
Looter is a precept mod for Carrier Carrier and CarrierPrime Carrier Prime that periodically releases wave of energy that destroys all nearby breakable Storage Containers.


Rank Range Cooldown Cost
0 12m 1s 2
1 14m 1s 3
2 16m 1s 4
3 18m 1s 5
4 20m 1s 6
5 22m 1s 7



  • Has a cooldown of 1 second.
  • Looter does not require a sentinel weapon or the Mod TT 20px Striker precept equipped.
  • Looter will trigger for Resource Deposits.
  • Use Looter alongside Mod TT 20px Vacuum to ensure the pickups be gathered once the containers are destroyed.
  • Looter will not attempt to trigger for Rare or Reinforced Storage Containers, possibly due to the container requiring more damage to open, or to prevent the contents from being overlooked.
  • Looter effects are silent and will not alert nearby enemies.
  • Looter will not detonate nearby Explosive Barrels or LN2 barrels, even if caught in the blast wave.
  • The wave of energy will break containers through walls. However, Carrier still needs a line of sight to a container to trigger Looter.
  • Looter will not trigger if the companion is busy doing something else such as shooting (with the Mod TT 20px Assault Mode precept) or boosting shields (with Mod TT 20px Shield Charger)

Patch History[]

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

Changes to Companion Precepts

Many Companion Precept effects are currently too small or too brief to be really beneficial. We want your choice of companion to feel more meaningful and for your Companion to contribute in a more visible way, so there are a whole lot of buffs to get through.

  • Looter (CARRIER Sentinel):
    • Maximum range increased from 12 meters to 22 meters, and the description updated to clarify that it functions as a wave rather than the sentinel shooting each crate individually.

Hotfix 23.0.8 (2018-07-09)

  • Made minor optimizations to Carrier's Looter precept.

Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

  • Changed from single target shooting to an area of effect wave.
  • Reduced startup lag.
  • Reduced max range.

Hotfix 22.3.5 (2017-11-20)

  • Fixed the Carrier's Looter precept not working for some Plains resources like Grokdrul containers.

Update 18.6 (2016-03-16)

  • Players can now trade the Carrier Sentinel’s Looter Mod.

Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

  • Reintroduced.

Hotfix 10.6.1 (2013-11-01)

  • Unlisted: Removed from Transmutation pool.

Update 10.6 (2013-10-30)

  • Unintentionally introduced via Transmutation.
