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~ A message warning the player of Rex's location


The Tyrannosaurus rex (also called "Rex") is the main antagonist of 3D Monster Maze.

Rex is apart of an attraction and was unveiled after being perfectly preserved in silicon since prehistoric times. The player must navigate though Rex's lair, a maze, and attempt to escape without being devoured.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Tyrannosaurus rex, Rex, king of the dinosaurs

Origin: 3D Monster Maze

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, has been preserved since prehistoric times

Classification: Tyrannosaurus rex

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 0; 6 meters tall), Bodily Weaponry (Teeth), Enhanced Senses (Hearing, eyesight and smell. Is able to sense the player from across rooms and hallways)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Able to kill the player in one attack. Can create this much energy by charging)

Speed: Peak Human (Able to run this fast while pursuing the player)

Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Is a large predatory animal), possibly Class 5 (Able to devour the player with ease. Weighs around 8 tons and should be capable of carrying some of it's body weight)

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level (Should be comparable to his attack potency)

Stamina: Athletic (Able to pursue the player throughout the maze)

Range: Extended Melee Range

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: High Animalistic (Is a predatory animal, capable of hunting his prey. Becomes angry when the player escapes the maze)

Standard Tactics: Rex will hunt the player through the maze. Once he finds the player, he will pursue them until he loses track of them, after which he will return to the hunting phase.

Weaknesses: None notable.

Notable Matchups





All scans come from the 1981 game, 3D Monster Maze.


Discussion threads involving Rex (3D Monster Maze)