
Blueprint Quotes

Quotes tagged as "blueprint" Showing 1-22 of 22
Erik Pevernagie
“If we misread the blueprint of our life, we need not be ashamed of backtracking on our chosen options. Admitting to mistakes may make us human and maybe great again. ("Sisyphus' hardship on the hill")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“We may feel the world is slipping out of our hands and recognize that the core of our conceived blueprint is escaping us. Let us challenge, then, a point of resilience and get out of the weeds, clear our mind and figure out "who is who" in our lives, and gauge what is valuable in our mind. ("The dirty bike")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“During the play-act of life, errors can clash with our conventional truth and compel us to prepare new ground for another truth concept that will replace the old truth model. Be that as it may, let us fly on the wings of our inspiration, value the day, enjoy the now, and be ready because the new blueprint may only remain valid until it dies by natural death on its turn. (“Measuring space”)”
Erik Pevernagie

David Graeber
“Normally, when you challenge the conventional wisdom—that the current economic and political system is the only possible one—the first reaction you are likely to get is a demand for a detailed architectural blueprint of how an alternative system would work, down to the nature of its financial instruments, energy supplies, and policies of sewer maintenance. Next, you are likely to be asked for a detailed program of how this system will be brought into existence. Historically, this is ridiculous. When has social change ever happened according to someone’s blueprint? It’s not as if a small circle of visionaries in Renaissance Florence conceived of something they called “capitalism,” figured out the details of how the stock exchange and factories would someday work, and then put in place a program to bring their visions into reality. In fact, the idea is so absurd we might well ask ourselves how it ever occurred to us to imagine this is how change happens to begin.”
David Graeber

Shannon L. Alder
“People who made their dreams come true didn’t simply go after it. They changed the person they were, in order to fit the type of person that would live that type of dream.”
Shannon L. Alder

“We have the ability to write the blueprint for our own goals, and decide how we want to pursue them. If we allow others to do it for us, we won’t achieve our full potential to be the best we can be.”
Ellen J. Barrier

Diogenes Laertius
“Stand a little less between me and the sun." Diogenes and I.”
Diogenes Laërtius

Martin Luther King Jr.
“If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. If you can't be a pine at the top of the hill, be a shrub in the valley. Be be the best little shrub on the side of the hill.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

“When God created you, He already had a plan for your life. Before he brought you into this world, He had already put together a blue print for your life. Your responsibility is to figure out what that blue-print is and run with it.”
D.S. Mashego

Jim George
“God will bless you and your marriage when you follow His blueprint.”
Jim George, A Husband After God's Own Heart: 12 Things That Really Matter in Your Marriage

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“It's so hard to think about designing our dream home when all l wanna do is lay you out like a blueprint & bring you the lumber you require.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Harriet Lerner
“Our family of origin—the source of our first blueprint for navigating relationships.”
Harriet Lerner, Ph.D.

“Perhaps your purpose is to go through the halls of suffering, discover your magic, and resurface as a doctor of restoration. Restoration is discovered in the divine blueprint. Change your blueprint and you change results.”
Deborah Bravandt

Sahndra Fon Dufe
“You are the architect of your own happiness, and today is the blueprint for a remarkable day.”
Sahndra Fon Dufe

Kristen Butler
“The words we use shape our reality. They are the blueprint for our experiences.”
Kristen Butler, 3 Minute Positivity Journal: Boost your Mood. Train Your Mind. Change Your Life.

Kris Franken
“Your Soul is a perfect fragment of Source. Your purpose lives within the blueprint of your Soul, which, like a sunflower in full bloom, contains many seeds of golden light. Anything purposeful, creative, imaginative, truthful, aligned, and unique you do begins with a spark from your Soul’s own light.”
Kris Franken, Wildhearted Purpose: Embrace Your Unique Calling & the Unmapped Path of Authenticity

“A seed is not yet a tree, but it has everything it needs to be”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

“Transforming a vision into a blueprint blends dreams with action, making abstract ideas concrete and achievable.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Sri Amit Ray
“A chakra is defined as a tightly coiled, multidimensional center of energy, much like the spiraling structure of DNA, containing the potential for vast transformation and growth. Just as DNA holds the blueprint for the physical expression of life, each chakra contains the intricate design for the unfolding of an individual’s physical, psychological, energetic, and spiritual evolution.”
Sri Amit Ray, The Secrets of 114 Chakras

Gift Gugu Mona
“Do what will help you achieve your dreams. Start with your thoughts, ensure they are aligned with where you are going and not necessarily where you have been. Do not use your painful past as a blueprint. Let it become a motivation to work on your dreams.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Exploring the Explosive Power of Big Dreams