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Warriors Wiki
"What did we really gain by moving to the lake? What kind of leader have I been?"
This article contains major spoilers for the recently released book, The Elders' Quest. Please proceed at your own discretion.
"Invade? I don't know. RiverClan must be pretty weak right now, but why would Tigerstar want river land? ShadowClan cats don't eat fish."
— Flaxfoot to Sunbeam in Sky, page 293

Flaxfoot is a brown tabby tom.[9]

Flaxfoot is a ShadowClan warrior under Tigerstar's leadership in the lake territories. Flaxkit was born to Yarrowleaf and Nettle in SkyClan alongside his sister, Hopkit. Sleekwhisker stole the two kits to give them to Nettle, who was a rogue. They were saved and joined ShadowClan after Tigerstar became leader. Flaxpaw became an apprentice with Scorchfur as his mentor and later became a warrior as Flaxfoot. He became mates with Pouncestep and fathered Sprucepaw and Redpaw.


In the A Vision of Shadows arc[]

River of Fire[]

Violetshine, Tree, and Sandynose come across Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf tresspassing in ShadowClan's territory. They go to confront the former rogues, and as they advance, Violetshine notices Yarrowleaf's round stomach, with the latter confirming she is expecting kits. Yarrowleaf begs the SkyClan cats to let her go with them, and Violetshine accuses her of realizing the good in a Clan now that she's expecting.
Sleekwhisker tells the tale of the Kin falling apart, and Yarrowleaf notes that Spikefur died, so she needs to join ShadowClan for the sake of her kits. Eventually, the SkyClan cats relucantly agree, and as they head back for the camp Yarrowleaf is quickly exhausted, the weight of her kits dragging at her. The patrol reaches camp, and Tawnypelt spots them first, racing forward to attack Yarrowleaf, but lowers her paw as she realizes that she is expecting.
Sometime after, as Violetshine, Sleekwhisker, Rowanclaw, and Yarrowleaf discuss the future of the now fallen ShadowClan, the queen's eyes shine with hope as she wonders aloud what raising her kits in the Clan may be like. Tawnypelt begins talking, but is cut off as Yarrowleaf gasps, and when Tree asks what's wrong, she breathlessly says that her kits will not wait for ShadowClan. The ginger queen gives birth to Flaxkit and Hopkit.
Later, Violetshine returns from hunting with prey and enters the camp to find it mostly empty. The only cat visible is Yarrowleaf, but as she drops her fresh-kill, the black-and-white she-cat notices that Flaxkit and his sister, Hopkit, are not in sight. She checks in the nursery, and sees Snowbird with her litter, but not the missing kits, causing her to feel uneasy, because Sleekwhisker is also missing. The SkyClan warrior runs to alert Yarrowleaf, but as she prods the queen, she spots prey with poppy seeds visible in the flesh. This frightens Violetshine, and she manages to wake the drugged she-cat.
She questions Yarrowleaf as to where her kits are, but when the tabby she-cat looks around, she jumps up, calling their names frantically. Violetshine asks if she saw Sleekwhisker, and the nursing queen confirms this, but the yellow tabby also brought her the drugged mouse. Violetshine and Yarrowleaf both come to the conclusion that Sleekwhisker has stolen the kits and fetch Rowanclaw and Macgyver to help find the former rogue.
On the way, the cats catch the scent trail of Sleekwhisker, but no blood or fear scent. The trail leads to the Twoleg nest occupied by Jacques, a kittypet, and his friend, Susan. They run into the troublesome tom, who leads them to where Sleekwhisker is, and Violetshine discovers Raven and Nettle are there as well. Flaxkit wails for Yarrowleaf and tries to run over to his mother, but is knocked down by Nettle.
Yarrowleaf shrieks, bounding down the hollow, and gathers her terrified kits close. Violetshine braces for a battle, but Yarrowleaf's former mate, the spiky brown tom Nettle, tells her Flaxkit and Hopkit are his, leaving the SkyClan she-cat to wonder how Yarrowleaf could have had kits with the rogue tom. Sleekwhisker threatens to kill Tawnypelt, and Rowanclaw will have to watch her die, but when the tortoiseshell spits back at her, the yellow she-cat declares that if anyone moves a whisker the kits will die as well.
Yarrowleaf holds her kits closer, but Nettle thrusts her away and stands over his shivering kin. The brown tom stays silent, then mockingly suggests that in place of Tawnypelt's murder, he give up his own life, and Rowanclaw hastily agrees, provided Yarrowleaf is reunited with Flaxkit and Hopkit. Nettle challenges the former leader, telling him the kits are his, and their mother will not ever see them again. Just then, Rowanclaw yowls for his patrol to get the kits and attacks Nettle, rolling away with him.
Yarrowleaf snatches up Hopkit and makes a break for freedom, with Tawnypelt hard on her paws, who has hold of Flaxkit. Raven and Susan race after in pursuit, but are stopped by Violetshine and Macgyver, who fight them off. The rogues are eventually defeated, but at the cost of Rowanclaw, and Violetshine returns to SkyClan.

In The Broken Code arc[]

Lost Stars[]

When Yarrowleaf advocates for Shadowpaw, she mentions that he and her kits, Flaxfoot and Hopwhisker, grew up together.

The Silent Thaw[]

He is now a warrior named Flaxfoot. Flaxfoot and Lightleap were hunting with Snowbird when she landed badly after jumping over a log. They carry her back to camp as Lightleap calls for Shadowsight. He orders them to carry Snowbird to an empty nest in the medicine cats' den. Puddleshine noses Flaxfoot and Lightleap out of the den to fetch sticks for a splint. Later, Shadowsight follows their scent trail when they take too long.

Darkness Within[]

When Tigerstar nearly kills Bramblestar's impostor and is stopped by Shadowsight, Flaxfoot and Tawnypelt look in through the entrance of the prisoner's enclosure. The imposter looks at them and states that if Tigerstar cannot control himself, the leader does not have the power to stop another cat from killing him.

In the A Starless Clan arc[]


Flaxfoot: "The thicket is far too dense for us to go in and get it. It was a good fat one, too."
Hollowspring: "Clumsy furball."
—Flaxfoot laments while Hollowspring teases him River, page 191
Flaxfoot argues against the changes being made to the warrior code during the Gathering. Later, while hunting with Hollowspring in the pine branches, Flaxfoot drops his pigeon into a bramble thicket, and the two warriors grumble about losing the prey. Sunbeam offers to fetch it, though Flaxfoot disagrees since he worries she might get injured on his account. However, Sunbeam retrieves it regardless, though she greatly injures her pelt.


"One piece of prey in my paws is worth two in a tree. Besides...I don't think the gray-pelts approve."
―Flaxfoot to Pouncestep about their game Sky, page 256
Flaxfoot and Whorlpelt visit WindClan to see if Kestrelflight has any catmint to spare, though WindClan's medicine cat can only spare a few stalks. He and Gullswoop later rush over to ThunderClan with news of an emergency medicine cat meeting to discuss the shortage. Later, Flaxfoot plays with his fresh-kill by tossing it into the air and catching it. Flaxfoot later saves a shrew for Sunbeam and she's comforted by his kindness to ask if he heard any rumors about Tigerstar attacking RiverClan. The tabby is dubious though vows to keep an ear out for more information. However, he promptly tells Berryheart who angrily confronts Tigerstar for the rumors. Sunbeam feels betrayed by Flaxfoot, though he looks ashamed at her. Flaxfoot later participates in the battle for RiverClan, and Tigerstar tells him to fetch moss to treat the wounded.


When Fringewhisker comes back from passing her third challenge, Flaxfoot asks how it went. Spireclaw tells him she passed.
Later, when Sunbeam cannot imagine being mates with any of her clanmates, she notes that Flaxfoot feels more like a littermate, and was always explaining things to her like a kit. Later, when Tigerstar is choosing cats to go and guard RiverClan, Flaxfoot is chosen alongside Whorlpelt, Lightleap, and Sunbeam.


At a Gathering, when Berryheart demanded to remove Tigerstar from his position as leader, she gazes at her Clanmates, seeking their support, to which Flaxfoot responds by looking down at his paws.


Sunbeam finds Flaxfoot, Slatefur, and Snaketooth heading back towards the camp, she informs them of RiverClan's attack as they charge in and Flaxfoot flings himself into battle. When Berryheart reveals her allegiance to ShadowClan, she tells her Clanmates to spread the word to Flaxfoot and Snowbird. Later, Sunbeam watches Hopwhisker and Flaxfoot repair the ivy around the elders' den's entrance.

In the Changing Skies arc[]

The Elders' Quest[]

Flaxfoot and Pouncestep's two kits, Sprucepaw and Redpaw, have been apprenticed. Oakfur and Tawnypelt tell Lightleap’s kits about how Rowanclaw sacrificed himself to save Flaxfoot and Hopwhisker when they were still kits. Later, Flaxfoot takes Tawnypelt’s place on guard duty.

In the Super Editions[]

Squirrelflight's Hope[]

He and Hoppaw are now apprentices, and Flaxpaw's mentor is his grandfather, Scorchfur. At a Gathering, Scorchfur prevents him from speaking with the other Clans and insists he should rather speak to foxes.

In the Novellas[]

Tawnypelt's Clan[]

He is spotted by Tawnypelt playing with his sister and cousins, being watched by Berryheart and Cloverfoot.

Character pixels[]

Official art[]




Pouncestep:[10] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Redpaw:[10] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Sprucepaw:[10] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Yarrowleaf:[11] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Nettle:[11] Deceased, residence unknown


Hopwhisker:[12] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
See more
Buster:[13] Living (As of River of Fire)
Conefoot:[14] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Beenose:[15] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Cloverfoot:[16] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Berryheart:[13] Deceased, verified the Place of No Stars member
Bluebellkit:[17] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Gullswoop:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Frondwhisker:[14] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Snowbird:[15] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Scorchfur:[18] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Ratscar:[19] Living (As of Squirrelflight's Hope)

First cousins:

Needletail:[16] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Sunbeam:[20] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Spireclaw:[20] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Hollowspring:[20] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown



Interesting facts[]

  • He and Hopwhisker have rogue blood through Nettle.[21]

External links[]

Notes and references[]

  1. Revealed in River of Fire, chapter 20
  2. Revealed in River of Fire, chapter 17
  3. Revealed in Veil of Shadows, page 150
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Star, chapter 8
  5. Revealed in River of Fire, page 215
  6. Revealed in River of Fire, page 92
  7. 7.0 7.1 Revealed in Lost Stars, allegiances
  8. Revealed in The Silent Thaw, allegiances
  9. Revealed in The Raging Storm, allegiances
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Revealed in River of Fire, page 222
  12. Revealed in River of Fire, chapter 11
  13. 13.0 13.1 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, chapter 30
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Revealed in Shattered Sky, allegiances
  15. 15.0 15.1 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 143
  16. 16.0 16.1 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow comic
  17. Revealed on Kate's Blog
  18. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 336
  19. Revealed in The Last Hope, page 279
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, chapter 32
  21. Revealed in River of Fire, chapter 5