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This page contains the entire transcript of the Saya's Vigil quest.


Saya idle

Speaking to Saya[]

Asking for More Information[]

  • Saya: "What's five years? I know he's still out there. I can feel it! I've petitioned those damned Quills for years. They seem to have knowledge of the future when it suits them! They're the ones who told me the Grineer have uncovered something that might be Onkko's research! Why not just tell me where he is? Tenno, you have to find him."  (download, history)



Searching for Onkko[]

Entering the Grineer Camp[]

Retrieving the Coffer[]

After Returning to Orbiter[]

  • Saya: "No, wait! Oh, Onkko was a genius-utz. He's protected whatever is inside with a Shatter Lock. The key, molded from glass, has been broken. Forcing it would only destroy everything inside. We need to rebuild the glass. If he was dying, he would have wanted this found. But he locked it. Onkko... is alive!"  (download, history)

Searching for the Glass Shards[]

Entering the Grineer Camp[]

Scanning the Shards[]


After Returning to Orbiter[]

  • Konzu: "Onkko. He found the remains of the Unum's champion. A woman of glass. He studied her, obsessed about her ancient secrets. The Quills of Cetus swore us to secrecy. And the secret held, until the Grineer captured one. Can't imagine what they did to get one of them to talk, but Vay Hek has been after that relic ever since."  (download, history)

Raiding Vay Hek's Galleon[]

Nox Appears[]

After Defeating the Nox[]

Finding the Fragment[]

After Returning to Orbiter[]

Locating the Final Fragment[]

Eidolon Teralyst Appears[]

Retrieving the Final Shard[]

After Returning to Orbiter[]

Final Message[]

  • Lotus: "Using Saya's idea, I pulsed Onkko's glass we recovered with a frequency sweep. It took some time to decode the harmonics in the signal, but there was something there. A blueprint for Gara, the one they call the Glass Warrior. This is what Onkko was protecting. Resurrect Gara, that she might protect Cetus once more."  (download, history)


Treasure in the Glass


You now have Gara's base Blueprint, but to build any Warframe, you must also acquire additional component Blueprints.

The components are Chassis, Systems, and Neuroptics. Complete Bounties for Konzu to earn them for Gara.

To build Gara in your Foundry, you will also require Resources like Iradite and Grokdrul, which must be gathered on the Plains of Eidolon.

Be aware that building any Warframe is a long-term project. You are always free to fight on other fronts while you gather Blueprints and Resources, and build your strength to face the Plains' most ardent foes.

-The Lotus
  • Lotus: "A second frequency sweep on Onkko's glass revealed Blueprints for Gara, the legendary Glass Warrior who sacrificed herself to protect Cetus. Onkko was wise to ensure this information reached us. The Ostrons are grateful, and so am I. Once again, the path ahead is yours to determine. My supplementary message should make that path more clear."

Greetings from Fortuna

Word of good deeds travel quickly. Even between planets.

Visiting Ostron traders mentioned you taught the Grineer a lesson in humility. Might you be up for teaching the Corpus a lesson or two in good management next?

You see, Nef Anyo eagerly awaits the completion of a coolant tower here on Venus - no matter the human cost. It is time, I believe, to present him with a bill he cannot escape.

I do hope you will visit Venus soon.

The Business
New idle dialogue