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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Hallucunation theme

Hallucinating is a phenomenon that causes a person to see something or someone that is not there, and is a common theme in The Walking Dead franchise. Often in the case of a person, the hallucination takes on the personality of the person that is seen, talking as if they're really there when they're not.


Comic Universe and Comic-Adapted[]

Comic Series[]

  • During her time in solitude, Michonne Hawthorne hallucinates talking to her dead boyfriend, Mike.
  • After losing his wife, Lori, Rick Grimes begins having conversations with her through an unplugged telephone. While initially believing that the phone calls are real, even the hallucination of Lori admits to being a figment of her husband's imagination. However, Rick eventually moves on from Lori and lets go of his hallucinations of her after he starts building a romantic relationship with Andrea.

Telltale Series[]


TV Universe and TV-Adapted[]

TV Series[]

  • Rick Grimes has a strong history of hallucinating, often about those he has lost during the apocalypse.
    • After his wife Lori is killed in a walker attack, Rick begins to lose his sanity and begins to see her everywhere, and has conversations with her, Amy, Jim, and Jacqui through an unplugged phone. He eventually overcomes his grief and stops seeing her.
    • During an attack on Woodbury to save Glenn and Maggie, Rick sees a hallucination of Shane through a man who was physically similar to him. The man manages to kill Oscar before Rick comes to his sense and kill him in return.
    • After being badly wounded by a rebar while trying to lead a herd away from the communities, Rick begins to dream hallucinate about Shane, Hershel, and Sasha, each representing a part of Rick himself, asking for forgiveness from each of them as a way to forgive himself. He also hallucinates a massive pile of dead bodies, all of people he has known during the outbreak.
  • While looking for Sophia, Daryl falls down a hill and is stabbed by his own arrow. He begins to hallucinate his brother Merle representing his feeling of not belonging and weakness, but eventually overcomes this and returns to the farm.
  • After being severely bitten on the arm by a zombie, Tyreese Williams suffers hallucinations as a result of blood loss and begins to hear radio broadcasts that he heard from before the outbreak. He then sees hallucinations of Martin, the Governor, Lizzie, and Mika, all representing things he had suppressed and could not process, and who all tell him that he must "pay the bill". He dies of blood loss while Rick and the group attempts to save him. His hallucinations are represented in a "heaven" and "hell" sort of way, with Martin and the Governor representing the horrible things that had happened, and Lizzie and Mika comforting him and forgiving him. [1]
  • After losing his son Duane, Morgan Jones begins to lose his sanity, repeating words "You were supposed to" as a result of not being able to stop what happened. This is later seen when Morgan's apprentice, Benjamin dies and he begins to lose his sanity once more. The hallucinations become more clear to the viewer as it shows through Morgan's perspective that he sees the people who died, such as Gavin, screaming out "You were supposed to". Later, Morgan hallucinates a partially devoured Jared mocking him.
  • After being severely wounded by a confrontation with the Saviors, Carol is rescued by Kingdom soldiers, but she escapes when she starts seeing hallucinations of walkers as normal living people, overcome with the grief of how many people she has killed so far.
  • After the apparent death of Rick, Michonne begins to have imaginary talks with him when alone, though Judith knows of it.
  • After the death of Henry, Carol begins to see him and other kids she lost.
  • After being given drugged tea by Virgil, Michonne hallucinates what her life would be like if she didn't help Andrea in the forest.
  • Beta experiences a mental breakdown after the death of Alpha and hallucinates the walkers in his massive horde talking to him.
  • Juanita Sanchez hallucinates about talking to Yumiko, Eugene, and Ezekiel, leaving her train car, and even during her hallucinogenic state she manages to beat up a Commonwealth Soldier thinking that it was Ezekiel who was beating him up. After escaping, she hallucinates about talking to Ezekiel calmly surrounded by walkers before going back.
  • After being exiled by Carol and getting drunk, Negan experiences a hallucination of his younger self appearing as he did when Negan was the leader of the Saviors. The hallucination taunts Negan about his current state and vanishes when Negan throws his glass at him.

Fear the Walking Dead[]

  • Travis thinks that Nick seeing his girlfriend Gloria as a walker is a drug-induced hallucination. (Pilot)
  • After being forced to go "cold turkey" from his alcoholism, John Dorie Sr. begins hallucinating the girl whose body he could never find. He later hallucinates several of Teddy's other victims before finally breaking through it to see that the "victims" are actually several approaching walkers. (Cindy Hawkins)
  • Due to her worsening illness, Alicia Clark experiences several hallucinations of a young girl who proves to be Alicia herself as a little girl. The actions taken by the little girl, such as her calling for help over the radio, prove to have been done by Alicia herself, although she doesn't remember doing them. The hallucination represents a younger more innocent version of Alicia who guides her to start leading people looking for PADRE and to save Victor Strand. After Alicia seemingly recovers from her illness, she has one last encounter with this hallucination before it disappears for good. (Follow Me, Amina)
  • After returning to King County, Morgan hallucinates his son's voice calling out to him. Also, Morgan sees a number of walkers as his zombified wife through the scope of the gun that Rick Grimes had given Morgan to put her down with. Morgan is eventually able to see through his hallucinations and shoot the walkers. (King County)
  • Following the death of his son, Dwight has become depressed and suicidal and he begs what appears to be a hallucination of Daryl Dixon to kill him at one point. (Sanctuary)

World Beyond[]

  • While tending to an injured Percy, Elton hallucinates his friend speaking to him due to the stress, guilt and anger that he's under, something that Elton himself recognizes. (The Deepest Cut)
  • After suffering a concussion, Hope Bennett hallucinates Elizabeth Kublek talking to her as well as an encounter with an insane Candice Froder, a girl that she had seen in posters shortly before suffering her head injury. (Konsekans)

Tales of the Walking Dead[]

  • After being hit over the head by Arnaud, an amnesiac Davon hallucinates Amanda's corpse speaking to him and even walking. He later hallucinates a boy speaking in French through a vent, although this actually turns out to be an undead Jules' growls combined with his memory of Garen saying those words through the vent earlier just before Davon had found him and the murdered Jules. (Davon)

Daryl Dixon[]



  1. ↑ https://youtu.be/gSYMdHvMpAE Chad Coleman talks about why Tyreese hallucinated the particular people that he saw.