During Events[]
The Cicero Crisis[]
When Locating the Cicero Injector[]
- Tenno bones will be the foundation of Grineer homes!
- No mercy for Tenno, no mercy for their Lotus!
- The Tenno hate our superiority! We will put them out of their jealous misery!
- Death! Death! Death! Death to the Tenno!
- Our Queens demand justice for your trespasses Tenno!
- The Lotus is just another weed to be plucked and discarded!
When Injecting the Antitoxin[]
- Stop them! Defend the Cicero Toxin!
- The Tenno have come to destroy our way of life! Stop them at all costs!
- Tenno crimes require Grineer sacrifice! Protect the Cicero Toxin at all costs!
- Protect the Cicero Toxin! Stop the Tenno!
- Brothers! Do not let the Tenno threaten our destiny!
After Defending the Antitoxin[]
- No... NO! You will not stop this!
- Tenno... you are only delaying the inevitable!
- Only a small setback; insignificant against the tide of Grineer will!
Tethra's Doom[]
Directed Toward the Grineer[]
- Something is wrong. Tenno... Stop Them!
- Tenno... TENNO? TENNO ARE HERE?! Stop them. Stop them at ONCE!!
- Come back with the core, or DON'T COME BACK AT AAALL!!
- What is happening to the Tram? Investigate! Investigate now!
- What is happening? Where... where is the core?!
- Be warned; Failure to stop the Tenno will result in your failure to continue breathing!!
Directed Toward the Tenno[]
- You are only delaying the inevitable. My Fomorians will be built. My ships will rule the system.
- Assassins! Thieves! Miscreants! Leave my cores alone!
- Try it Tenno! Just try and walk out of here with my core!
- We will build the cores faster than you can destroy them Tenno. Mark my words.
- You can not stop progress. All will be Grineer dominion!
During Phase 2[]
- You have already shown me your hand. Now, it is time to see what I have up MY sleeve!
- You have taken my bait! But you will NOT take my cores! GRINEER! ATTAAAAAACK!!!
- You are running out of time. There will be nowhere, to hide, from my Fomorians. And when the last of you is gone, I WILL PERSONALLY THROW YOUR BELOVED LOTUS INTO THE SUN!!!
Operation: Gate Crash[]
Operation: Eyes of Blight[]
- Hello... insects. For too long, you have been a parasite upon the great Grineer machine. NO LONGER! The Tenno must learn how truly insignificant they are. Fomorian Commander, FIRE. AT. WILL!
- (Chuckles) Grineer might has made the Tenno irrelevant. Grineer revenge will make the Tenno extinct! Nothing you can do will stop that. Fomorian Commander, you know what to do.
- (Maniacal laughing) Even I didn't think it would be this easy! Are you insects even trying?! Fomorian Commander, Crush. This. NEST!
- (Laughs) Look... at you. Look at you... pests! Swarming. Around. My Fomorians. You will NEVER. Destroy. Them. AAAALL!! Fomorian Commander, take aim.
Operation: Plague Star[]
Phase 1[]
- "THE THRAX TOXIN!! The Tenno maggots want my toxin! STOP THEM!!"
- "Of course! Maggots, seek to BURROW!! Away from my caves, MAGGOTS!! Lest you be... CRUSHED!!"
Phase 2[]
- "This boil will cleanse Cetus of the filthy Ostron rats that infest her walls!!"
- "Grineer! Soon, the Ostron rats of Cetus will flee in panic! And when they do, we'll hunt them for sport! (Laughs)"
Phase 3[]
- "Tenno maggots! You try to protect these rats? But you will FAIL! AND FAIL!!"
- "FOOLS!! You tried to POP its glistening magnificence! But you just made it angry!"
Bounty Complete[]
- "No... NO! NOOOOOOOO!!!"
- "You have not won, maggots... YOU HAVE NOT WON!!"
If the Bounty Fails[]
- "Keep trying to cleanse these Plains! You'll only die... in a shower... of feculent... DEFEAT!!"
During Quests[]
The Archwing[]
- For too long, the Corpus have extorted the Grineer! Frohd Bek... Consider our contracts canceled! THIS. IS A HOSTILE TAKEOVER!
- (Laughs) Did you really believe the Tenno destroyed ALL my Fomorians?!
- Bek! Meet Balor! Your fate! MY FUTURE!!
Saya's Vigil[]
- Main article: Saya's Vigil/Transcript
Entering the Grineer Camp[]
- Vay Hek: "My, my... Tenno maggots and the greasy eels of Cetus, working together. My Tusk soldiers will gore you all the same!"
- Vay Hek: "YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! And I'd feed IT a million more for a chance to wrap my metal claws around your sweet, putrid, NECK!!"
- Vay Hek: "Grineer! Spread out! Crawl if you have to! I need more glass! It is the key to a power I've never seen! The power to kill... a Sentient!"
- Vay Hek: "Oh, look what we have here! More fertilizer for our Grineer gardens! Your worm-bloated corpse will blend nicely with the excrement on my crops!"
After Returning to Orbiter[]
- Vay Hek: "Tenno? TENNO?! Ooh, is it my birth interval?! Such a gift! But, I have a surprise for you, you GREASY METAL MAGGOT!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
Nox Appears[]
- Vay Hek: "SURPRISE, SURPRISE! A gleaming maggot squirmed into my ship! WELL! Let's see you slip out of this one! Hahaha!"
After Defeating the Nox[]
Locating the Final Fragment[]
- Vay Hek: "Evacuation flights have been rescinded! You'll stay out here all night if that's what it takes! FIND THAT PIECE, before an Eidolon.. finds.. YOU!!"
Eidolon Teralyst Appears[]
- Vay Hek: "It's... beautiful... it's so beautiful... KILL IT!"
Retrieving the Final Shard[]
- Vay Hek: "You think it would be that easy?! TUSKS! My Tusks! New orders! Ignore the monster! STOP THAT TENNO MAGGOT!!"
The New War[]
- Main article: The New War/Transcript
Get to Hek Beacon[]
- "BROTHER? Brother. The WORMS have swarmed the sector, but we will prevail. Regroup on my beacon." (download, history)
Help Pilot Who Crash[]
Get To Miner Camp[]
Feed Big Worm Bomb[]
Other Content[]
Regulator Broadcasts[]
- Nothing can stop the Grineer! We are progress!
- Earth is for Settlements! Settlements! Settlements!
- The Cicero toxin will bring Grineer order to the land!
- We clear this land, in the name of Grineer and our Queens!
- Mastery of Earth is Grineer destiny! Our Queens command it!
- Tenno are worse than weeds! We kill one, and three more show up!
- Grineer order will conquer the land! Grineer order will conquer Earth!
- Brothers! Don't trust any plant you can't rip apart with your bare hands!
- The Cicero toxin will cleanse the land! Leaving a glorious home for our Queens!
- Grineer brothers! It is us or the Orokin weeds, and we must choose... Herbicide!
- These trees! These genetically modified, Orokin monstrosities must wither and die!
- We deserve more than a cold, dark asteroid! Earth for the Grineer! Earth for our Queens!
- The garden of Earth is overgrown! Who will help me reap this victory from the land!?
- Tenno hate Grineer strength! They want to tear down anything they are too weak to build for themselves!
- Just like these weeds, the Tenno are nothing more than a mistake, growing on the bottom of some dirty Orokin test tube!
Assassination Mission[]
Lotus Transmissions[]
- Lotus: "Vay Hek's plans for complete system domination make him too dangerous. You know what to do."
- "Our operatives tell us Vay Hek has undergone an expensive regime of combat enhancement. Expect the worst."
- "Councilor Vay Hek rose to power by 'eliminating' his enemies on the Grineer council. He now has near complete control which makes him one of the most influential Grineer."
- After defeating Vay Hek
- "Thank you Tenno. It should be a long time before we hear Vay Hek's ugly voice again. Now get to extraction, you've earned it."
Phase 1[]
- These criminals, think they are committing a justice... (Scoffs) Not in my court!
- Grineer brothers! I've done my part! Now clean up this... mess.
Phase 2[]
- Why are these fools still breathing MY air?! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!
- I am too important for this nonsense! Finish them off!
Phase 3[]
- DO NOT think we are done here, Tenno!
Phase 4[]
Before Start[]
- I knew this day would come. I prepared, changed myself. I made sacrifices! Tenno... are you ready for a SACRIFICE?!
- Now we finish this business. ONCE AND FOR AAALL!!
Final Phase[]
- AAAAAAAAAHHH!!... Curse you, Tenno! You... (chuckles) ...GOT... ME!! (Laughs)
- Tenno... What makes you think you are ready to fight Vay... HEK?!
- This is too easy! Tell your Lotus to send more capable fighters next time!
- The first Grineer... who brings me the head of a Tenno, will be permitted... TO WEAR ITS SKULL AS A HELMET!!
- Kill... Kill... KILL! KILL THE TENNO SCUM!!
- You are not ready for this fight.
- YOUR LOTUS... is leading you to destruction!
- You Tenno... are such a waste... of perfectly good violence!
On An Alert Mission[]
- (laughing)
The Law of Retribution[]
During the First Phase[]
- "Look brothers! The insects have come looking for revenge, hahaha! There is only one way to deal with insects; FUMIGATION!!"
- "That's a Tritium battery, haha! Try not to let the radiation kill you! That would ruin all our fun! (Laughs)"
- "Take a deep breath, Tenno! You don't have many left!"
- "Tick, tock. Tick, tock. TICK, TOCK, TENNO!!"
- "Live like insects, DIE like insects! HAHAHAHAHA!!"
- "Your struggle is futile. Accept your fate!"
- "BROTHERS!! Fear not! The toxin will only bring you glory!"
While Sabotaging the Injectors[]
- "Destroy the bomb, before it destroys the Injector!"
- "NO!! Destroy them! Destroy the battery!"
- "Wait, NO!! Brothers! Keep those batteries away from the Toxin Injectors!"
- "They've rigged it to explode! Destroy that battery before it blows!"
- "Another Tritium bomb! Brothers, do not let this one BLOW UP IN YOUR FACE!!"
- "Not again! Don't let the insects near the remaining Injectors!"
If the Tritium Battery is Destroyed Early[]
- "Failure comes so easy to you, Tenno!"
- "If at first you don't succeed, DIE, DIE AGAIN!"
- "Nice try, Tenno, but you'll have to try harder than that to save your puny lives!"
After Destroying the Injectors[]
- "NO!! My beautiful Toxin Injector! GRINEER!! How could you let them do this?!"
- "Save the remaining Injectors, or die trying! THAT'S AN ORDER!"
- YOU IMBECILES!! If you let the Tenno destroy all the Toxin Injectors, THEN WHAT WILL DESTROY THEM?!"
- "This is far, FAR from over!!"
During the Second Phase[]
- "Insects taking orders from their Lotus. Hoohoohaha!! Let us see how hard their shells are!"
- "Poor Tenno, hehehe, no Lotus, TO THINK FOR YOU?!"
- "This is the force you send to defeat me, LOTUS?!"
Summoning The Grustrag Three[]
- "Tenno: so obedient. Dr. Tengus could learn so much from your insides, Hoohoohahah! So, I've brought his creations... TO EXTRACT THEM!!"
During the Final Phase[]
- "All your precious Relays destroyed. Haha! Now. YOU. JOIN THEM!!"
- "Stay together, insects! So I can crush you all!"
- "This? Hoohoohah, THIS is the best you can do?! Argh, PATHETIC!"
Pre-Update 13[]
- "This system is far too small both you and I, [PLAYERNAME]. One of us has to go, and it isn't me."
- "All those who oppose Grineer policy and expansion shall fall!"
- "I see you have come pre-equipped with you [sic] very own body bag, [PLAYERNAME]!"
- "Oh look! It says here you are next on my hit-list, [PLAYERNAME]!"
- "Can't we all just get along? Come give your old Uncle Hek a hug, [PLAYERNAME]!"
- "You think I'm ugly? Well, wait 'til I'm through with you, [PLAYERNAME]!"
- "What I lack in diplomacy, I make up for in limb severing ferocity!"