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Aquatic Ethical Acquisitions


Ethical Acquisitions from Marine Aquarium Fisheries

AZA Aquariums and Zoos maintain the highest standards of welfare for the animals in their care. In addition, they prioritize the sustainable and ethical management of habitats and resources for both wildlife and communities.

Most marine fish cared for at public aquariums and zoos come from marine aquarium fisheries. These fisheries also supply retailers for home and private aquariums. Sustainable fishing provides viable blue economies in source countries, in contrast to unsustainable practices. Verifying the source of marine aquarium fish is an important conservation measure for people, communities, species, and habitats.

The Aquatic Collection Sustainability Committee’s purpose is to identify best practices for traceability of animals along the supply chain in the marine aquarium fishery. This is achieved through broad collaboration with many stakeholders. Successful supply chain verification provides direction for public and private aquariums to support sustainable, ethical, blue economies while sharing the wonder of marine fishes, and their environments, with people who may have no ocean connection. 

By educating and influencing the over 200 million guests who visit AZA-accredited facilities annually we are uniquely positioned to take a leading role in building a better understanding of the value of sustainable, ethical, fisheries.

Strategic Priorities

  • Work with global stakeholders in the marine aquarium fish trade to establish a standard criteria by which practices can be measured for sustainability verification.

    • Ethical and sustainable practices for 100% of new wild marine fish acquisitions.

    • Greater collaboration between aquariums that are acquiring and transporting animals.

    • Embedded business practices across AZA institutions that are appropriately reflected in accreditation standards related to acquiring animals.

  • Maintain a manual of current best practices for the transport of live fish and aquatic invertebrates.

  • Highlight sustainable aquarium fisheries models to inform regulators and treaty organizations on best management practices. 

Third Party Vendor Verification Model
Third-Party Vendor Verification Model

The Ethical Acquisitions Working Group is tasked to create and implement a broadly adopted model that AZA-accredited aquariums can use to identify and support marine aquarium fisheries that acquire animals ethically and sustainably. By 2026, this verification model will support the following:

  • An easily recognizable third-party certification or vetted recommendation for marine fish suppliers used by AZA-accredited institutions. 

  • A strong position of influence across AZA-accredited aquariums that can be leveraged to support sustainable and ethical collection practices in other sections of the marine fish trade, including the hobbyist market.  

  • Andrews et al. 2024. Ethical acquisition of marine fish: Report of an international workshop on the ethical acquisition of marine aquarium fish. 

  • Pathway to 3rd Party Vendor Verification website coming soon!




Aquarium Fish Best Practices Transport Manual
Aquarium Fish Best Practices Transport Manual

The Ethical Acquisitions Working Group is writing a best practices manual for the transport of fish and aquatic invertebrates, with considerations for wild collecting methods. This guidance document has been identified as a critical resource in building greater collaboration across AZA aquariums to support ethical and sustainable transport of live marine fishes.

Topics covered within this guideline document include the following: 

  • Air cargo

  • Over the road transport

  • Coordinated transports

  • Self-collection

For more information about transport best practices, please download the full guidelines document here: Coming Soon!!

Aquarium Fisheries Partners, Projects, and Publications
Aquarium Fisheries Partners, Projects, and Publications
  • IndoReefFish 

  • MAPI

  • Coral Reef Aquarium Fisheries Campaign

  • Seaweed Literature

  • IUCN Redlist

  • Marine Aquarium Fisheries Policy Reviews: 

      • Anderson and Pomeroy. 2023. Comparative assessment of the U.S. State of Florida's marine life regulations for its commercial marine aquarium fishery. Marine Policy 149: 105523.
      • Dee et al. 2014. Conservation and management of ornamental coral reef wildlife: Successes, shortcomings, and future directions. Biological Conservation 169: 225-237. 
      • UNEP-WCMC. 2022. International trade in non-CITES listed marine ornamental fish: International trade, conservation status, management, and legislation for non-CITES marine ornamental fish in support of the implementation of Decision 18.296. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge. 
Consolidated Supplier Reference
Consolidated Supplier Reference (CSR)

When acquiring animals Association of Zoos and Aquarium (AZA) member organizations are required to evaluate animal care, sustainability, legal and ethical practices.

This site compiles information related to a supplier's facility and practices allowing the supplier to share it with all AZA aquariums and zoos for reference when they are making decisions on where to acquire animals. This reduces the supplier's efforts when they work with multiple facilities each year. Data on this site is private and only made available to a customer with a supplier's approval.

Sustainability and animal welfare are vitally important to AZA member organizations. This site provides suppliers an opportunity to demonstrate that their facility is well-aligned with the goal of increased sustainability and care for wildlife.

This process was developed as a reference tool, and thus is not in any way an official AZA approval, certification, or accreditation. This site is not a rating site, the data provided by suppliers will be reviewed for accuracy and confirmed. Information referenced here is not a recommendation, consumers will still be responsible for drawing their own conclusions based on the data provided.

Visit the Consolidated Supplier Reference web page.

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This community will allow you to participate in discussions and stay updated on current information. 

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