4.5⭐️ Some books are best going into blind, including this one, so I am intentionally keeping this short and sweet. I had a sense this story would be 4.5⭐️ Some books are best going into blind, including this one, so I am intentionally keeping this short and sweet. I had a sense this story would be an intense read going in, however, no one prepared me for the of the emotional roller coaster of it all. I laughed, I swooned, I cried, I got so angry I could have thrown my book at the wall…rinse, repeat.
What I enjoyed most about this book, is its ability to elicit such strong emotions - love for the MMC Noah, who I liked instantaneously, or most notably the hate around one character in particular (iykyk). To me, visceral love or hate of a character(s) means the author has written them in a multidimensional and life-like way, which then immediately takes that book up a notch for me.
I anxiously await book two in the series, PROMISE ME NOT, releasing in October. In the meantime, you can find me binging Brandy’s backlist.
Read if you like: • friends to lovers • found family • brother's best friend • he falls first • football romance • love triangles • spicy romance
CW: This book does contains triggers. Please check content warnings or feel free to send me a DM for more info.