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She moved with unearthly grace, her every movement languid, her every gesture effortless. She carried herself like a queen, yet no queen of Bretonnia had ever wielded such power as was hers to command.
~ Morgiana, the Fay Enchantress.


Appearing to all as a beautiful young woman, it is believed that through the centuries there have been many Enchantresses, and she has gone by many different names. Some claim that she has lived through all the ages of Bretonnia, making her thousands of years old. In truth, the Fay Enchantress is reincarnated instantly as soon as her mortal body wears out, ensuring that she can continue her sacred duty.

Existing outside of the usual hierarchy of political power within Bretonnia, the Fay Enchantress comes and goes as she pleases, guided by the will of the Lady of the Lake. It has been known for her to appear to Questing Knights, guiding them on their final journey to the Lady.

As she travels the lands, slipping mysteriously between the sacred groves, she gathers to her side young children -- children that have intense latent power within them that is hidden to all but herself. These chosen youngsters are taken by the Fay Enchantress to a place beyond time and mortality, to the mysterious Otherworld.

The girl-children occasionally return years later as Grail Damsel, blessed in spirit and heart. Of the male children, nothing is ever heard again.

On occasions of particular peril, the Fay Enchantress will rouse the Bretonnian dukes or even the king himself and ready them for war. She will sometimes ride alongside these armies, lending her unearthly powers toward the protection of those fighting in the name of the Lady.

Her legendary fury is greatly feared, and her piercing eyes crackle with power, inspiring terror and awe in friend and foe alike. She has been known to draw lightning from the sky to strike her enemies, and slay with but a wrathful glance. She is often surrounded by a swirling, blessed mist. This unearthly vapour moves around her foes, and those found wanting are scarred by the Lady's enchanted touch.

The Enchantress lives a reclusive life and usually difficult to find. An important task for many knights on the Grail Quest is to find her and ask for favours and advice as to where to look for the Grail. One of her abodes is the mist-covered Isle de Lys in the middle of the Sacred Lake in Forest of Châlons, where the Lady first appeared to Gilles le Bretton.

By the will of the Lady of the Lake, beneficent deity of all Bretonnia, by lance and by sword, are the lands of the King kept safe from Greenskins and the mutant Beastmen of the darkling forests, from malicious Daemons and the walking dead...
~ The Goddess of Bretonnia.


Nine centuries after the reign of Sigmar and the formation of the Empire, the Lady of the Lake chose the tribal forefathers of what would become the Kingdom of Bretonnia, the Bretonni, to serve a greater purpose. They alone amongst Humanity were deemed worthy to serve her cause. She drew them up from a tribe of primitive horsemen, and gave them nobility and honour rivalled only by that of the High Elves.

The most prominent difference between the Cult of the Lady and the other religious orders of the Old World is that the Lady has no priests or initiates. Instead, she is served by the Grail Knights -- the flower of Bretonnian chivalry -- and the Grail Damsels, women taken from their families as children and raised by the Fay Enchantress to serve the Lady with mysterious, magical powers.

Unlike virtually all other Gods of the Old World, the Lady is encountered by her mortal worshippers in this world. All Grail Knights meet her at the climax of their quest for the Holy Grail, and the Grail Damsels are also said to be initiated by the Lady herself, though they speak very little of it. As a result, when the Lady is portrayed, she is portrayed consistently: a young woman of great and somewhat unworldly beauty, clothed in white, with a narrow golden fillet holding a white veil on her head. In one hand, she holds the Holy Grail.

In the minds of many knights, the Lady of the Lake is Bretonnia, in a mystical sense. She is concerned with protecting Bretonnia, working through its knights to do so. Their courage and martial skill protect the land from external foes, whilst their nobility and chivalry ensure that the land enjoys internal peace and justice. She seems not to concern herself directly with peasants in any way, though many seek to share in her divine Blessings of the Lady by serving a Grail Knight.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B physically. High 8-C with Silvaron Varies; up to 6-C possibly High 6-C with Aethyr Manipulation | High 4-C, possibly Low 2-C | 1-A within Haven

Key: The Fay Enchantress | The Lady of the Lake | Within the Realm of Chaos/Haven

Name: Morgiana Le Fay

Origin: Warhammer Fantasy

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: The Fay Enchantress. Avatar of the Lady of the Lake

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Wall level physically (Doesn't specialise in this department but is competant in wielding a sword and should physically scale to this feat). Large Building level with Silvaron (Unicorns are extremely strong magical creatures and scale to feats such this feat). Varies; up to Island level (As an Avatar of a God would be capable of casting spell comparable to feats such as this one), possibly Large Island level (Powerful mages such as level 4 Wizards are possibly able to gather enough Aethyr to deal damage to Bloodthirsters of Khorne) with Aethyr Manipulation | Large Star level (As a divine Entity, The Lady of the lake is comparable to The Incarnates. The Incarnates can contain an entire Wind of Magic inside of them, Azyr Mages using this power can move Stars and the most powerful Mages like Caledor Dragontamer to create things like the Great Vortex which is powered by the energy of multiple Stars[18]), possibly Universe level+ (Archaon and Sigmar survived the Chaos Rift which destroyed the Universe.[18][19] The Winds of Magic contain enough energy to create individual spacetimes.[20] Leading to the cyclical nature of the Multiverse[21]) | Outerverse level within Haven (Should be able to manifest in the lower layers of The Realm of Chaos. purifyied a large area of the Warp with the intention of it acting as a Haven for the Elves during the End Times but it was ultimately found and destroyed by the Chaos Gods[2])

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Likely comparable to Vampires who can outrun Musket fire) higher with Silvaron (Her Unicorn would be faster then her) Light Speed Attack Speed and Reaction Speed (Mages are able to react to Light based abilities with counter wards. Some of her spells are made of light) | Unknown at least Massively Hypersonic (The Speed at which Gods can move is unclear but should be faster then any Race is capable of) | Immeasureable (Capable of moving through The Realm of Chaos)

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Scales above fodder troops/characters that can snap necks and crush skulls) | Unknown possibly Class T (The physical prowess of the Gods Avatars is relatively unexplored but potentially comparable to characters like Archaon) | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Wall level | Moon level | Outerverse level in her own Realm

Durability: Wall level (Likely able to survive this feat). Large Building level with the Girdle of Gold (Provides her with a similar level of protection to the blessed armour of a Grail Knight which can take blows from Vampires which scale to this feat) | Moon level (Able to take blows from unsealed Be'lakor) | Outerverse level Within Haven (Capable of descending the layers of The Realm of Chaos and purifying a large area of the Warp that was ultimtely overcome by the Chaos Gods[2])

Stamina: Infinite (Seemingly doesn't tire in a similar manner to other Fey Spirits and Grail Knights

Range: Sight range with her Transmutation; likely at least Kilometers with Aethyr Manipulation | Outerversal | Outerversal

Standard Equipment: Her Magic Mirror, The Chalice of Potions, Her Sword, Her Unicorn Silvaron, The Girdle of Gold, Her Toad Familiar.

Intelligence: Extroadinary Genius. As the Avatar of the Lady of the Lake and thus Lileath the Elf Goddess of the Moon she is one of the smartest characters in the setting. Set in motion a set of plans to mitigate the impact of the End Times far before they even occurred. Manipulates and utilizes Bretonnia simply and merely as a shield for the lands of the Elves.

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Deconstruction Aura: The Fay Enchantress is surrounded by a magical aura that destabilizes daemons, ethereals, and undead in its presence, causing their physical form to break down and eventually disintegrate. This aura also extends to her unicorn and other followers.
  • Transmutation: The Fay Enchantress can transmute her targets at a glance, turning them into frogs or other creatures of her choosing.
  • Supreme Aura of the Lady: The Fay Enchantress can emanate a powerful aura of fear that causes terror in evil-aligned opponents, making it difficult for them to approach or attack her.
  • Sacred Mist Manipulation: The Fay Enchantress can create and manipulate various types of magical mist using the Chalice of Potions, a mystical artifact she carries with her.
  • The Green Knight: The Fay Enchantress can summon Gilles le Bretton, also known as the Green Knight, as a final trial for Questing Knights.
  • Morgianas Mirror: The Fay Enchantress can look into the heart and mind of her opponent using a magical mirror, allowing her to plan her strategy accordingly.
  • Toad Familiar: The Fay Enchantress keeps a toad familiar in a leather pouch that she can siphon magical energies from, amplifying her own abilities.
  • Blessings of the Lady: The Fay Enchantress can bestow powerful blessings upon her followers, including increased strength, speed, and resilience, as well as protection against magic and other supernatural effects. These blessings also manifest as a powerful curse that causes mass confusion and hesitation in her enemies, making them think twice before attacking.

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Bretonnia Armybook: 5th Edition. Page 77
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 End Times Archaon: Page 153
  3. Tome of Corruption: Realm of Sorcery 2nd edition RPG Supplement
  4. 4.0 4.1 Warhammer Armies (3rd Edition): Page 26
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Armybook Bretonnia: 5th Edition
  6. Page 68. Bretonnia Armybook 5th edition.
  7. Page 52 5th edition Bretonnia Armybook
  8. Page 50 Armybook Bretonnia 5th Edition
  9. White Dwarf: Issue 262, pg 109
  10. Bretonnia Armybook 5th edition: Page 5-8
  11. Page 86 Armybook Bretonnia 5th Edition
  12. Demons of Chaos Armybook: 8th Edition
  13. 13.0 13.1 Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition); pg 6
  14. Codex Chaos Daemons 8th edition page 7
  15. Path of the Renegade; Chapter Ten
  16. Codex Chaos Daemons 8th edition page 6
  17. 17.0 17.1 Realm of Sorcery Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: 2nd Edition. has no definite existing physical reality of its own
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Sunderring: page 261
  19. ETA
  20. Warhammer Age of Sigmar – What Exactly are the Mortal Realms and Who Lives in Them?
  21. Sons of Ellyrion page 179


Discussion threads involving The Fay Enchantress