjoyed!💞

Linda Great review, Jayme. I'm excited for this one. ;)

message 36: by Cara (new)

Cara Great review, sweet Jayme💘!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa (Always Behind) Super review! I'm always tempted by her books but not a fan of supernatural stuff so I will stay away. Glad you enjoyed it, she is a stellar writer.

Jayme Tina wrote: "Oh this one sounds good! I love that light effect you described. Excellent review Jayme ♥️"

Thanks Tina! I don’t know how they managed it !

Jayme Melissa wrote: "Terrific review, Jayme! I really liked her short story, "Ghost 19," so I definitely want to read this one. :)"

Thanks, Melissa! Enjoy! 💞

Jayme Kaceey wrote: "Fantastic review Jayme! Glad you enjoyed!💞"

Thanks Kaceey! 💞

Jayme Linda wrote: "Great review, Jayme. I'm excited for this one. ;)"

Thanks, Linda! Enjoy! 💞

Jayme Cara wrote: "Great review, sweet Jayme💘!!!!!!!!!!"

Thank You sweet Cara! 💖

Jayme Melissa (Semi-hiatus Very Behind) wrote: "Super review! I'm always tempted by her books but not a fan of supernatural stuff so I will stay away. Glad you enjoyed it, she is a stellar writer."

I specifically mentioned that word for you-it’s heavy on it and I know that you don’t enjoy that! ☺️

Shelley's Book Nook Awesome review, Jayme. 💕🤗

message 45: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen An enjoyable review, Jayme!

message 46: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson Wonderful review, Jayme!💜This sounds really good and like one I’d enjoy, so I’ll keep it in mind.

Jayme Shelley's Book Nook wrote: "Awesome review, Jayme. 💕🤗"

Thanks Shelley! 🥰

Jayme Jen CAN wrote: "An enjoyable review, Jayme!"

Thanks Jen! 💞

Jayme Terrie wrote: "Wonderful review, Jayme!💜This sounds really good and like one I’d enjoy, so I’ll keep it in mind."

Thanks Terrie! 👻

message 50: by Kerrin (new)

Kerrin Awesome review!

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