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96 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 1980
Mr. Twit was a twit. He was born a twit. And, now at the age of sixty, he was a bigger twit than ever.The Twits are ugly people - through and through. They think nothing of animal neglect or outright abuse. They are horrible to each other and everyone around them.
By sticking out his tongue and curling it sideways to explore the hairy jungle around his mouth, he was always able to find a tasty morsel here and there to nibble on.
«What a lot of hairy-faced men there are around nowadays»Ugly, dirty and bad. It's not about the movie of Ettore Scola about the slums, with Nino Manfredi as memorable protagonist. We are talking, instead, about the Twits, Mr and Mrs Twits, spending their days tremendously pranking each other with jokes of unnecessary cruelty. Mr Twits, moreover, has his own dreams: training monkeys to carry out acts upside down. In short, the Twits are evil.
But revenge comes as a judgment.
Vote: 7.5
«Quanti uomini con la faccia pelosa ci sono in giro al giorno d'oggi»Brutti, sporchi e cattivi. Non si tratta del film di Ettore Scola sulle baraccopoli, con Nino Manfredi memorabile protagonista. Si tratta invece dei disgustosi signori Sporcelli, che passano le loro giornate a farsi scherzi tremendi, di una crudeltà ingiustificata. Il signor Sporcelli, poi, ha un sogno nel cassetto: addestrare delle scimmie a compiere azioni a testa in giù, capovolte. Insomma, perfidie su perfidie.
Ma la vendetta arriva lapidaria.
Voto: 7,5