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Mifty[1] is a witch who attends Cloud Tower.


Mifty has fair skin and dark blue eyes. She has long purple hair with square cut bangs and pink strands of hair at the side of her head. She wears a pink crystal necklace, and a shade of green dress, with round sleeves, and a corset round her stomach and waist. She also wears black knee high boots.  


She is a very good friend to her friend Linsay, but she has been shown to be more careful and thinks before she acts unlike Linsay who is far more reckless. She can still be unnecessarily overconfident however. Mifty likes to complain.

She also dislikes the Winx, but if she dislikes all fairies is unknown. She has a cocky but straightforward way of giving people the answers they are seeking and gives good insight, and knows how to give insults which left Stella with no refute only anger.


Season 7[]


Mifty, disguised as Griselda, sneaks pass the park keepers.

In Issue 141: Animals Bewitched, she makes her debut at Cloud Tower where she agrees with her fellow classmates and friend Linsay about witches being superior to fairies and it is a pity to have truce with the Alfea Fairies. She finds that using dark magic allows witches to reach their goals faster and she would love to have a match with the Winx. Her comment makes Griffin remind her that she is an apprentice witch and not nearly as experienced as the Winx; she will be easily defeated.


Mifty doubts their skills against the Winx.

Of course, Mifty wants to prove Griffin otherwise and so, she and Linsay fly over to the Alfea Natural Park. But Mifty rethinking about their confidence in experience especially against expect fairies. She tells Linsay that they should head back as it is against school rules but her friends refuses because she desperately wants to prove herself now. Linsay tells her she has a plan: destroy the magical bond between the fairies and Fairy Animals thereby weakening the fairies' powers. This increases the witch's dark powers instead and Mifty likes the idea.


Mifty's punishment is met with animals wanting their baths as soon as possible.

To start, they have to enter the park and when Mifty tries she gets zapped by the protective shield and falls. So, she disguises herself as Griselda and Linsay as Faragonda. Upon entering, they revert back to normal, knock the park keepers unconscious and begin imbuing the fairy animals with negative energy causing them to get aggressive and attack. She gets a ride on a Rabcon and starts ambushing the Winx. While Roxy tries to negate their dark spells on the animals, she tries to prevent it but are eventually overpowered. She was willing to retreat and urged Linsay to do so but the latter refused and attacks Tecna. This angered the Winx enough to use their full strength and completely subdue them. As punishment, they get to give the animals a bath and the line was growing.


Mifty tells Stella the supposed "magical weapon" that caused Alfea's disappearance is fake.

In Issue 151: The Disappearance of Alfea, she is confronted and accused by the Winx for having stolen their school because of a magical weapon (one that only witches can use) they had found near the vacant spot Alfea once stood. Mifty laughs, calling the fairies naive and that the weapon is "a poor imitation." to which Stella throws back as an insult about her outfit. Mifty does not miss a beat and says that black makes things slimmer something Stella should try, effectively angering the Fairy of the Sun and Moon.

Then, Griffin approaches them and asks what is going on. Once the Winx explain to the headwitchress of their school's disappearance, it is clear that Mifty and Linsay is innocent. Mifty points out to the fairies that someone had plotted that magical weapon to pin the blame on them. She then begrudgingly agrees when Griffin points at that if that is the case, the culprit is also Cloud Tower's enemies.

Magical Abilities[]


Like all witches, her powers are derived from the negative aspects of magic. Mifty may know some basic, first-level spells that all witches can use, such as telekinesis, transmuting objects, and fixing minor messes. Like all witches, she can fly.

Mifty can shape-shift and her magic is dark blue in color.


