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"[Berryheart] was the only one who couldn't see that she'd taken the wrong path. She was the only one who didn't know she'd reached a dead end."
— Spireclaw about Berryheart in Star, page 139

Below contains in-depth information for chapter eight of Star (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 8 (of 23)
Page Numbers: 126-140

Chapter description[]

At the break of dawn, Sunbeam wakes up in a tree that she had climbed to hide from RiverClan and ShadowClan. She wonders if Hollowspring and Sparrowtail had felt guilty for the battle and if Squirrelstar knows what had happened, and hopes to change Berryheart's mind about what she is doing. Soon, Owlnose and Lizardtail call the ShadowClan cats out into camp, with Podlight and Minnowtail pushing them along. While Shadowsight tends to his Clanmates' injuries, Nightsky and Graysludge return and report that they have not found Sunbeam and Nightheart. Splashtail assigns Graysludge and Minnowtail to keep the queens and kits in the nursery, before inviting ShadowClan to eat, telling them that they are part of RiverClan now. The ShadowClan cats argue, but when tension rises, Splashtail reminds ShadowClan of his threat to harm their kits, causing ShadowClan to back off.
While Splashtail speaks with his warriors, Berryheart brings prey to her Clanmates, including Yarrowleaf, to whom she starts whispering. Sunbeam moves to listen in, hopeful about her mother's intentions, and hears Berryheart reveal her plan to take over as ShadowClan's leader and get rid of the new rules. Snaketooth is heavily skeptical as Berryheart talks about getting rid of Tigerstar and then Splashtail, before she sends them to tell the others. However, Splashtail calls to Berryheart and confronts her alongside Owlnose, Nightsky, and Lizardtail. Owlnose reveals that he had heard her conversation with Yarrowleaf and Snaketooth, and he grabs Yarrowleaf and brings her to Berryheart, whom Splashtail tells to kill her. Berryheart argues and begs for calm, but Splashtail simply orders his cats to kill her before leaving to return to RiverClan camp. Owlnose angrily says that Harelight had died because of Berryheart and snarls that she is not RiverClan, before he, Nightsky, and Lizardtail attack her. Sunbeam silently hopes for her mother to flee, but Berryheart fights them instead.
Eventually, Owlnose grabs her by the leg and drags her, and Lizardtail slashes at her throat, causing Sunbeam to realize their intent to kill Berryheart. She rushes into camp and pushes Owlnose away from Berryheart, and at Sunbeam's call, Spireclaw hurries to help but is stopped by Blazefire, who reminds him of the danger the kits will be in if they fight. Sunbeam tries to defend Berryheart, but Nightsky attacks her while Podlight and Lizardtail overwhelm Berryheart. As Owlnose lunges at Berryheart, Sunbeam runs to intercept him. He raises a paw to strike, only for Berryheart to push Sunbeam out of the way and take the blow, which slices her throat, killing her. Grief-stricken, Sunbeam tells Owlnose that she wants the conflict to stop, to which he responds with regret that he had not accepted leadership of RiverClan and stopped Splashtail's reign. Spireclaw moves Sunbeam away, telling her that Berryheart had been blind to the futility of the path she had chosen and that she was always meant to follow it. Sunbeam crouches by her mother's body in mourning, memories of Berryheart coursing through her mind.





Important events[]


  • Berryheart: killed by Owlnose[10]


Notes and references[]

  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Revealed in Star, page 126
  2. ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 Revealed in Star, page 127
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Revealed in Star, page 128
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Revealed in Star, page 129
  5. ↑ Revealed in Star, page 130
  6. ↑ Revealed in Star, page 137
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 Revealed in Star, page 131
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 Revealed in Star, page 132
  9. ↑ Revealed in Star, page 135
  10. ↑ Revealed in Star, page 138