
During Events[]

The Cicero Crisis[]

When Locating the Cicero Injector[]

  • Tenno bones will be the foundation of Grineer homes!
  • No mercy for Tenno, no mercy for their Lotus!
  • The Tenno hate our superiority! We will put them out of their jealous misery!
  • Death! Death! Death! Death to the Tenno!
  • Our Queens demand justice for your trespasses Tenno!
  • The Lotus is just another weed to be plucked and discarded!

When Injecting the Antitoxin[]

  • Stop them! Defend the Cicero Toxin!
  • The Tenno have come to destroy our way of life! Stop them at all costs!
  • Tenno crimes require Grineer sacrifice! Protect the Cicero Toxin at all costs!
  • Protect the Cicero Toxin! Stop the Tenno!
  • Brothers! Do not let the Tenno threaten our destiny!

After Defending the Antitoxin[]

  • No... NO! You will not stop this!
  • Tenno... you are only delaying the inevitable!
  • Only a small setback; insignificant against the tide of Grineer will!

Tethra's Doom[]


(Laughing) Tenno! Tenno, Tenno... You think you're winning? You have only been attacking the AUXILIARY cores! Did you really believe it would be this easy?! You are running out of time! There will be nowhere to hide from my Fomorians! And when the last of you is gone, I will personally throw your beloved Lotus into the sun!
—Vay Hek

Directed Toward the Grineer[]

  • Something is wrong. Tenno... Stop Them!
  • Tenno... TENNO? TENNO ARE HERE?! Stop them. Stop them at ONCE!!
  • Tenno have the core?! THEY ARE NOT PERMITTED TO HAVE THE CORE!!
  • Come back with the core, or DON'T COME BACK AT AAALL!!
  • What is happening to the Tram? Investigate! Investigate now!
  • What is happening? Where... where is the core?!
  • Be warned; Failure to stop the Tenno will result in your failure to continue breathing!!

Directed Toward the Tenno[]

  • You are only delaying the inevitable. My Fomorians will be built. My ships will rule the system.
  • Assassins! Thieves! Miscreants! Leave my cores alone!
  • Try it Tenno! Just try and walk out of here with my core!
  • We will build the cores faster than you can destroy them Tenno. Mark my words.
  • You can not stop progress. All will be Grineer dominion!

During Phase 2[]

  • You have already shown me your hand. Now, it is time to see what I have up MY sleeve!
  • You have taken my bait! But you will NOT take my cores! GRINEER! ATTAAAAAACK!!!
  • You are running out of time. There will be nowhere, to hide, from my Fomorians. And when the last of you is gone, I WILL PERSONALLY THROW YOUR BELOVED LOTUS INTO THE SUN!!!

Operation: Gate Crash[]


Grineer! It is my duty to inform you of more Tenno arrogance! The criminal Lotus is planning to unearth ancient technology to be use against us! Will we stand by while they threaten our victory? NO! We will not allow them to dig up ghosts of the past! We will go to the Void! We will find what they seek! And we will turn every last shred of this "Archwing" technology into dust! You will be led by pairs of my newest, most vicious clones! GO NOW! For the Queens!
—Vay Hek

Operation: Eyes of Blight[]

  • Hello... insects. For too long, you have been a parasite upon the great Grineer machine. NO LONGER! The Tenno must learn how truly insignificant they are. Fomorian Commander, FIRE. AT. WILL!
  • (Chuckles) Grineer might has made the Tenno irrelevant. Grineer revenge will make the Tenno extinct! Nothing you can do will stop that. Fomorian Commander, you know what to do.
  • (Maniacal laughing) Even I didn't think it would be this easy! Are you insects even trying?! Fomorian Commander, Crush. This. NEST!
  • (Laughs) Look... at you. Look at you... pests! Swarming. Around. My Fomorians. You will NEVER. Destroy. Them. AAAALL!! Fomorian Commander, take aim.

Operation: Plague Star[]

Phase 1[]

  • "THE THRAX TOXIN!! The Tenno maggots want my toxin! STOP THEM!!"
  • "Of course! Maggots, seek to BURROW!! Away from my caves, MAGGOTS!! Lest you be... CRUSHED!!"

Phase 2[]

  • "This boil will cleanse Cetus of the filthy Ostron rats that infest her walls!!"
  • "Grineer! Soon, the Ostron rats of Cetus will flee in panic! And when they do, we'll hunt them for sport! (Laughs)"

Phase 3[]

  • "Tenno maggots! You try to protect these rats? But you will FAIL! AND FAIL!!"
  • "FOOLS!! You tried to POP its glistening magnificence! But you just made it angry!"

Bounty Complete[]

  • "No... NO! NOOOOOOOO!!!"
  • "You have not won, maggots... YOU HAVE NOT WON!!"

If the Bounty Fails[]

  • "Keep trying to cleanse these Plains! You'll only die... in a shower... of feculent... DEFEAT!!"

During Quests[]

The Archwing[]

  • For too long, the Corpus have extorted the Grineer! Frohd Bek... Consider our contracts canceled! THIS. IS A HOSTILE TAKEOVER!
  • (Laughs) Did you really believe the Tenno destroyed ALL my Fomorians?!
  • Bek! Meet Balor! Your fate! MY FUTURE!!

Saya's Vigil[]

Main article: Saya's Vigil/Transcript

Entering the Grineer Camp[]

  • Vay Hek: "My, my... Tenno maggots and the greasy eels of Cetus, working together. My Tusk soldiers will gore you all the same!"
  • Vay Hek: "YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! And I'd feed IT a million more for a chance to wrap my metal claws around your sweet, putrid, NECK!!"


  • Vay Hek: "Grineer! Spread out! Crawl if you have to! I need more glass! It is the key to a power I've never seen! The power to kill... a Sentient!"
  • Vay Hek: "Oh, look what we have here! More fertilizer for our Grineer gardens! Your worm-bloated corpse will blend nicely with the excrement on my crops!"

After Returning to Orbiter[]

  • Vay Hek: "Tenno? TENNO?! Ooh, is it my birth interval?! Such a gift! But, I have a surprise for you, you GREASY METAL MAGGOT!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Nox Appears[]

  • Vay Hek: "SURPRISE, SURPRISE! A gleaming maggot squirmed into my ship! WELL! Let's see you slip out of this one! Hahaha!"

After Defeating the Nox[]


Locating the Final Fragment[]

  • Vay Hek: "Evacuation flights have been rescinded! You'll stay out here all night if that's what it takes! FIND THAT PIECE, before an Eidolon.. finds.. YOU!!"

Eidolon Teralyst Appears[]

  • Vay Hek: "It's... beautiful... it's so beautiful... KILL IT!"

Retrieving the Final Shard[]

  • Vay Hek: "You think it would be that easy?! TUSKS! My Tusks! New orders! Ignore the monster! STOP THAT TENNO MAGGOT!!"

The New War[]

Main article: The New War/Transcript

Get to Hek Beacon[]

Help Pilot Who Crash[]

Get To Miner Camp[]

Feed Big Worm Bomb[]

Other Content[]

Regulator Broadcasts[]

  • Nothing can stop the Grineer! We are progress!
  • Earth is for Settlements! Settlements! Settlements!
  • The Cicero toxin will bring Grineer order to the land!
  • We clear this land, in the name of Grineer and our Queens!
  • Mastery of Earth is Grineer destiny! Our Queens command it!
  • Tenno are worse than weeds! We kill one, and three more show up!
  • Grineer order will conquer the land! Grineer order will conquer Earth!
  • Brothers! Don't trust any plant you can't rip apart with your bare hands!
  • The Cicero toxin will cleanse the land! Leaving a glorious home for our Queens!
  • Grineer brothers! It is us or the Orokin weeds, and we must choose... Herbicide!
  • These trees! These genetically modified, Orokin monstrosities must wither and die!
  • We deserve more than a cold, dark asteroid! Earth for the Grineer! Earth for our Queens!
  • The garden of Earth is overgrown! Who will help me reap this victory from the land!?
  • Tenno hate Grineer strength! They want to tear down anything they are too weak to build for themselves!
  • Just like these weeds, the Tenno are nothing more than a mistake, growing on the bottom of some dirty Orokin test tube!

Assassination Mission[]



Lotus Transmissions[]

  • Lotus: "Vay Hek's plans for complete system domination make him too dangerous. You know what to do."
  • "Our operatives tell us Vay Hek has undergone an expensive regime of combat enhancement. Expect the worst."
  • "Councilor Vay Hek rose to power by 'eliminating' his enemies on the Grineer council. He now has near complete control which makes him one of the most influential Grineer."
After defeating Vay Hek
  • "Thank you Tenno. It should be a long time before we hear Vay Hek's ugly voice again. Now get to extraction, you've earned it."

Phase 1[]


  • These criminals, think they are committing a justice... (Scoffs) Not in my court!


  • Grineer brothers! I've done my part! Now clean up this... mess.

Phase 2[]


  • Why are these fools still breathing MY air?! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!


  • I am too important for this nonsense! Finish them off!

Phase 3[]




  • DO NOT think we are done here, Tenno!

Phase 4[]

Before Start[]

  • I knew this day would come. I prepared, changed myself. I made sacrifices! Tenno... are you ready for a SACRIFICE?!


  • Now we finish this business. ONCE AND FOR AAALL!!

Final Phase[]


  • AAAAAAAAAHHH!!... Curse you, Tenno! You... (chuckles) ...GOT...  ME!! (Laughs)


  • Tenno... What makes you think you are ready to fight Vay... HEK?!
  • This is too easy! Tell your Lotus to send more capable fighters next time!
  • The first Grineer... who brings me the head of a Tenno, will be permitted... TO WEAR ITS SKULL AS A HELMET!!
  • Kill... Kill... KILL! KILL THE TENNO SCUM!!
  • You are not ready for this fight.
  • YOUR LOTUS...  is leading you to destruction!
  • You Tenno... are such a waste... of perfectly good violence!

On An Alert Mission[]

  • (laughing)

The Law of Retribution[]

During the First Phase[]


  • "Look brothers! The insects have come looking for revenge, hahaha! There is only one way to deal with insects; FUMIGATION!!"
  • "That's a Tritium battery, haha! Try not to let the radiation kill you! That would ruin all our fun! (Laughs)"


  • "Take a deep breath, Tenno! You don't have many left!"
  • "Tick, tock. Tick, tock. TICK, TOCK, TENNO!!"
  • "Live like insects, DIE like insects! HAHAHAHAHA!!"
  • "Your struggle is futile. Accept your fate!"
  • "BROTHERS!! Fear not! The toxin will only bring you glory!"

While Sabotaging the Injectors[]

  • "Destroy the bomb, before it destroys the Injector!"
  • "NO!! Destroy them! Destroy the battery!"
  • "Wait, NO!! Brothers! Keep those batteries away from the Toxin Injectors!"
  • "They've rigged it to explode! Destroy that battery before it blows!"
  • "Another Tritium bomb! Brothers, do not let this one BLOW UP IN YOUR FACE!!"
  • "Not again! Don't let the insects near the remaining Injectors!"

If the Tritium Battery is Destroyed Early[]

  • "Failure comes so easy to you, Tenno!"
  • "If at first you don't succeed, DIE, DIE AGAIN!"
  • "Nice try, Tenno, but you'll have to try harder than that to save your puny lives!"

After Destroying the Injectors[]

  • "NO!! My beautiful Toxin Injector! GRINEER!! How could you let them do this?!"
  • "Save the remaining Injectors, or die trying! THAT'S AN ORDER!"
  • YOU IMBECILES!! If you let the Tenno destroy all the Toxin Injectors, THEN WHAT WILL DESTROY THEM?!"
  • "This is far, FAR from over!!"

During the Second Phase[]


  • "Insects taking orders from their Lotus. Hoohoohaha!! Let us see how hard their shells are!"


  • "Poor Tenno, hehehe, no Lotus, TO THINK FOR YOU?!"
  • "This is the force you send to defeat me, LOTUS?!"

Summoning The Grustrag Three[]

  • "Tenno: so obedient. Dr. Tengus could learn so much from your insides, Hoohoohahah! So, I've brought his creations... TO EXTRACT THEM!!"

During the Final Phase[]


  • "All your precious Relays destroyed. Haha! Now. YOU. JOIN THEM!!"


  • "Stay together, insects! So I can crush you all!"
  • "This? Hoohoohah, THIS is the best you can do?! Argh, PATHETIC!"

Pre-Update 13[]

  • "This system is far too small both you and I, [PLAYERNAME]. One of us has to go, and it isn't me."
  • "All those who oppose Grineer policy and expansion shall fall!"
  • "I see you have come pre-equipped with you [sic] very own body bag, [PLAYERNAME]!"
  • "Oh look! It says here you are next on my hit-list, [PLAYERNAME]!"
  • "Can't we all just get along? Come give your old Uncle Hek a hug, [PLAYERNAME]!"
  • "You think I'm ugly? Well, wait 'til I'm through with you, [PLAYERNAME]!"
  • "What I lack in diplomacy, I make up for in limb severing ferocity!"